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London Ghost in the Shell 2.0 Competition

Date: 2009 June 23 16:07

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We've teamed up with the Barbican in London, to offer a pair of tickets to a lucky Otaku News reader to the special screening of Ghost in the Shell 2.0.

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Details as follows:

To enter all you need to do is e-mail Otaku News at answering the following question, along with your name and postal address -

What is the name of the Major in Ghost in the Shell?

The screening is for the 21st July at 8:30pm. You have to be 15 or over to enter, as that's the BBFC rating of the movie. Also you have to be able to get to the Barbican in London.

The winner will be selected at random from the correct entrants and contacted via e-mail.

Your details will only be used for this competition and deleted afterwards, they will not be used for any other purpose or passed onto third parties. Otaku News and Babican staff, correspondence and associates are not eligible for this competition. Competition Closes on Friday 3rd July 2009.

Source: Otaku News
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