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UK Anime DVD and Blu-ray release details for November and December 2012

Date: 2012 November 11 16:58 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Using our sister site Otaku Calendar we are able to present a list of up coming anime DVD and Blu-ray tiles for the rest of 2012.

Release dates as follows:

Monday 12th November 2012
Castle Of Cagliostro (Blu-ray)
My Neighbour Totoro (Blu-ray)
Towanoquon Complete Series Collection (DVD)
Trigun Movie: Bandlands Rumble (DVD)
Trigun Movie: Bandlands Rumble (Blu-ray)

Monday 19th November 2012
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVA Collection (Blu-ray)
Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) (DVD)

Monday 26th November 2012
Naruto Shippuden Box Set 11 (DVD)
Ninja Scroll (Blu-ray)

Monday 3rd December 2012
Clannad After Story Part 2 (DVD)
Phantom: Requiem Complete Series (DVD)
Tales Of Vesperia: The First Strike (DVD)
Tales Of Vesperia: The First Strike (Blu-ray)

Monday 10th December 2012
Hetalia Axis Powers Season 4 Collection (DVD)

Monday 17th December 2012
Freezing Complete Series Collection (DVD)

Monday 24th December 2012
Berserk - Film 1: Egg Of The King (DVD)
Berserk - Film 1: Egg Of The King (Blu-ray)
Gintama The Movie (DVD)
Persona 4 The Animation - Box 1 (Blu-ray)

Monday 31th December 2012
Shiki Part 2 (DVD)

Being Studio Ghibli fans we're most excited about the blu-ray releases of My Neighbour Totoro and Castle of Cagliostro. The blu-ray of Ninja Scroll has also been long awaited, you can read our review of it here.

Souce: Otaku Calendar

Princess Mononoke London Stage Performance - Auditions

Date: 2012 October 20 17:29 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

A few months ago, we posted some exciting news about Princess Mononoke being adapted for the stage. The Whole Hog Theatre are about to start auditions for the stage adaptation!

Auditions will be open to all, but the number of people they can see will be limited. The roles will be unpaid and voluntary (as are all roles within Whole Hog Theatre), but this is a great chance to get involved with an amazing theatrical event. People wishing to audition will need to sign up on-line from 8am on Thursday 25th October 2012.

Audition dates as follows:

Thursday 22nd November 2012 - New Diorama Theatre, London
Friday 23rd November 2012 - The Band Factory, Leamington Spa
Saturday 24th November 2012 - Warwick University Campus, Coventry

They'll also be looking for technical people too, such a Set Designer, Costume Designer, Technical Manager / Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, plus Hair and Makeup Design.

Read More... | Souce: The Whole Hog Theatre

Princess Mononoke London Stage Performance - April 2013

Date: 2012 July 19 16:38 | Posted By:

Category > Events

London based Studio Ghibli fans will be pleased and surprised to hear about the world's first staging of Princess Mononoke. Hayao Miyazaki's renowned title is being transferred to the stage by the Whole Hog Theatre Company.

The performance will use be using "giant puppets made from recycled materials, visceral, physical storytelling and original live music".

This project has been in the works for over a year.

Performances are set to take place from Tuesday 2nd to Saturday 6th April 2013 at the New Diorama Theatre in London. Tickets are available now for £12.50 or £10.50 for concessions.

Update: The tickets have sold out for the weekend already, you can still buy tickets for the Wednesday.

Read More... | Souce: New Diorama Theatre

Namco Bandai UK announces online community project for Tales Of... fans

Date: 2012 June 03 14:10 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

Namco Bandai Games UK announces an online community for fans of their Tales Of series of computer games.

Read More... | Souce: Namco Bandai Games UK

Tales Of Graces f release details and MCM London Expo game demo details

Date: 2012 May 16 16:21 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming

The good folks from Namco Bandai have sent us details of the Tales of Graces f, which is due out in Europe (that includes the UK), the Middle East and Australia on Friday 31st August 2012.

If you can't wait until then to play it, you should head over to the London MCM Expo from Friday 25th May to Sunday 27th May 2012. Tales of Graces F will be demoed from 5pm to 5:30pm on the Saturday. Namco Bandai will also be demoing the highly anticipated game made in conjunction with Studio Ghibli and Level 5 - Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch from 6pm to 6:30pm. Fans looking for some kinect action should go to the Sunday 10:30 to 11am demo of Dragon Ball Z Kinect.

Read More... | Souce: Namco Bandai

Studio Ghibli on Film 4

Date: 2011 December 11 14:35 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK readers are in for a treat this Christmas 2011 as Film 4 have a special Studio Ghibli Season.

They'll be showing 13 Ghibli movies over the holidays. The season opens on Saturday 10th December with Ponyo, which will also be repeated on Christmas Day. The screenings will be a mix of subtitled and dubbed features. This is a perfect chance to get your friends and family into Studio Ghibli titles over the Christmas holidays!

Read More... | Souce: Film 4

Arrietty Kids' Club preview at Bath Little Theatre Picture House Cinema

Date: 2011 July 18 18:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The Little Theatre in Bath is having a preview screening of Studio Ghibli's Arrietty on Saturday 23rd July at 1 PM for their Kids' Club, a week before the nationwide release!

General audiences can see Arrietty on the Friday 5th August at the Little Theatre.

Souce: Bath Little Theatre

Arrietty kids' club preview at Cambridge Picture House

Date: 2011 July 18 13:06 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The Cambridge Arts Picture House is having a kids' party and preview screening of studio Ghibli's Arrietty on Saturday 23rd July a full week before the nationwide release of the film. The doors open at 10 with the screening at 11:30, and will include a range of events including a Borrowers fancy dress party. The best dressed Borrowers may even win a prize.

Souce: Cambridge Picture House

Arrietty London Screenings - Review

Date: 2011 July 10 13:07 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

On Wednesday 6th July 2011 we went to the London Barbican sell out screenings of the latest Ghibli movie to make it over to the UK.

Arrietty is due for a wider cinema release in the UK on 29th July 2011.

Read More... | Souce: Otaku News

London Barbican July 2011 Anime Screenings

Date: 2011 May 10 15:33 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

London anime fans have got a lot to look forward over at the Barbican. They'll be showing the latest Ghibli movie - Arrietty on Wednesday 6th July 2011 at 7pm which is the UK Premier and on Saturday 9th July 2011 at 11 am (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).

On Thursday 7th July 2011 the Barbican will be showing -
Laputa: Castle in the Sky at 6pm. It'll be introduced by anime expert and Ghibli fan Helen McCarthy.
Trigun: Badlands Rumble will be shown at 8:45pm. Both films are part of the We Love Anime Tour.

More lovely Ghibli features can be seen at the Barbican throughout July -

Saturday 9th July 2011 - 2pm - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Sunday 10th July 2011 - 4pm - Princess Mononoke

Saturday 16th July 2011 - 11am - Laputa: Castle in the Sky (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).

Saturday 23rd July 2011 - 11am Kiki's Delivery Service (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).

Saturday 30th July 2011 - 2pm - My Neighbour Totoro

Sunday 31st July 2011 - 2pm - My Neighbours the Yamadas

Sunday 31st July 2011 - 2pm - Spirited Away

I've you've never seen any of these films before, or never seen a Ghibli feature on a proper cinema screen, then now's your chance. These movies are special and always deserve watching in the cinema.

The Barbican have a full listing of all the Ghibli features this July here.

As always with such features, we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.

Souce: Barbican

Ghibli Movies on UK TV this weekend

Date: 2011 April 22 11:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK readers are in for a treat this Saturday 23rd April 2011, as Film4 will be showing the classic Ghibli movie My Neighbour Totoro at 11 am, while on BBC 2 at 12 Midday you can catch the Oscar winning Spirited Away.

While on Monday 25th April 2011, Film4 will be showing Princess Mononoke at 6:20pm.

Also ITV will be showing some anime too -

Pokemon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior on CITV at 9:25am on Saturday 23rd April 2011.

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie (2004) is being shown on ITV1 and ITV1 HD on at 2am (yes AM) on Monday 25th April 2011.

Thanks to Emo185 for pointing out the ITV showings.

Souce: Film4

My Neighbour Totoro on Film 4 today at 3:05pm (Sunday 21st November 2010)

Date: 2010 November 21 08:53 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

UK based anime fans who can receive Film 4 will want to tune in today (Sunday 21st November 2010) at 3:05pm to enjoy the Miyazaki classic My Neighbour Totoro.

Film 4 can be seen on the following channels:
Freeview - 15
Freesat - 300
Sky - 315
Virgin - 428
Virgin (HD) - 429

If you've missed it, don't forget Film 4 + 1, so you can catch it at 4:05pm on the following channels -
Freesat - 301
Sky - 316
Virgin - 430

Failing that you can always buy Totoro on DVD from for £7.

Souce: Film 4

Nausicaa Blu-ray UK release details

Date: 2010 October 13 15:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

A quick reminder for UK anime fans, the Studio Ghibli classic Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind will be released on blu-ray on Monday 18th October 2010. This is one of those rare instances when UK anime fans get a release before the US.

UK readers can pre-order Nausicaa on blu-ray from

US readers who can't wait will want to consider the Japanese release which also has English subtitles and is region free.

Update: A reader has noticed that The Digital Fix are running a Nausicaa blu-ray competition.

Souce: Optimum Releasing

Sci-Fi-London Oktoberfest 2010

Date: 2010 September 27 16:37 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

As is tradition in October Sci-Fi-London will be screening a great selection of anime as part of their Oktoberfest. The festival starts on Thursday 14th October and ends early in the morning of Sunday 17th October 2010 (this is because of their great Saturday all nighters).

Friday 15th at 7:30pm they'll be screening Technotise: Edit & I, which is billed as Serbia's first animated feature film crossing Ghost in the Shell with Waltz with Bashir.

On Saturday 16th October at 3pm they'll be screening Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, the live action take of the Sci-Fi novel that inspired an anime feature film version along with a TV drama, manga and other feature films.

Saturday night from 10:30pm is when the fun starts for Studio Ghibli fans, with an all-nighter with the following features -
Spirited Away
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
The Cat Returns
Howl's Moving Castle

At the same time at 10:30pm there is an anime all-nighter as an alternative, screening 2 Ghibli features plus Eden of the East -
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
The Cat Returns
Eden of the East

As always with great events we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.

Souce: Sci-Fi-London Oktoberfest 2010

Ponyo London Screening Details

Date: 2009 September 10 17:29 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The moment many UK anime fans have been waiting for is finally here.

Helen McCarthy's November Japanimation screening will be Hayao Miyazaki's new film Ponyo.

The screening will be on the last week of November at the London Barbican, time to yet be confirmed. Booking won't open for this screening until 11th October 2009. They expect a very high demand for these tickets. We cannot stress enough in this case if you want to see this movie to book early to avoid disappointment.

Otaku parents with young kids will be pleased to hear that Ponyo will also be screened a few days before as part of the London Children's Film Festival at the Barbican. Please note that with all screenings at the London Children's Festival, adults must be accompanied by a child.

Souce: Barbican

Spirited Away London Children's Screening

Date: 2009 April 06 17:21 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The Barbican in London will be screening a Hayao Miyazaki's acclaimed Spirited Away on Saturday 11th April 2009 at 10:30am. All adults must be accompanied by a child (this is not a typo), so it's a perfect Easter treat for the kids.

Souce: Barbican

Tales from Earthsea UK DVD release details

Date: 2007 December 13 17:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

We've received details from Optimum Releasing about their UK DVD release of Tales from Earthsea. The 2 disc edition is due for release on 28th January 2008. The DVDs feature the English dubbed and Japanese subtitled version of the film, with the second DVD containing all the bonus features, include a making of, an NTV special, a behind the microphone and a trailer reel. You can read our review of Tales from Earthsea here.

Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing

Tales from Earthsea UK screening details - dates and venues

Date: 2007 July 30 16:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Anime fans in the UK will be pleased to hear that the offical UK Tales from Earthsea movie website now has details and dates for screenings. You can read our Tales from Earthsea review to see if it's your kind of Studio Ghibli movie. Screenings start from August 3rd.

Read More... | Souce: Offical Tales From Earthsea UK Movie Website

Otaku News Special: Tales from Earthsea Review

Date: 2007 July 24 17:53 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Optimum are releasing the latest Ghibli Feature Tales from Earthsea in the UK on a limited number on cinema screens on August the 3rd this will be followed by a DVD release. We take a look at the dubbed version of Goro Miyazaki's debut film.

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Kiki's Delivery Service showing on Film 4 UK on Easter Saturday

Date: 2007 April 04 14:59 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The keen eyes over at have spotted that Film 4 will be showing the Studio Ghibli classic Kiki's Delivery service on Saturday 7th April 2007, at 1pm. It'll be dubbed in English. We highly recommend watching this film if you haven't seen it before, it's a great introduction into Studio Ghibli's works, and also a great family movie.

Souce: Film 4

Channel 4 to screen Ghibli films this week in UK

Date: 2007 February 18 18:17 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK anime fans will be pleased to know that the keen eyes over at have discovered that Channel 4 will be showing some great Ghibli films in the mornings this week:

Kiki's Delivery Service - Monday 19th February - 9:55 am
The Cat Returns - Tuesday 20th February - 10:35 am
My Neighbour Totoro - Thursday February 22nd - 10:20 am
Laputa: Castle in The Sky - Friday February 23rd - 9:55 am

Due to the time slot we believe all the films will be dubbed. We highly recommend all the Studio Ghibli titles, especially Miyazaki's films, for more details of Studio Ghibli films check out

Souce: Channel 4

Spirited Away airing on BBC 2

Date: 2006 December 29 14:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Just a quick reminders to our viewers in the UK, BBC 2 will be airing Spirited Away, the first and only anime movie to win an Oscar. Make sure you catch Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece at 5:15pm on Saturday December 30th 2006. From what we can gather it's the dubbed version.

Souce: BBC Two

Earthsea (Gedo Senki) for the UK

Date: 2006 December 16 08:27 | Posted By:

Category > Production > Studio Ghibli

Since the American Earthsea live action mini series aired here we've feared that a UK release of the Ghibli Tales of Earthsea might be some time off much like America where Disney need to wait until 2009 until they can release the film. Thankfuly, it seems that Optimum aren't caught up in the problem and are releasing the film sub only in the UK.

Souce: Animeuknews

Ghibli Triple Bill in Bradford

Date: 2006 September 18 11:55 | Posted By:

Category > Production > Studio Ghibli

The National Museum of Photography, Film and Television is hosting a three film Ghibli screening on the 28th of October as part of it's British animation festival. The following films will be shown My Neighbour Totoro , Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke.

If you're in the area and haven't seen any Ghibli films big screen we suggest you go!

Souce: Bradford Aniamtion Festival 2006

Film Four Free from Sunday - Free Ghibli Films Hooray!

Date: 2006 July 19 11:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Film Four will be free from Sunday switching from a premium to advert supported and thus free service. It will be available on cable (Telewest and NTL), Sky and freeview, it will also include a time delayed +1 channel.

Film Four has the rights to a wide range of World Cinema and cult films which include many Ghibli classics.

Read More... | Souce: Film Four

BFI NFT London Anime Screenings

Date: 2006 July 16 17:20 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The BFI have sent us some great news about an August Anime Season kicking off at the NFT in London. Following the success of last years anime season, they've decided to hold another one, which is always a great sign for London based fans. Highlights include director of Negadon: The Monster from Mars making an appearance on stage for a conversation session on Friday 18th August. They'll also be screening:

The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Negadon: The Monster from Mars + Yonna in the Solitary Fortress
Tetsujin 28: The Movie
Patlabor: The Movie
Mind Game
Area 88: Episodes 1-4
Karas: The Prophecy
Otakus in Love (Koi no Mon)

The following two Ghibli titles also get special extended runs:
Pom Poko
Spirited Away

They've got a great selection of titles and we highly recommend attending some of these screenings.

Read More... | Souce: BFI

Ghibli Screenings for Children at the Barbican

Date: 2006 June 08 15:11 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Ghibli fans with children will be pleased to hear about the Barbican screening's of three Ghibli films for an anime season. For three weeks, their Saturday specials will be:

Saturday 1 July - My Neighbour Totoro U, 11.00am
Saturday 8 July - Kiki's Delivery Service U, 11.00am
Saturday 15 July - Spirited Away PG, 11.00am

Please note that adults will have to be accompanied by children, so otaku parents this is an event to take your children to!

Studio Ghibli films always look fantastic on the big screen, and are worth watching and are enjoyable for Children and adults alike.
It's not clear from the release if the movies will be screened in English, or in Japanese with subtitles. We believe since the target audience for these screenings are 5 to 11 year olds, then chances are it will be dubbed in English.

Read More... | Souce: Barbican Family Film Club

London Grave of the Fireflies Screening

Date: 2006 May 02 18:00 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The nice folk from the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre in London have sent us details of a screening of Grave of the Fireflies they will be running on 10th June, at 3pm. The Ghibli feature will be in Japanese with English subtitles and we recommend you watch it on the big screen, although be warned, it is a powerful film that shows the harsh reality of war.

Read More... | Souce: UCLU Anime Society

Totoro Out in the UK from 27th March

Date: 2006 March 20 17:30 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Next week is a date to for UK Anime fans to mark in their calendars, it's when My Neighbour Totoro gets it's UK DVD release. It's the first time the film has been released in the UK, it's had the odd cinema screening, but until now it has not been available to buy officially. We've already reviewed the UK edition for you, and suggest you get it when it hits the shelves on the 27th of March.

Souce: Otaku News Totoro DVD Review

Howl's Moving Castle Out This Week

Date: 2006 March 12 18:37 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

While our US readers where treated to the DVD release of Howl's Moving Castle last week, our UK and Australian readers might want to take a look at our review of Howl's Moving Castle. Optimum and Madman really have put a nice lot of extras on this release, and it's good to see that along with a sub and a dub version they've also supplied subtitles for the English Language track.

The gap between the Japanese and US/UK release of this title was less than 5 months instead of 2 years compared to the UK DVD release of Spirited Away, it really shows you how much more mainstream anime has now become! It's also impressive to note that the US/UK/AU DVD releases are in the same two weeks, a first for a Ghibli English language DVD release! UK fans might want to hunt around for cut price bargains online and also consider that Amazon UK have an exclusive cover.

Souce: Otaku News Howl\'s Moving Castle Review

Howl and Totoro Get a UK DVD Release This March

Date: 2006 February 21 15:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

March marks an important month for UK Ghibli fans. Howl's Moving Castle, Hayao Miyazaki's latest film gets a very swift UK DVD release, we're really impressed at how quickly it took for Optimum to bring this title to market, especially since it was only released on DVD in Japan in November 2005, previously there has been a great gap between Ghibli DVD releases outside of Japan. Optimum will be releasing a two disc set packed with extras.

Many more anime fans will be excited to hear that My Neighbour Totoro finally gets an official UK DVD release, after many years of waiting. The film was a great success in Japan and as a result became Studio Ghibli's mascot and was incorporated into their logo. It's an excellent film and one of my all time favourite anime titles. It's a charming feature of children and adult alike, one of those real rare gems of a movie and a must have for any anime fan.

Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing

Studio Ghibli's Next Movie Will be Earthsea

Date: 2005 December 15 17:15 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Studio Ghibli have officially announced their next movie, which is due to hit Japan in July 2006. Gedo Senki (Gedo War History) is based on Ursula K. Le Guin's Tales from Earthsea Collection. Controversially Hayao Miyazaki son, Goro Miyazaki will be directing the film.

Read More... | Souce: Studio Ghibli

Howl's Moving Castle Set For March 2006 DVD Release

Date: 2005 December 05 16:54 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

UK on-line retailer's and have started to take pre-orders for Howl's Moving Castle, they both listing the release date as 13th March 2006. Otaku News had heard rumours about Optimum wanting to release Howl earlier, however in order to qualify for an Academy Award, they had to delay the release. What's interesting to note that the boxshots from Amazon and Play are different, which leads us to believe that both sites have produced mock-ups as they are missing vital details on the packaging such as the BBFC rating logo.

A quick check on reveals that they're taking pre-orders for two different versions of Howl's Moving Castle, which are priced the same, we suspect that Amazon will remove one edition nearer the launch date.

If Optimum and Buena Vista can release Howl's Moving Castle in March, they should be highly commended, since the Japanese DVD has just been released this November and Ghibli titles have been traditonally very slow to get US and UK DVD releases.


Miyazaki Features at The London Children's Film Festival

Date: 2005 October 17 18:15 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Otaku News have just discovered that the London Children's Film Festival will feature at least two excellent Miyazaki productions. My Neighbour Totoro, which is a simply magical feature that all children should watch will be screened on Sunday 13th November 2.15pm. Totoro was so popular, it because Studio Ghibli's logo, and is one of the most loved icons of Japan.

The Crimson Pig (better known as Porco Rosso in anime circles), is a film showing Miyazaki's love of aircraft and pigs. Much has been said about this excellent film. Younger children will enjoy it's light hearted comedy elements, while older children and adults will notice more in depth side of the story about a man sick of war and the rise of fascism. Porco Rosso will be screened on Saturday 12th November at 1:30pm, Sunday 13th at 2pm and Wednesday 16th at 4pm. For more in depth details on each film check out

Souce: London Children\'s Film Festival

Exclusive Howl's Moving Castle Preview Screening Offer

Date: 2005 September 15 18:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

With Howl's Moving Castle being launched in the UK from September 23rd every British anime fan is counting the days until they can see it on the big screen. It's already had a few special art house and festival showings in the UK, but these sold out ridiculously quickly. For our UK readers in the Hertfordshire area, we've managed to get exclusive preview screening tickets.

The good people at Cineworld in Stevenage have decided that Otaku News readers can come to this advanced screening for free! All you have to do is download this flyer, and be able to get to Stevenage Cineworld on Wednesday 21st September 2005 for 8:15pm. Present the flyer to the Cineworld staff to attend the screening. Please note that seats are subject to availability so turn up early if you really want to see Howl's Moving Castle!

Please note that the flyer is in PDF format, so if you have problems printing the file try downloading Adobe Acrobat.

Souce: Cineworld Stevenage

Howl's Moving Castle Media Clips

Date: 2005 September 15 18:48 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

With Studio Ghibli excellent Howl's Moving Castle being released in the UK next week, we thought it would be a nice idea for you to take a look at some of the media trailers available.

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Sight and Sound Magazine - Castles In The Sky

Date: 2005 September 13 15:59 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

With the up coming UK release of Howl's Moving Castle on the 23rd of September, BFI's Sight and Sound Magazine have posted an feature by Andrew Osmond, on the movie. Unlike some standard press fodder Andrew knows his stuff, he is a fan of Miyazaki's works and is active in UK anime fandom. It's nice to see that the BFI are using good sources and publishing articles on Miyazaki and his works.

Souce: BFI - Sight & Sound

Time Out UK Magazine Give Away Howl Tickets

Date: 2005 September 05 15:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Courtesy of Optimum Releasing, Time Out Magazine have 200 Howl's Moving Castle tickets for a special preview screening to give away! To enter read the instructions on their website and send a Stamped Address Envelope to them by the 13th of September.

Souce: Time Out

Nausicaa and The Cat Returns UK DVD Release Details

Date: 2005 August 30 15:55 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice people at Optimum Releasing have sent us the details for the UK DVD release of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and The Cat Returns, both of which are due out on 26th September just in time to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the ground breaking Studio Ghibli and just after the 23rd September release of their brilliant cinema release of Howl's Moving Castle.

Both DVDs have their fair share of extras include storyboards, original Japanese Theatrical trailers, Studio Ghibli trailer reel, the Cat Returns DVD has a making of featurette, while Nausicaa has a birth of Studio Ghibli Featurette. Since both titles are Studio Ghibli titles, they're a must see, but if you're strapped for cash and can only get hold of one, go for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, since it's truly epic Sci-Fi. Both movies have profiles on fansite

Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing

NFT Screenings - Japanese Animation: Manga to Miyazaki

Date: 2005 July 28 17:53 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

It's always nice when you mention events before the press release is sent out, as we did with the Japanese Animation: Manga to Miyazaki season at the National Film Theatre.

The films selected are all a real treat, and anime who can get to London are spoilt for choice this August, Satoshi Kon's work is great and almost everyone would have heard about Hayao Miyazaki's superb films.

The Otaku News Crew will be attending a few of the screenings too, so if you see us (and know what we look like ^_-) don't be afraid to come up to us and say hello!

Read More... | Souce: National Film Theatre

Spirited Away Makes BFI Must See List

Date: 2005 July 20 07:01 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

According to BBC News, the British Film Institute have complied a list of films that every child should have watched by the age of 14.

The list was put together with help from the public and is intended to spark debate about what children should watch.

Unsurprisingly, The Wizard of Oz, ET and Toy Story are listed, but it also seems that BFI (or perhaps the public in general) know what they're talking about by suggesting Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki's tale of a girl drawn into a world of magic after her parents pig out on forbidden food.

The BFI selected 50 films and eventually whittled them down to 10.

Souce: BBC News

Spirited Away Open Air Screening in London

Date: 2005 July 18 15:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

FilmFour have teamed up with Somerset House "to create a night at the movies like no other". They mention the "cutting edge technology and the splendour of the 18th century courtyard" and rightly so.

On Thursday 18th August, 6:30pm they'll be screening Studio Ghibli's superb Spirited Away, the only Japanese anime film to have won an Oscar. Tickets cost £12.50, with all phone and web bookings carrying an £1.75 charge per booking (not per ticket). As of yet it's not clear if the screening will be subbed or dubbed, but we will chase it up and post more details as soon as we find out.

If you haven't seen Spirited Away on a cinema screen yet, the Otaku News Crew highly recommend it.

Souce: Somerset House

Kung Fu Hustle and Cat Returns at the BFI

Date: 2005 May 31 04:44 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The British Film Institute will be showing Kung Fu Hustle and The Cat Returns. Kung Fu Hustle is showing on the 7th of June, whilst Cat Returns is showing on the 25th and 26th of June.

Souce: BFI

Interaction to Preview Howl's Moving Castle

Date: 2005 May 12 18:47 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

We've just received some very exciting news about Interaction, the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, which will be previewing Howl's Moving Castle. It's the long awaited latest movie from Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki, who is also responsible for Spirited Away (the first anime film to have won an Oscar).

They'll also be showing anime musical Interstella 5555, with music from Daft Punk, it's directed by Leiji Matsumoto & Kazuhisa Takenôchi, and has the distinctive Matsumoto character designs, even if they are blue aliens instead of humans! The convention are even screening Appleseed, a CGI movie based on the popular manga by Masamune Shirow (who is best known for Ghost In The Shell).

It appears that the event coordinator David 'Dragon' Cotterill has been a busy man, not only has he helped to secure the film screenings, but he has also managed to get leading anime experts like Jonathan Clements (co-author of the Anime Encyclopedia and the Dorama Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese TV Drama since 1953), to step onboard to run panels and discussions.

The Otaku News Crew are pleased to report that this makes the convention worth while for anime fans, since the film line up is interesting, and being the first to see Howl's Moving Castle in the UK makes it worth the visit alone! It's also refreshing to see that they've got established and experienced anime experts who actually know what they are talking about, more recently we've noticed that there are quite self declared experts appearing at smaller events who have only really got into anime because it's "cool", in reality such people jumping on the bandwagon know little and often turn events into disasters. We've seen Jonathan at previous events and found him to be entertaining and informative.

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No Spirited Away Special Edition In The UK

Date: 2005 May 09 18:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

We've just heard from Optimum Releasing who inform us that there will be no Spirited Away Special Edition as they are "sadly unable to release it due to the difficulty of acquiring new extras".

The Otaku News Crew had heard rumours about Optimum intending to release such a special edition of Spirited Away to tie in with the Cat Returns in June, however we decided not to publish sketchy information, preferring to wait until we could get more solid details. The Special Edition would have been made exclusively for the UK (and perhaps Australia too through Madman Entertainment), it would have not been a reauthored US DVD like many UK anime DVDs.

Souce: Optimum Releasing

Cat Returns To Hit The UK In June

Date: 2005 March 14 17:56 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Otaku News have been sent details from Optimum Releasing for the UK release of The Cat Returns. The Ghibli film will have a theatrical run in June. The exact release date and details are still to be confirmed. They will also be releasing Hayao Miyazaki's latest masterpiece Howl's Moving Castle in UK cinemas later this year with several more Ghibli titles on DVD.

Otaku News will keep you updated with further information when we have it!

Souce: Optimum Releasing

More Ghibli Theatrical Releases

Date: 2005 February 03 14:04 | Posted By:

Category > Production > Studio Ghibli

Optimum Releasing has released further information on the UK theatrical releases of the Ghibli films " The Cat Returns" and "Howl’s moving Castle". The Cat Returns will be released in May as both dub and sub. Six other films will then be released culminating with the latest Ghibli film Howl’s Moving Castle in autumn. These films were designed to be big screen, so we recommended you take the chance to catch a few if you can!

Souce: Neo Magazine

End of an Era? Anime Industry In Crisis!

Date: 2005 January 02 15:44 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The Otaku News Crew are still in holiday mode, which explains our rather relaxed coverage recently (I am aware that a few of the crew have had far too much eggnog and mulled wine over this holiday season). This doesn't mean that the news stops however.

As if it was timed to coincide with Sky Cinema's UK Screenings of Spirited Away the alert folks over at have discovered that The Telegraph Arts Section has a very interesting article on the future of anime, Hayao Miyazaki's future retirement (Princess Mononoke was supposed to be his last film, as was Spirited Away) and how little an animator in the Japanese animation industry earns.

It explains that animators start as passionate otaku wanting to be part of the industry of their childhood dreams and by the time they are thirty or so realise that most supermarket clerks earn more than them so as a result decide to leave for a better paid job. It then goes on to mention the danger of foreign influences leading to anime it loosing it's appeal and it's soul.

The article has quotes from anime expert, translator and writer Jonathan Clements.

An another interesting part of the article is the bullet point at the end stating that Howl's Moving Castle will be released in the UK in the autumn. The Otaku News Crew look forward to this and will bring you more news on the subject when avaible. ^_-

Souce: Telegraph Arts Section

Howl Confirmed for UK

Date: 2004 November 27 06:31 | Posted By:

Category > Production > Studio Ghibli

Yet more Howl news as a UK release is announced . Optimum Releasing have confirmed they have the rights to distribute Howl in the UK. An exact date has yet to be confirmed, as they have to wait for the English soundtrack to be finished.

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Spirited Away to be Aired on Sky Cinema Over Christmas Holidays

Date: 2004 November 07 18:46 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK satellite viewers are in for a treat over the Christmas holidays since Sky Cinema will be screening both the subbed and the dubbed versions of Spirited Away as part of their World Cinema strand.

Details follows:

Wednesday 29th December 8pm - Sky Cinema 1
Thursday 30th December 9pm - Sky Cinema 2

Sunday 2nd January 8pm - Sky Cinema 1
Monday 3rd January 9pm - Sky Cinema 2

By now every anime fan should know that that Spirited Away is a Studio Ghibli Production directed by Hayao Miyazaki and is the first and only anime film to have won an Oscar. If you haven't seen it yet, you simply must. More details of the movie can be found on's Spirited Away page.

Souce: Sky

Times Review Grave Of The Fireflies

Date: 2004 August 07 16:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Ed Potton has written a very brief review of Grave of the Fireflies for The London Times.

He gave it 4/5 stars, but fails to mention that it's also produced by Studio Ghibli who are currently the only Japanese animation studio to win an Oscar for Miyazaki's Spirited Away.

Souce: The Times On-line

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