Category > Events
I've just found out about an event at the ICA in London. It's called Manga Live, and is divided into two events Manga Live (Fri 03 Sep) and will discuss if Manga can take off in the UK.
The second event (Sat 04 Sep) is the Manga Live! Manga Masterclass which forms a practical demonstration and workshop. The masterclass will also have a special preview screening of Rogue Farm.
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Category > Fandom
I've just got back from AmeCon! Gosh, I was busy! I'll try and get a full write up done tomorrow.
The convention was popular and everyone had a good time.
Monica Rial proved to be an excellent guest, signing panties (and other things), chatting away to all the con goers and even converting a few hardcore sub only zealots to English dubs!
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Category > Fandom
Paul Bates over at Anime UK News has just posted an interview with Will Blewitt about AmeCon which is set to be a very large and funpacked convention. It makes a good read since it shows how mad running a convention can be!
I even get a mention in the interview because I've sent them a special printed version of the Pirate Anime FAQ to help out, plus I'm running a panel there too! So if you're going to AmeCon go to my panel, please ^_^;;
Souce: Anime UK News