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2005: Words From the UK Anime Industry

Date: 2006 January 03 15:08

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Paul over at Anime UK has sent us the low down on a very interesting article they've just put on-line. Getting the views from the major players in the UK anime industry, the article recaps 2005 and gets various companies views on 2006. It's interesting to see all their separate takes on the achievements of the last 12 months.

The Otaku News Crew consider 2005 a very important year for the UK anime industry since it's the year that anime really went in the public eye, with more stores willing to stock it, more news papers writing positive and factually correct articles. Even Howl's Moving Castle got good fair write coverage too, while manga continues to be more easy to obtain in the UK. Taking into account where the UK anime scene was 3 or 4 years ago things have really progressed.

Source: Anime UK
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