NEO Magazine Issue 100 out now
Date: 2012 July 12 17:25
Posted by Joe
Following on from the Neo 100th Issue Party, we've been sent the details of the 100th Issue of Neo Magazine, the UK's longest anime and manga magazine. Issue 100 is out now from all good magazine retailers.
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Press release as follows:

NEO Magazine's 100th Issue - out now!
THE UK'S LONGEST running anime and manga magazine, NEO, reaches a publishing milestone as its 100th issue hits shops today.
Editor Gemma Cox comments, "Reaching 100 issues is an incredible achievement, and it wouldn't have been possible without our amazing and talented contributors, and, most importantly, our loyal and dedicated readers. We'd also like to thank all those working in the anime, manga, games and Asian movie industries in the UK and beyond, for their support and help in producing NEO every four weeks. With all of you guys behind us, I'm sure NEO will continue for many, many issues to come!"
In celebration of the achievement, this month's batch of top Asian pop culture articles also include the results from NEO's quest to find its ultimate fan; a retrospective look back from the magazine's contributors over the years; coverage of NEO's big 100th issue bash in London; and a lovingly crafted 48-page free book ‘We ♥ Cosplay', featuring the winner from NEO's Cosplay Idol competition, along with all the stunning runners up!
The issue also sees the welcome return of the Elric brothers as David West talks to Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos' director Kazuya Murata and producer Masahiko Minami; while Matt Kamen embarks on the first of two epic articles delving into the world of Namco Bandai's latest Japanese RPG Tales of Graces f.
Further anime features include an interview with the voice actors behind Manga Entertainment's gorgeously animated planet-hopping adventure Welcome to the Space Show; NEO's introduction to the bonkers world of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt; and a look into two series currently hot in Japan; Eureka Seven AO: ASTRAL OCEAN and jazz-based animation Kids on the Slope.
There's also 15-pages of reviews, including; Takashi Miike's Crows Zero II, Lesbian Vampire Warriors, Himizu and Korean erotic remake The Housemaid; the manga Great Teacher Onizuka; and the latest releases of Hetalia: World Series, Black Lagoon, Dragon Ball Z and more.
Plus an extract from Akira Toriyama's classic manga Dragon Ball Z, cosplay, fashion tips, manga tutorials, posters of Panty and Stocking, Welcome to the Space Show and Fullmetal Alchemist, and much, much more; all for £4.25 from your local newsagent, or £2.99 digitally.
Released every four weeks, the magazine is on sale from all good newsagents, WHSmiths and branches of Tesco.
Visit for more information, or check out its Facebook page at
Source: NEO Magazine