UK based fans of Japanese cinema are in for a treat as the Zipangu Fest programme has been announced.
Those in Bethnal Green should keep Tuesday 23rd November 2010 free for a special event - Nippon Year Zero: Japanese Experimental Film from the 1960s‐1970s at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club.
Things then kick off on Wednesday 24th November 2010 on Brick Lane at Cafe 1001 along with the UK premiere of Pyuupiru 2001 - 2008, plus a selection of shorts and a screening of Rackgaki: Japanese Graffiti.
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Category > Events
While cosplays in London will be busy gearing up for the London MCM Expo this weekend, you shouldn't forget that there's more fun to be had in London the weekend after. On Saturday 6th November 2010 The Barbican will be having a special late night event - the Cosplay Extravaganza.
They'll be a Cosplay Parade, workshops, a Goth Loli Fashion Show, Video Game Tournaments, some live J-Pop and Japanese Punk. Resident anime expert Helen McCarthy will be there to give a talk on Cosplay: A Short History (as well as being an anime expert Helen's also the author of Manga Cross-Stitch and is knowledgeable about cosplay to say the least).
The event is set to run from 6pm until 1am.
Entry to all the Foyer Events is free. This does not cover entry to exhibition, theatre or Kamikaze Girls screening.
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Category > Events
The good folks at the London MCM Expo have sent us details about the Euro Cosplay Finals, which will be held at the London MCM Expo on Saturday 20th October 2010. The judges have now been announced. They've picked a selection of expert cosplayers to reside over the finalists.
Additionally the Expo launches a new cosplay zone - Totally Cosplay, dedicated to everything a cosplayer would be interested in, including competitions, panels, workshops and a cosplay stage.
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Category > Retail
Everyone's getting ready for the London MCM Expo this weekend and T-shirt Company Genki Gear are no exception. They'll be launching 6 new designs at the London Expo.
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Category > Events
UK fans of Japanese cinema will be pleased to hear about Zipangu Fest. A UK-wide festival devoted to Japanese Cinema. It's set to start from Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 28th November 2010 in London's East End, before touring the country.
Highlights include some spooky horror movies as part of the Barbican's Japanese Halloween Schlockfest.
There's also a tie in with the 24th Leeds International Film Festival with a rare screening of Children of the Beehive (1948).
There'll be lots more exciting things for UK readers to enjoy at Zipangu Fest.
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Category > Events
London based fans of Japanese themed clubbing are in for a treat on Wednesday 17th November 2010. A new club night is set to launch at the King Pin Suite in Bloomsbury. It'll start at 7pm and run until 2 am. Called Japan Underground the first club night will have a samurai theme to tie in with the launch of Sengoku Basara.
There'll be a nice selection of live music, karaoke rooms and much more fun and games too.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Underground
Category > Events
London based cosplayers who like BlazBlue are in luck this month, PQube and Zen United (the good folks behind BlazBlue's European release) have teamed up to offer free entry to BlazBlue cosplayers at this the 2010 October MCM Expo in London.
Read More... | Souce: BlazBlue Offical Website
Category > Gaming
London's the place to be this October, with Hyper Japan this weekend (Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd October 2010), Sci-Fi-London Oktoberfest (from Thursday 14th October and ends early in the morning of Sunday 17th October 2010), the Barbican Aspects of Japanese Cinema Season kicks off too (from Tuesday 19th October 2010) and last but by no means least the London MCM Expo is set to run from Friday 29th to Sunday 31st October 2010.
Anime companies, cosplay and other geeky entertainment will be well represented at the London MCM Expo. They've just sent us details that'll interest gamers too, PQube in conjunction with Zen United will be at the expo and will give gamers a hands on chance to try out BlazBlue: Continuum Shift.
In the past we've been lucky enough to interview Daisuke Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori the creators of the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue series.
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We've mentioned it before, but it's always worth being reminded about from Tuesday 19th October to Sunday 19th December 2010 the Barbican in London will be running an Aspects of Japanese Cinema season. It's also worth noting that the screening of Kenji Mizoguchi’s The Water Magician is accompanied, for the first time in the UK, with traditional benshi narration and live music on a koto.
Benshi narration is the traditional form of Japanese silent film story-telling: the performer, or benshi, stands beside the screen and reads the intertitles as well as voicing the characters and commenting on the action.
The koto is the traditional 13-stringed zither of Japan whose shape has been likened to a crouching dragon. The history of the instrument spans at least twelve centuries during which time its form has changed little. It is made from the wood of the paulownia tree (or ‘Royal Empress tree’) and generally plucked with plectra worn on the right hand.
For those interested in the season, we suggest you look at our previous post, about the highlights (which is pretty much the whole season)!
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Retail
The London MCM Expo is on it's way. Everyone's getting revved up for the weekend of 29th to 31st October 2010, and Genki Gear are no exception. They've just launched the official London MCM Expo October 2010 T-shirt. The exclusive design is available to pre-order now on the Genki Gear Website.
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Category > Events
The good folks at Hyper Japan have sent us more details about their London based event on Friday 1st October until Sunday 3rd October 2010. Square Enix will be there selling goodies. They've got a cosplay competition too, with a chance to win a trip to Japan. Plus lots of lovely food! Soy sauce experts Kikkoman will be there too, issuing a sushi challenge.
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Category > Gaming
We've been sent the details about the UK release of Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, the popular action fighting game featuring historical figures kicking the backsides of whole armies. We've covered cosplayers who like to dress in Sengoku period clothes before.
The Capcom game is due out on Wii and PS3 on 15th October 2010, with Manga Entertainment due to release the anime version on DVD on 8th November 2010. As the in game Date Masamune would say "Let's party"!
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Category > Events
Are you a UK cosplayer and fancy a chance to win an expenses-paid trip for two to London? Or even the chance to win a luxury trip to Tokyo, including five nights in a 4-star hotel! Well Hyper Japan are offering those things.
(Terms and conditions apply).
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Press Releases
The good folks at Phaidon have sent us the details of their up coming book Manga Impact.
The book has 500 colour illustrations, 300 illustrated entries, and contributions from anime and manga experts such as Jonathan Clements and Tsugata Nobuyuki.
The book is due out November 2010.
Pre Order From
Pre Order From
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Category > Events
London's Barbican has always been a great place to visit for fans of Japanese cinema with their monthly Japanimation screenings, but some fans may want to move into the arts centre from October to December as they'll be shown a whole host of Japanese films, anime and even a cosplay event! There's so much good stuff to see!
Movie buffs will be delighted to with the great range of movies.
There's so much to recommend here, we suggest you take a look at the full listing.
Shojo fans will be interested see the live action version of Nana on Thursday 21st October 2010 at 6pm.
Cosplayers will want to keep Saturday 6th November on 11.00pm – Kamikaze Girls screening and cosplay event.
Fans of cheesy movies will want to keep an eye on the 18 rated RoboGeisha showing at 7:30pm as part of the Halloween Shlockfest on Friday 29th October.
Beat Takeshi fans have a lot to look forward to on Sunday 14th and Monday 15th November 2010. They'll be showing Hana bi, Brother, Dolls and Zatoichi.
Those who enjoy classic Japanese cinema will enjoy the Akira Kurosawa season too.
Anime fans aren't left out either with a CLAMP themed screening of XxxHOLiC The Movie: A Midsummer Night's Dream and Tsubasa The Movie: The Princess in the Birdcage Kingdom – Tuesday 19th October 2010. As always resident expert and author Helen McCarthy will be on hand to introduce the movies.
As always with popular events we suggest booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Scottish anime fans will have a great selection of anime screenings to look forward to with the Scotland Loves Anime October 2010 Festival. Set to run in Glasgow on Friday, October 8th to Sunday, October 10th and Edinburgh Friday, October 15th to Sunday, October 17th as well as part of the DCA Discovery Film Festival in Dundee October 22nd-26th.
They've got a great line up films some classics and some new
GLASGOW - Glasgow Film Theatre:
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (UK premiere, HDCAM)
One Piece Strong World (UK premiere, HDCAM)
Summer Wars (Scottish premiere, Digital Cinema Print)
Redline (Scottish premiere, HDCAM)
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (Scottish premiere, Digital Cinema Print)
Cowboy Bebop the Movie (Special screening, 35mm)
EDINBURGH - Filmhouse Cinema:
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (UK premiere, 35mm)
Evangelion 2.0 (Special screening, Digital Betacam)
Summer Wars (Digital Cinema Print)
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (HDCAM)
One Piece Strong World (HDCAM)
Redline (HDCAM)
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (Digital Cinema Print)
Dundee - DCA:
Summer Wars (Digital Cinema Print)
They're all worth watching, but if you haven't seen them already we highly recommend Summer Wars, the Cowboy Bebop Movie and Evangelion 2.0. As always with popular events, we suggest booking as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Scotland Loves Anime
Category > Events
Are you in London and like Japanese themed clubbing? Then head over to Proud in Camden on Tuesday 24th August 2010 from 7pm until 2am for the Harajuku! Autumn Ball 2010.
The popular event returns with a selection of live performances. As always with these events we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Criminal Records
Category > Events
October is shaping up to be the month for otaku in London. With the London MCM Expo at the end of the month. While at the beginning of the month a new event called Hyper Japan is set to run from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd October 2010.
The event has a lot to offer with an Otaku Village set to cater to all your retail needs.
Cosplayers will be well represented too (they'll even get a chance to win a trip to Japan). There's also a cosplay talent search, competitions and other fun to be had if you like dressing up.
Japanese fashion magazine KERA will be there with fashion shows and style tutorials (the event is looking for models to take part).
Fans of angel fighting giant robots won't be disappointed either as they have a special Evangelion Store which will be selling some exclusive and hard to find merchandise.
Figure collectors might want to note that Good Smile will be there too! ^__^
As the people behind EAT-JAPAN are organising the event you can be certain that Japanese cuisine will be well represented too. with the EAT-JAPAN food court.
They'll also have lots of culture on stage too. You can book early to get a discount from the standard £8 entry fee. Children under 5 go free. As always we advise to book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Events
Fans of Japanese culture in Central London will want to head over to the Japanese Art Festival at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square in Holborn. Set to run on Saturday 21st August and Sunday 22nd 2010. They've got kimono designer Yumi Yamamoto, Harajuku kawaii store 6% Doki Doki, along with a party on Saturday night with J-Pop Go!.
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Anime fans in London will want to head over to the Barbican on Friday 24th of September 2010 to see their screening of Eureka Seven: The Movie. Resident anime expert Helen McCarthy will be at hand to introduce the feature.
As always with popular features, we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Retail
The good folks at Udon Entertainment have sent us details of their 10 year anniversary art anthology - Vent. Due to hit the shelves on September 15th 2010 the art book premiers this summer at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con, along with an exclusive hardcover edition at the Udon booth.
Vent is available to pre-order from and UK readers should note that currently have it cheaper than even after taking shipping into account.
Read More... | Souce: Udon Entertainment
Category > Manga
Multi-National Manga Anti-Piracy Coalition Formed
We've received some very interesting details from VIZ Media about the formation of a Multi-National Manga Anti-Piracy Coalition.It seems that the industry has grown tired of Scanlations - manga scanned into a digital format and distributed without the copyright holders consent. The coalition include the 36 members of Japan's Digital Comic Association, Square Enix, VIZ Media, TOKYOPOP and Yen Press.
Originally scanlations were manga translated by fans into their native language from Japanese. This can be seen as the manga equivalent of anime fansubs. Some scanlation sites branched out to scans of manga that was already official translated and licensed outside of Japan.
This has cost the manga publishing industry significant amounts of money, not just in lost book sales, but lost opportunities in the relatively new market of eBooks and mobile devices.
The coalition intend to target scanlation sites and aggregators of scanlation sites. They've drawn up a list of 30 sites to targeted for action. First they will ask the sites to cease distributing scanlations. If the sites fail to cease distributing further action will be taken depending on the jurisdiction of each site. Actions include legal injunctions against the sites, reporting the sites to governmental anti-piracy units of law enforcement, including the US Justice Department, local law enforcement agencies and the FBI.
Fans curious about piracy in the anime and manga industry should read the Pirate Anime FAQ.
This is not the first time the anime and manga industry has attempted to stop piracy in the industry, but this is the biggest and most coordinated international effort so far. With many companies in the industry forced to make cut backs, closing down offices, laying off staff, we wonder if this is the start of a new approach? Will more companies pursue legal options? Are fansubbers next?
Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media
Category > Events
We've just been sent the attendance details from this weekends London MCM Expo. The 2 day event has surpassed it's previous attendance record, with over 41,000 visitors.
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The good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have sent us details about the up coming DVD release of Naruto Shippuden Box Set 1. The box set contains the first 13 episodes of the adventures of a more mature Naruto.
It's due out on Monday 14th June 2010. You can pre-order it from
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The good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have sent us details about the up coming DVD release of Soul Eater. Part one contains the first 13 episodes of the series. It's due out on Monday 28th June 2010.
You can pre-order Soul Eater Part One from
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Category > Retail
We've received details from Manga Entertainment UK about the great bargains they'll be offering over the weekend of 29th and 30th of May 2010 at the London MCM Expo. They'll have 50% off most DVDs including boxsets and Blu-ray titles, along with a £1 manga shop.
You'll also be able to pick up Sky Crawlers on DVD and Blu-ray a bit earlier too.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Events
London based anime fans will want to head over to the Barbican on Tuesday 20th July 2010 at 8:30pm for their screening of Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A New Translation - Heirs to the Stars. Resident anime expert Helen McCarthy will be introducing the film. As always, we advise that you book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Manga
The good folks from Sweatdrop Studios have sent us the details of their new anthology - Telling Tales. The collection of fables, fairy tales and other ripping yarns is bound to be of interest. The book is priced at £6.99 and is due to launch at the May London MCM Expo 2010.
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Category > Gaming
The count down to the London MCM Expo continues continues. Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! Will want to keep 29th to 30th May free for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG National Championship and the Yu-Gi-Oh! DS National Championship. The national champisionship is the gateway to the European Championship, which in turn lead on to the World Championship.
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Category > Events
UK based Cosplayers should already have the London MCM Expo on 29th and 30th of May marked on their calendar just for the shear number of cosplayers. As if you need another reason, Euro Cosplay 2010 qualifiers will be held at the London MCM Expo on Saturday 29 May, with the Grand final set for the London MCM Expo in October.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo Euro Cosplay 2010
Category > Events
Anime fans who can get to Brighton from 30th April to 2nd May 2010 will want to go the Asahi Anime Festival. Highlights at the free event include food, drink, Japanese bands and fun activities for all ages.
Other fun and games include a manga drawing competition, a Gothic Lolita fashion show and even a chance to win tickets to Japan (we assume after volcanic activity has ended).
Read More... | Souce: Asahi Anime Festival Brighton
The good folks at the London Barbican have sent us details for their anime line up in May and June 2010. On Tuesday 25th of May anime expert Helen McCarthy will introduce an action packed double bill of Summer Wars at 6:15pm and Dante's Inferno at 8:45pm.
Then on Tuesday 15th June at 8:30pm the Barbican will screen King of Thorn (which is also introduced by Helen McCarthy). As always with popular events we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
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Category > Events
UK based readers will want to head to London next Month for the London MCM Expo on 29th and 30th May 2010. The event has become regular addition to the anime fans calendar. This time around they're going to need your help breaking a world record for largest handheld game console party. Nintendo DS owners will want to be part of the world record!
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Anime
The good folks at Crunchyroll have sent us details of their latest streaming deal. They've started to show The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Fans looking for aliens, time travelers, and ESPers will be most pleased to hear that they intend to stream the second series later this year too. Crunchyroll's licence covers the Americas, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Africa.
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The good folks at the BFI Southbank in London have sent us the exclusive details of their up coming anime season. They've got a special selection of screenings in May along with some speical guests. To get warmed up for the event they'll be having a preview screening of The Sky Crawlers at 8:40pm on Friday 16th April 2010.
The anime season in May is going to be a real treat, it'll have the first and second new Evangelion movies, Summer Wars (a must for fans of the Girl Who Leapt Through Time) along with a whole host of other great films.
They'll also have a special screening of Welcome to the Space Show along with on-stage guests Koji Masanuri (Director) and Tomonori Ochikoshi (Chief Producer of the studio) for a Questions and Answers session!
Booking for the May anime season opens in a few weeks and we really can't stress enough the importance of booking early to avoid disappoint. These screenings are likely to sell out quickly.
Read More... | Souce: BFI Southbank
The good folks from Beez have sent us details about the upcoming release of Gundam Unicorn on Friday 12th 2010 on Blu-ray disc. The release will be worldwide simultaneously in the 7 territorial areas of Japan, US, Canada, UK, France, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
You can view the first 7 minutes of the OAV on the Beez Website.
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This months SFX has a nice cover mounted taster DVD with the following full episodes from MVM:
- Romeo X Juliet Episode1
- Fate Stay Night Episode 2
- Rozen Maiden Episode 1
The UK magazine dedicated to all things Sci-Fi and Fantasy can commonly be found in WH Smiths and your friendly news agents, plus the odd supermarket that stocks magazines too.
You want issue number 193 which is dated April 2010.
Souce: SFX
Category > Events
Romantic cosplayers in London should head over to Peter Parker's Rock 'n' Roll Club, just three minutes away from Tottenham Court Road. The Grand Cosplay Ball will be hosting a special Valentine's Day Prom on February 14th.
The venue will be decorated for the romantic day. Tickets are £4 online or £6 at the door.
Read More... | Souce: Grand Cosplay Ball
Category > Events
UK anime fans should mark the dates Friday 13th to Sunday 15th August 2010 in their diaries. As this is when AmeCon will return. The successful UK anime convention will open for registration on Monday 15th February 2010. They'll be at a new location this year - Keele University in Staffordshire.
Registration will cost £45 for the full 3 days. The registration fee does not include accommodation, food and drink. They'll take payment through Credit and Debit Card using Google Checkout, alternatively you can also post a cheque to them.
As always with popular conventions we advise you book early to avoid disappointment.
Souce: AmeCon 2010
Category > Events
London based fans of J-Pop, game and anime music mixes will want to head over to WOTA London on Friday 18th December 2009. The otaku party is all set for a Christmas special. They're at a different venue this time, Juno Shoreditch which is a 5 minute walk away from Liverpool Street Station.
It's set to run from 9pm until 3am, with a great line up of DJs.
Price is £4 (advance online) or £6 on the door.
Dress code is casual (cosplay optional).
Over 18's only (ID may be required).
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Category > Events
UK anime convention Kitacon, have come up with a clever idea for a Christmas present - limited edition tickets to the event. Kitacon is set to run from the 26th to the 28th of March 2010 in Northampton UK. The gift of an anime convention sounds like a good idea to us! Although we do question their taste in bad presents. What's wrong with Tom and Jerry boxer shorts?!
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We've been sent a reminder by nice the people at the Barbican in London about their Ponyo screenings. We've mentioned it before, however due to demand they've added another subtitled screening to the Saturday 28th of November at 5:30pm to the London Children's Film Festival 2009. The other two screenings sold out quickly, so we suggest you book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note that as it's a children's film festival, all adults must by accompanied by a child.
Those who can't take children to watch Ponyo with them will want to consider the screening on Thursday 26th November 2009 at 6pm. It sold out initially, but it seems that a few seats are now available again.
Excitingly the Barbican have also revealed their up coming 2010 anime screenings, which aren't yet on their website. The biggest highlight is Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, which is scheduled for Tuesday 26th January 2010 at 8:30pm. Again we advise booking as soon as the tickets are available.
We're also keen on seeing The Sky Crawler, but that's not going to show in the Barbican until February. ^_^
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Category > Events
The good folks at the Grand Cosplay Ball have sent us the details for their 2009 event. It's set in the Clapham Grand in London. The special one evening event is set to run on Sunday 29th November 2009 from 7pm until 1am.
They've got a great line up of guests including cosplayer and Eurobeat singer Giorgia Vecchini, along with renowned cosplayer Yaya Han.
It's over 18's only, Tickets are £18. As always with these events we advise on booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Grand International Cosplay Ball
Category > Events
Manga fans who can get to London will want to visit the British Museum from 5th November 2009 to 3rd January 2010 where in Room 3 they'll be a free exhibit of an exclusive manga title - Professor Munakata's British Museum adventure. It's great that the museum are doing this and it's an appropriate title as it's set in the venue that's showing it.
There's even a nice reading area where you can enjoy some manga.
Read More... | Souce: British Museum
Category > Retail
We've got news from the Japan Centre in London. They'll be moving the food shop from their Piccadilly Circus store to a brand new larger shop on Regent Street from Saturday 3rd October 2009.
The food hall will be greatly expanded with a Japanese Bakery, along with the launch of the umai brand.
The bookshop and home section will remain at their current Piccadilly location. The new shop will be at 14-16 Regent Street (SW1Y 4PH), near Mitsukoshi.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Centre
UK anime fans who love the adventures of an ace student out to build a new world, will be pleased to hear that the Death Note Complete Boxset is released on Monday 28th September 2009.
The 9 Disc DVD set retails for £60, however both and have it on a pre-order offer for £43.
Souce: Otaku News
Category > Events
The good folks at the London MCM Expo have sent us the latest details for the event. Highlights from an anime perspective include - Studio BONES studio president Minami Masahiko and director Ando Masahiro, whose works include Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Seed Destiny and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Along with Trinity Blood voice actors Mike McFarland and Troy Baker.
The press release also has a shout out to cosplayers, who helped with the world record!
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
We've been sent the details from Video Games Live, who have just added 30 more shows to their 2009 tour. Video Games Live is a great cross over event, which is great fun for fans of video games and fans of top orchestras.
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Category > Cuisine
London based fans of Japanese cooking should keep Friday 18th of September free, as Harumi Kurihara will be signing copies of her new book Everyday Harumi.
The exclusive book signing will be in Selfridges Oxford Street on 18th September 2009 from 1.30pm (she will be in the basement book store).
Souce: Conran Octopus
Category > Gaming
We've just been send the details from the folks behind the MCM Expo. They currently hold the Video Games Cosplay World Record with 376 cosplayers at the 23rd May 2009 London MCM Expo. They expected the record to beaten at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. However they managed to get 311 video games cosplayers. As a result they intend to raise the bar even higher at the next London MCM Expo this October 2009.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Culture
London based fans of ancient Japanese art, that has influenced anime, manga and video games should head over to the British Museum.
From 10th September 2009 to 22 November 2009 they'll be hosting an exhibition on The power of dogu: ceramic figures from ancient Japan. The exhibition is free to get into. No tickets are required, you can just walk into the museum and walk over to Room 91 to see this great bit of cultural history.
Read More... | Souce: British Museum