Category > Culture
London based fans of ancient Japanese art, that has influenced anime, manga and video games should head over to the British Museum.
From 10th September 2009 to 22 November 2009 they'll be hosting an exhibition on The power of dogu: ceramic figures from ancient Japan. The exhibition is free to get into. No tickets are required, you can just walk into the museum and walk over to Room 91 to see this great bit of cultural history.
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London based fans of Devil May Cry will want to head over to the Barbican on September 29th 2009 to catch a preview of the anime series.
The 15 rated screening will be in Japanese with English subtitles. We suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
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Category > Events
Readers who can get to London this October will be interested in the London MCM Expo on the 24th to 25th October 2009. Tickets are now on sale.
As attendance to this even it well over 30,000 people we doubt they will sell out. However we do strongly advise in spending a little bit extra for their Early Entry Tickets to save time queuing, you'll be grateful on the day!
Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
We've been sent the details for the Grand International Cosplay Ball 2009. It's based in London, it's set for November 29th.
Fans of cosplay will remember that the ball also ran successfully last year, which even included coverage from the BBC.
Read More... | Souce: Grand International Cosplay Ball
Category > Press Releases
If you like J-Pop and you like cosplay then there's an event just for you: J-Pop Go in conjunction with the Grand Cosplay Ball presents an evening of live bands, DJs and fun at The Fly, New Oxford Street, London on Saturday August 1st 2009.
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Category > Cuisine
Fans of Japanese cooking at home should note that Harumi's new book is due for released in September 2009.
It hits the UK on 7th September 2009, while US readers will have to wait a few more days until September 22nd.
Pre Order from Amazon UK
Pre Order from Amazon US
The book covers a wide variety of basic typically Japanese recipes. Harumi thinks you'll be able to create fantastic meals using the simple flavours. The best selling author has sold over 20 million of her books and magazine world wide.
Update: Harumi will be signing books in London at Selfridges Oxford Street on Friday 18th September 2009 from 1.30pm (she will be in the basement book store).
Read More... | Souce: Conran Octopus
Category > Events
London based fans of the Transformers comic series will want to head over Orbital Comics on Saturday 27th June 2009 from 2pm, where fans will be able to get autographs from 5 of the talented team responsible for the comic.
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Category > Events
London based fans of Chinese Manhua should head over to Orbital Manga on Friday 26th June 2009, from 5pm to 7pm. Artist Benjamin, will be demonstrating his excellent technique, and will be signing copies of his books, including limited edition landscape-format hardback of "Orange", his latest lavish art book "Flash", Chinese Youth, Remember, One Day (in French) and Images and Prints on the day of the signing.
Read More... | Souce: Orbital Manga
Category > Events
We've just received some exciting information about UK anime convention Ayacon 2009's first guest. It's Halko Momoi, renowned singer and voice actress! You may have heard her voice on Nurse Witch Komugi-chan, Ai Yori Aoshi, and Seto No Hanayome.
Read More... | Souce: Aya Revolution 09
Category > Gaming
The good folks at Square-Enix have sent us details for the European release of Star Ocean: The Last Hope on Xbox 360. It's due to hit the stores on Friday 5th June, 2009. There's also a limited edition collectors box.
Read More... | Souce: Star Ocean Website
Category > Art
British readers with artistic talent should considering entering the Manga Jiman Competition. Run by the Japanese Embassy in London, this years theme is 'sun'. The competition is open people to over 14 years old. The closing date for the competition is Friday, 25 September 2009.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Jiman Competition
Category > Retail
Everyone's getting ready for the London MCM Expo this weekend. T-shirt producers Genki Gear are no exception. They'll be launching their new range at the Expo.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
The good folks at Sony Pictures have sent us the details for the Blue-ray release of Final Fantansy VII: Advent Children Complete. Apart from being in a higher resolution, it's got some extra features not on the DVD.
It's due out on July 27th, this directors cut features 26 minutes of extra footage and over 1,000 update scenes.
Read More... | Souce: Sony Pictures
Fans of classic robot anime in London should head over to the Barbican. On Tuesday 30th June, at 8:30pm they'll be screening the first 3 episodes of Tetsujin 28. Anime expert Helen McCarthy will introduce the screening, and we're sure she'll have some interesting things to mention.
As always with these screenings, we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
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The good folks at Beez have sent us details of their plans at the London MCM Expo on the 23rd to the 24th of May 2009. Highlights include plenty of discounted DVDs, as they'll be shifting to a 3 part release model. Along with some Gurren Lagann posters to give away.
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Londoners looking for a good night out this Friday could do no wrong with visiting the East End Film Festival. On Friday 24th April 2009 they'll be screening the UK Premiere of Afro Samurai Resurrection, along with a special screening of Blood The Last Vampire, plus live performances from some DJs.
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Category > Events
Anime fans who can get to London on the weekend of the 23rd to the 24th of May 2009, will want to visit the London MCM Expo at the Excel Centre. As always anime is well represented, with many of the UK anime and manga companies having a stall or some sort of presence, along with lots of dealers selling great merchandise. The event is also a huge draw to cosplayers, with many of the attendies in fancy dress!
Like last time, the event also plans to smash its current world record for the amount of video game related cosplay. It's set to be a fun weekend! So keep your calendars free. ^_^
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Category > Events
London based readers looking for some fun next Friday should consider Criminal Records' Harajuku Night.
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Category > Events
London based readers looking for some fun next Friday should consider Criminal Records' Harajuku Night.
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London based anime fans are in for a real treat from the 7th to the 9th of April 2009. The Barbican will be holding a series of screenings all focusing on fan favourite studio Gonzo. Curated by anime expert Helen McCarthy she’s really managed to arrange an interesting line up. Apart from all the great Gonzo titles what’s really got our interest is the Surprise Sneak Peak, scheduled for Thursday 9th April.
As always with these events we advise that fans book early to avoid disappointment.
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Category > Events
London readers looking for some fun this weekend should take a look at the next J-Pop Go event. It's scheduled for Saturday March 21st 2009. At a new venue for the event, The London Stone.
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Category > Events
Otaku couples in London looking for something to do this Valentine's Day (on Saturday February 14th 2009), might want to head over to Orbital Manga. From 2pm they'll have some UK artists drawing cute portraits of you and other half for a fee. They also say don't worry if you're single, as they'll get the artists to draw you with your favourite manga character.
Our question is what if you're not single and you want to be drawn with your favourite character? Well this might make you single afterwards! I guess it depends on what/who you get them to draw.
They'll also be running an art contest as a chance to win prizes.
Read More... | Souce: Orbital Manga
The good folks from LDMS, in partnership with ADV Films, have sent us the DVD release details for their January and February 2009.
They've got the following lined up:
Area 88: Complete Collection - 26th January 2009
Get Backers, Season 1: Complete Collection- 26th January 2009
Angelic Layer: Complete Collection - 9th February 2009
Aquarian Age: Complete Collection - 23rd February 2009
Pretear: Complete Collection - 23rd February 2009
The selection of boxsets offers great value for money.
Read More... | Souce: LDMS
Category > Cuisine
We don't normally plug stuff like this on Otaku News, but the press release itself is a great example of Anglo-Japan cross cultural collaboration, which we always like hear and shout about. Vegetarians who are up for a Christmas holiday get away might want to pay a visit to Fosse Farmhouse in North Wiltshire in the UK.
Not only are they a good UK tourist attraction, they got close ties with Japan, and will be offering from Saturday 20th December 2008 to Sunday 4th January 2009 a special Mominoki vegetarian dinner menu. So if you want to eat like Paul McCartney and his band over Christmas then pay them a visit.
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Category > Production
Anime expert Jonathan Clements has just launched a blog to promote his new book Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade, which is due for publication in early 2009.
The blog has some interesting insights that will no doubt also appear in the book, even an article about writing the index for the book proves to be amusing.
Souce: Schoolgirl Milky Crisis Blog
Category > Events
We've got some exciting news for cosplayers in who can get to London this weekend. I'm sure you already know about the Grand International Cosplay Ball on Sunday 30th November 2008, which has an interesting line up of guests including Electro Pop Idol Hiko Suzuki.
On Saturday 29th November 2008 at selection of great cosplayer guests will be making an appearance at TokyoToys in the Trocadero, Picadilly Circus. Yaya Han, Laura Sindall, Jacob Kimber, Kahman Fong, Isabelle Jeudy, Damien Ratte and Brian Boling will all be there, giving talks and interviews. There will also be a prize draw thanks to the great people at KOEI Entertainment.
Read More... | Souce: Grand International Cosplay Ball
The nice folks at Revelation Films have sent us details of their 2009 Q1 line up. For the first three months of 2009 promises to see the UK release of:
Fullmetal Alchemist Season One Part One - January.
Spiral The Complete Series Box - February
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (the final instalment) - March
Tsubasa The Complete Series Box Set - March
What's interesting in the press release is that it actually states sales figures, something you rarely see for the anime industry. It'll be nice if all anime companies releases sales figures for their titles. However this is valuable information for sales and marketing teams, which is why most companies like to keep this these details secret.
Read More... | Souce: Revelation Films
Category > Events
A keen eyed Otaku News reader has sent us details of a world record attempt, for the largest gathering of people dressed up as video game characters, which will occur on Satury 25 October 2008 at the London ExCel centre for the London MCM Expo.
Cosplayers should note that the characters have to been in video games before other media.
Eg: Sonic the Hedgehog started out in a video game, so he's fine to cosplay as.
Batman however started out in a comic book, so he does not count.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
We've got some exciting news about the Grand International Cosplay Ball, which is set for Sunday 30th November at the Clapham Grand, London, England.
This is the first event to our knowledge that is aimed at cosplayers, and not an event like an anime convention with cosplayers as a feature.
The event looks to be a sure fire hit, with live bands, DJs, ballroom dancing, a kimono fashion show, fire and burlesque performances and even an Alice-In-Wonderland themed photography area.
As always with such events we advise that you book soon to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Grand International Cosplay Ball
Category > Fandom
UK anime fans looking for convention fun in April 2009 will be pleased to hear that Kitacon will be holding a Fan Choice Awards, where fans get to vote for their favourites, anime, manga, characters and more. They'll even be able to collect them on behalf of the nominees. This does sound like an interesting concept.
Read More... | Souce: Kitacon
We've received details about the ever popular Sci-Fi London Event, which returns for a special event scheduled for Friday 3rd October 2008 called Oktoberfest.
It's got a great line up of anime and other Japanese films.
Tickets are on sale now from the Apollo West End box office.
Tel: 020 7451 9944
As always with these events we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Sci-Fi London
UK anime fans in Manchester are in for a real treat on Saturday 20th September 2008, where Urbis will be hosting free back to back screenings of 3 feature films from 11am to 5pm. In a nice twist Urbis are allowing people to vote for the final feature.
Seeing these movies on a big screen is great and a must see for every anime fan at least once!
Read More... | Souce: Urbis
Category > Events
We don't normally post articles of this nature, as it's got nothing to do with anime, manga, Japanese culture, but this will be of interest to some of our London readers.
Orbital Comics, will be hosting a book signing for Lost Girls the new work of Melinda Gebbie and Alan Moore
Date: 13th September 2008
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: Orbital Comics
Address: 148 Charing Cross Road, London. UK
Souce: Orbital Comics
Category > Events
UK fans of Japanese culture should head over to Durham from the 5th to the 7th of September 2008 to enjoy the Festival of Japan, which will have lot of fun events including a cosplay masquerade, traditional taiko drumming, koto playing, martial arts demonstrations, butoh dance, and even some geisha and maiko!
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Category > Events
With Leicester based UK anime convention AmeCon less than a month a way, they've decided to launch a great competition where you can win two tickets to the convention, plus free accommodation for the length of the convention.
The press release also details the guest for this year will be voice actress Kari Walgren, who has done a large variety of voice work, including the American dubs for a few anime series - Haruko in FLCL, Scarlett in Steamboy, Robin in Witch Hunter Robin and Lavie in Last Exile.
Read More... | Souce: AmeCon 2008 Competition Page
We've received some exciting news from the London Barbican about a special Osamu Tezuka Season they'll be running from Thursday 18th to Wednesday 24th of September 2008.
The season is curated by anime expert Helen McCarthy (who's written tons of good books and articles on anime and manga). The line is up a great showcase of Tezuka's work, with The Film Is Alive: Osamu Tezuka Filmography looking especially interesting, as it we're certain Helen will bring an informative take on the panel with the event.
Osamu Tezuka is the granddaddy of anime and manga, without doubt the most influential and inspiration artist, as always with these events we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
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Fans of Studio Ghibli will be interested to know that the BFI have just published a new book on Spirited Away, written by Andrew Osmond.
Read More... | Souce: BFI
Fans of killer stationary supplied by death gods should take a note that we've received the UK DVD release details for the first Death Note Live Action Movie. The DVD will be released on 28th July 2008. 4Digital Media will also be releasing the other two Death Note features, with Death Note The Last Name showing in cinemas from 4th July 2008, and L Change The World coming soon.
Read More... | Souce: 4Digital Media
Category > Events
Fans of the graphic novel version of Heroes who can get to London next week will want to head to Orbital Manga, just in-between Leicester Square and Covent Garden, where they'll be having a signing with graphic artist Jason Badower.
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London's Barbican have a great selection of films over the next couple of months, with Kihachiro Kawamoto, Akira Kurosawa and a little bit of anime, with Helen McCarthy continuing her popular anime talks, focusing on horror followed by a screening of Le Portrait de Petite Cossette.
As always with these events we recommend booking in as soon as possible to avoid disappoint, Helen's talks in particular tend to sell out quickly.
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We've received a press release from LDMS who will be now be distributing ADV DVD titles in the UK, after ADV closed their UK offices. The press release details the release schedule up until May 2008.
After ADV UK closing down it's good to see that their titles will be still be distributed, but it's sad to see that ADV UK had to shut shop, the UK staff there were more than just people doing their jobs, they were actual anime fans with a passion for what they were doing which does make a difference. ADV UK's presence at anime events will be sorely missed. They were more than just another company, they were actually part of the UK anime scene. It was a shame to see these people lose their jobs. We wish them the best of luck in finding a new careers.
It will be interesting to see if LDMS will be active in anime fan circles as ADV UK was.
Read More... | Souce: LDMS
Category > Events
UK Anime fans who can get to Manchester from 3rd July to 20th September 2008 are in for a treat as Urbis will be showing 31 films over 36 days as part of their new exhibition - How Manga Took Over the World.
Highlights include:
Cowboy Bebop
Kiki's Delivery Service
Jin Roh
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Princess Mononoke
Howl's Moving Castle
Millennium Actress
They'll be showing plenty of other films worth watching too. As always we advise booking in advance to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Urbis
The Otaku News Crew have teamed up with the good folks from Optimum Releasing to give you the chance to win a copy of the movie on DVD along with some great anime goodies.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Events
The Yamato Drummers of Japan will be performing the UK premiere of their new show Shin-on in London from Wednesday 19th to Sunday 30th of March. Fans of the traditional Taiko drumming will certainly be in for a treat, and if you haven't seen such a performance before, this is a rare chance to see such a special show. Performances will be in the Peacock Theatre, and as always with popular events, we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Peacock Theatre
Category > Retail
The good folks at ADV Films UK have sent us details of their sale, due to "streamlining" they'll be having a stock clearout. Prices start from £1 while stocks last. So grab those titles while you can.
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We've received details from Optimum Releasing about their UK DVD release of Tales from Earthsea. The 2 disc edition is due for release on 28th January 2008. The DVDs feature the English dubbed and Japanese subtitled version of the film, with the second DVD containing all the bonus features, include a making of, an NTV special, a behind the microphone and a trailer reel. You can read our review of Tales from Earthsea here.
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Category > Events
UK anime fans will be pleased to hear that we've received news from the Amecon Crew about the next anime convention set to run at Leicester University from August 8th to 10th 2008. Registrations will open on 18th November 2007. Guests as of yet haven't been confirmed (it's still a bit early for that), voice actress Monica Rial has already expressed an interest. At the moment it looks like they may have more live music, plenty of cosplay and the usual interesting selection of industry and fan run panels.
We look forward to the convention (many of the Otaku News crew have been to the previous three Amecons and had a blast) and we advise to book early to avoid disappointment as popular anime conventions in the UK tend to be fully booked quickly.
Read More... | Souce: Amecon
Category > Manga
UK fans of Ghost in The Shell will be pleased to hear the details Titan Books have sent us about the release of Ghost In the Shell 1.5 Human-Error Processor. The manga is due out in the UK on 23rd November 2007. It bridges the gap between the Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2 manga (hence the 1.5 name). We've been waiting for this to come out as one book ever since we heard about it and highly recommend it to Ghost in the Shell fans.
Read More... | Souce: Titan Books
Category > Events
Those good people from J-Pop Go have sent us the details of their spooky Halloween themed j-pop gathering in London. It'll be on Saturday 20th October at Cafe Manga by County Hall, near Westminster Tube. The fun is set to start at 7pm, tickets will be £5 (with discounts for flyers and cosplayers). As always they've got a good line up, along with some great prizes from ADV. Readers should also note that this event is for over 18's only.
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Category > Events
Fans of Japanese art and culture that can travel to London from October to December 2007 will want to pay a visit to SOAS (the School of Oriental and African Studies), where they'll be hosting a exhibition of Treasures, which are used as objects of instruction, a suitable tie in for a place of education.
They'll have lots of very interesting things on display, including the late 14th Century Japanese Reisai yawa (Chinese: Lengzhai yehua; Evening Discourses from the Cold Studio). This is the oldest printed book in the SOAS library and one of few known copies of its kind in the West.
Head to the Brunei Gallery at SOAS, it'll be open from 11th October to 15th December 2007, on Tuesday to Saturday 10.30 – 17.00 Admission Free.
Read More... | Souce: SOAS
Fans of Japanese cinema who can get to London from 25th September to 7th October 2007 will want to go to the West End to catch the Raindance Film Festival, where they'll be showing the following films of interest:
- The Amazing Lifes Of The Fast Food Grifters
- Prisoner
- Uncles Paradise
- Its Only Talk
- M
- What The Snow Brings
As always with such advents we advise that you book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Raindance Film Festival