Review Date:
Reviewed by: Priss
Released by: Manga Entertainment UK
Age Rating: 15
Region: 2 - UK
Length: 482 minutes
Subtitles: English
Audio: English Dolby Digital Stereo
Includes The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya Series 2 on 3 discs (Episodes 1-14) plus THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI-CHAN SUZUMIYA & NYORON! CHURUYA-SAN paraody epsiodes on a bonus disc (Episodes 1-25).
Perhaps one of the most anticipated and hotly debated releases of 2009 was the Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi series two.
Rating: 6/10
I have been advised by a diehard Haruhi devotee that the most fun way to watch the Endless Eight is to do it one after the other and play spot the difference. This way you are able to enjoy the subtleties of the variations. I may try this for myself... if I ever get the courage to do so!
The other way around it is to watch the first and last episodes of the eight to get a condensed version and return to the whole set later on in the future as you so please.
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