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BBC Four Japan Season

Date: 2009 March 15 16:16 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

We really should scour the Radio Times more often. UK fans of Japanese culture will be very pleased to see that BBC Four are currently running a Japanese Culture Season.

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Snow Monkeys of Japan

Date: 2009 February 13 14:10 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK TV viewers may want to tune into BBC 2 on Friday 13th February at 8pm to catch the Natural World Documentary on the Snow Monkeys of Japan. The film focuses on 3 groups of monkeys. The urban scavengers, the mountain dwellers and the famous snow monkeys of Japan. The snow monkeys are known for their love of the local natural hot-springs.

Souce: BBC 2

Gundam 00 Coming to US Sci Fi Channel in November

Date: 2008 October 29 20:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 to start airing on SciFi Channel in November.

Read More... | Souce: i09

Anime Central Vanishes from Sky

Date: 2008 September 06 21:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK readers with satellite TV may not have noticed the disappearance of UK based anime channel Anime Central from channel 199. For the last few months at least all the channel broadcast was Ghost In the Shell:SAC and Cowboy Bebop in a constant loop, although they are both excellent shows, they're not really something a TV station can exist on alone.

Read More... | Souce: Otaku News

Fanboys wanted for MTV's True Life

Date: 2008 August 19 16:09 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

Our US based readers who like the idea of appearing on TV should consider this request from MTV who are keen to do a True Life episode on Fanboys.

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Greenhunt proves to be popular

Date: 2008 May 10 13:28 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The Daily Yomiuri have an interesting article about Greenhunt, an up and coming anime series shown on satellite station Space Shower TV. What draws viewers to the show is that's it's spoken in the Toyama dialect, the same as the shows creator Toyoshi Miyasaka.

The show it's self appears to be a quirky hit, drawn in a web animation style familiar to those used to watching Flash based cartoons.

Souce: Daily Yomiuri

Wii Anime Fighters Coming Soon

Date: 2007 September 28 21:09 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming > Consoles

According to the October issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine, new Naruto, Bleach and Dragon Ball Z titles are all headed for UK release.

Read More... | Souce: Official Nintendo Magazine

Anime Cancelled Following Axe Murder

Date: 2007 September 24 19:27 | Posted By:

Category > Freaky Things

Two anime series get cancelled after a girl kills her father with an axe!

Read More... | Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Anime Central new UK anime channel goes live

Date: 2007 September 13 17:13 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK anime fans with Sky will want to flick over to channel 199, for the new UK anime channel - Anime Central. Their website has been updated too with a listing of what's on. What's really impressive is that this is part of the standard sky digital package, so everyone with sky digtal will be able to watch anime. ^__^

The shows start at 9pm and end at 6am.

Fans should also know that Sky have removed the extra monthly subscription for a Sky+ Box, so for a set up fee and your standard monthly sky subscription fee you can record all the anime all night and watch it at your convenience (note that if you've got Sky already they need to put an extra cable from your dish).

Souce: Anime Central

Asia Alfasi on BBC documentary

Date: 2007 September 12 16:19 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

11.15pm today the BBC will air a documentary called "She's A Thoroughly Modern Muslim" one of the women profiled is Asia Alfasi, who draws comics in manga style. Asia is an IMAF winner as well as having work published in Best New Manga, she also now has several professional contracts.

Souce: BBC UK

Sony turns PS3 into DVR. Typically this makes us think of anime

Date: 2007 August 22 16:04 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming

Sony will be launching PlayTV in a number of European PAL territories (UK, Germany, Spain Italy). PlayTV is a device which allows the PS3 to record one channel whilst you view another. Another big plus is that you can stream content to your PSP via Remote Play or transfer it to the PSP to view outside the home.

Whilst I could make a lot of coments about the technlogy, what I'm really thinking about is that combined with Anime Central and Anime Network this could be very useful. Shame I don't have Sky, or a PSP or a PS3.

Souce: Kotaku

Anime Central Panel - UK TV station details

Date: 2007 August 13 11:37 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

One of the biggest bits of news to come from AmeCon 2007 this weekend is the launch of the new UK anime station Anime Central.

We were at the panel, so aren't relying on third party information. We also pitched a lot of questions to them to find out what you really want to know. ^_-

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Anime Central - new anime station for the UK

Date: 2007 August 10 07:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The keen eyes over at have discovered that a new station may be hitting cable / satellite soon called Anime Central (not to be confused with the US midwest anime convention Anime Central, which has been running for 10 years now). cite an OFCOM Licence that was granted last week. Interestingly enough, all may revealed at AmeCon this weekend, with the Anime Central Panel. It seems that Manga Entertainment will be partnering with the people behind it to provide content.


Heroes hits BBC 2

Date: 2007 July 12 17:25 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The BBC have revealed the broadcast date for hit show Heroes. It's due to start Wednesday 25th July at 9pm and is one of those must watch shows.

Why are we posting about an American series on a website that focuses for news for fans of Japan? Well the answer is simple, one of the central story arcs throughout the series focuses on Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi. Hiro is an otaku, he enjoys reading manga and watching sci-fi. Manga even plays a big plot point in the series, but we won't say any more, we pride ourselves on being spoiler free. To be frank it's one of the best geeky TV shows we've seen in years that will be enjoyed by people who like to steer clear of geekdom too.

Although it's already been broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel in the UK, only viewers with cable or satellite could catch it, so being broadcast on BBC 2 will make the series more mainstream in the UK. A second series of Heroes is in the works, along with a prequel series called Heroes: Origins.

Souce: BBC Heroes Website

Henshin a-Go-Go baby! Viewtiful Joe on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 June 23 16:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Trailers ruining on Jetix UK reveal game based anime Viewtiful Joe will air on the channel from July 2nd. The story follows Joe who is dragged through the cinema screen, into a Captain Blue action film. Once there he gains the power to become Viewtiful Joe.

Souce: Jetix UK

Johnny Depp in Doraemon

Date: 2007 June 18 12:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Before Naruto was licensed there were plenty of strange rumours about Hollywood actors getting in on the act with Johnny Depp touted to play Orochimaru. This was of course total nonsense, but in a strange twist of fate Johnny Depp will be playing a pirate captain on Doraemon. He will play pirate Captain Johnny in the one hour special:
"Doraemon One-Hour! Pirates Special!! The Great Decisive Battle of the Pirates: A South Seas Love Story", which will air on TV Asahi on Friday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m.

Souce: Anime Newsnetwork

An Interview with Stuart Claw

Date: 2007 June 04 17:50 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

From this Sunday anime fans with Sky in the UK will be be able to tune into Anime Network on Propeller TV (Channel 195). The slot runs from 8pm to 10pm, and currently consists of Coyote Ragtime Show, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Guyver and Elfen Lied. We sat down with one half of Anime Network UK's dynamic presenting duo Stuart Claw at the official launch, gazed rather too hard at the candles (and indeed Joe's camera flash) and took a look at the past, present and future of anime both in Stuart's life as a fan and the general future for wider anime community.

Read More... | Souce: Otaku News

Propeller TV to screen ADV UK anime

Date: 2007 May 14 15:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

We've got some exciting news from ADV UK about a new anime slot on a Sky TV channel. From the 3rd June anime will air from 8pm to 10pm each Sunday. ADV UK have teamed up with Propeller TV (Channel 195 on Sky). The 2 hour slot's been dubbed Anime Network UK, after it's ADV owned American counter part. They'll be showing the following titles:

- Coyote Ragtime Show (8:00pm)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (8:30pm)
- Guyver: The Bioboosted Armour (9:00pm)
- Elfen Lied (9:30pm)

It's nice to see that anime is getting more airtime in the UK, and we think it's great that ADV have put up an excellent selection of titles.

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

Sci Fi Channel to add anime block

Date: 2007 May 11 21:42 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The Sci Fi Channel (US) are to air regular anime with new Monday night block!

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 April 15 13:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo just started this weekend on Jetix. It follows the adventures of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo a hero who can talk to hair. It' s odd, very odd.
There are new episodes every day at 11:30am and 19:00.

Souce: Jetix

Kiki's Delivery Service showing on Film 4 UK on Easter Saturday

Date: 2007 April 04 14:59 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The keen eyes over at have spotted that Film 4 will be showing the Studio Ghibli classic Kiki's Delivery service on Saturday 7th April 2007, at 1pm. It'll be dubbed in English. We highly recommend watching this film if you haven't seen it before, it's a great introduction into Studio Ghibli's works, and also a great family movie.

Souce: Film 4

UK MP fears reduction of British children's TV

Date: 2007 March 19 15:30 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The Guardian are reporting on British Conservative MP John Whittingdale's recent speech at the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers conference. Mr Whittingdale is the chairman of the Commons culture, media and sport select committee. He's rather worried about a children's TV and the impact of pulling food advertising from children's TV - "[It will] have a damaging effect on children's broadcasting that will lead to money going out of it, the effect will be fewer children's programmes produced in this country except for the BBC," the main concern he stresses is increase in imported Children's TV - "There will be a growth of the likes of Japanese anime cartoons and American animated content which is something we are concerned about and may need to be addressed as part of challenge of maintaining public service plurality."

So in a nut shell he's worried that there won't be enough British produced children's TV, as ITV has been reducing it's children's output. The Otaku News crew want more TV greats like Danger Mouse. ^_^

Souce: The Guardian

Japanorama is back!

Date: 2007 March 15 14:37 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The folks at have spotted Johnathon Ross is back with Japanorama season 3! Episode one promises a sneak peak of Afro Samurai.

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Anime sequels and new releases for the next couple of months

Date: 2007 March 11 04:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network there will be many sequels and new anime releases in the coming months. One of them is Keroro Gunso which will be it's fourth season starting to air on April 4 on TV Tokyo. Also there will be a new season of Code Geass it is rumoured to be released in the fall of 2007. Along with a new Kyo Kara Maoh OVA in production, a new website for the upcoming five-episode series has been unveiled at Five DVD's, each containing a single episode, will be released starting this fall.

Other new anime will include the violent comedy Bokusatsu Tenshi which will be its 2nd season. Legends of Corocoro 10 Comic series will debut in May and features classic stories in a format aimed at adults.

Souce: Anime News Network

Slam Dunk adapted into Live-Action

Date: 2007 March 11 03:47 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

According to Akadot the popular anime and manga Slam Dunk by Takehiko Inoue will be adapted into a Live-Action movie by Taiwan's Chang Hong Channel Group and Shanghai's Film Television Group. Cast will be headed by Taiwanese pop star, Jay Chou, Charlene Choi, Chen Bo-lin, and Yee Chung Man. The movie will be released in winter 2008.

The manga sold more than 100 million copies in Japan and received various awards as well.

Souce: Akadot

New Naruto on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 March 05 15:41 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

New Naruto episodes are airing starting today at 6.30pm and sees the introduction of Jairya. Interestingly the Japanese theme music makes a welcome entry to the TV edit. Hooray!

Souce: Jetix

Channel 4 to screen Ghibli films this week in UK

Date: 2007 February 18 18:17 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK anime fans will be pleased to know that the keen eyes over at have discovered that Channel 4 will be showing some great Ghibli films in the mornings this week:

Kiki's Delivery Service - Monday 19th February - 9:55 am
The Cat Returns - Tuesday 20th February - 10:35 am
My Neighbour Totoro - Thursday February 22nd - 10:20 am
Laputa: Castle in The Sky - Friday February 23rd - 9:55 am

Due to the time slot we believe all the films will be dubbed. We highly recommend all the Studio Ghibli titles, especially Miyazaki's films, for more details of Studio Ghibli films check out

Souce: Channel 4

Afro Samurai Figures From DC in 2007

Date: 2007 February 14 22:42 | Posted By:

Category > Toys

Waiting for merchandise related to the hit recent anime series Afro Samurai? Well, you won't have to wait for much longer as DC Unlimited, DC Comics' new 3D brand which licenses pop culture products from outside the DC comic book universe and distributes them to all channels, has acquired the license to produce action figures, busts and statues related to Gonzo-produced series starring Samuel L. Jackson that aired on Spike TV last January. These will be the first line of collectibles based on the series outside of Japan, where a limited number of action figures based on the lead character were produced by toy company Cube back when series' creator Takashi "Bob" Okazaki first produced his original self-published manga.

The first series of collectibles were unveiled last weekend at the New York International Toy Fair. These include fully articulated action figures of two sizes, a regular 6.75 and a deluxe 14 , that spotlight the characters from the anime. The first wave of figures will include main character Afro Samurai, his sidekick Ninja Ninja, and deadly adversaries Kuma and Justice. A possible second wave of figures will no doubt include the Empty Seven, a group of monks determined to get the headbands worn by Afro and Justice, as well as possibly a young Afro. Busts and statues will also be available, though no details as to who they will be of, outside of Afro of course, have been given. The first series of collectibles will be shipped to retailers in the fall of 2007.

Souce: ICv2

Kelly Osbourne: Turning Japanese

Date: 2007 February 01 05:34 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK readers who can view ITV2 may want to tune in tonight (Thursday 1st February) to catch Kelly Osbourne:Turning Japanese, it starts at 9pm and is repeated on Sunday 4th February at 10pm. Kelly Osbourne embarks on a working holiday exploring aspects of Japanese culture.

The first episode alone has her managing a Love Hotel in Tokyo, training with Samurai and working in what appears to be an otaku Maid Cafe. The second episode has her going to a manga convention in cosplay!

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Nodame Cantabile debut sets anime record

Date: 2007 January 14 05:01 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Service the first episode of Nodame Cantabile which was broadcast between 25:00-25:30 on Fuji Television Network, Thursday, January 11th, has logged the highest anime audience rating ever. The JC staff TV anime attracted a 5.4% share. The Nodame Cantabile live-action has the past attracted an audience rating of 21.7% and an estimated 19 million viewers in one showing. Both adaptations are based on the musical comedy mangad by Tomoko Ninomiya. The past latenight anime ratings record holder was the George Morikawa manga-based Hajime No Ippo (Fighting Spirit) and it's 4.8% share. That record has stood for 6 years.

Souce: Anime News Service

Spirited Away airing on BBC 2

Date: 2006 December 29 14:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Just a quick reminders to our viewers in the UK, BBC 2 will be airing Spirited Away, the first and only anime movie to win an Oscar. Make sure you catch Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece at 5:15pm on Saturday December 30th 2006. From what we can gather it's the dubbed version.

Souce: BBC Two

Character from Nodame Cantabile really exists

Date: 2006 December 20 05:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

There is interesting article on Mainichi Daily News about the real-life drama/manga Nodame Cantabile which is airing currently in Japan. Apparently Megumi Noda, the main character of the anime and manga is based on a real person.

Read More... | Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Dub Piece: It's gotta go! gotta go!

Date: 2006 December 06 12:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Ah this has been a good day, I played a Wii today but that's not what this is about. This is about the news that apparently 4kids is stopping work on One Piece, though we'll have to wait for official word. This doesn't mean that they are giving up rights, so fans will have to hope they give them up or let them lapse next renewal. I suspect that Viz will get first dibs since they are showing multi-media Shonen Jump support for the titles they did retain. Make sure your favourite anime company knows you want One Piece uncut, and dare we suggest the movies too? This will also we suspect affect the release of the Wii One Piece game, which was looking marvellous and I hope will now not have the 4kids cast, if 4kids don't sit on rights like they did with Ultimate muscle anyway.

Souce: Anime News Network

Ikkitousen:Dragon Destiny to be made into anime

Date: 2006 December 04 02:15 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Service, Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny is set to be animated. It will debut at the end of February 2007 and will be broadcast on AT-X. A terrestrial broadcast will follow in the spring. For more information visit the official website.

Souce: Anime News Service

New Naruto on Jetix

Date: 2006 November 26 13:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Just a quick note to let everyone know that new episodes of Naruto are showing on Jetix at 6.30 pm each day. If you've missed the start of the new episodes all you need to know is Shino likes bugs.

Souce: Jetix

New Saiyuki for 2007

Date: 2006 November 10 11:54 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Good news for Saiyuki fans as a new Saiyuki Reload Burial OVA is due for released in 2007 and it should be three episodes long. The first episode is scheduled for Japanese release on April 27, 2007. For more details check out their official website.

Souce: Anime Nation

Afro Samurai Set for January Release

Date: 2006 November 02 09:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Afro Samurai set to make its debut in January on Spike TV.

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

YouTube take down nearly 30,000 Japanese Clips

Date: 2006 October 20 12:36 | Posted By:

Category > Websites

BBC News and many other news sources are currently reporting that 29,549 clips have been removed from YouTube after the Japanese media companies complained of copyright infringement. The popular video hosting site (recently bought by Google for $1.65bn USD) frequently had clips from Japanese TV shows along with some anime as well.

It is not clear from the article what content has been removed, if it's Japanese TV programmes, more extreme quiz shows, comedy sketches and skits such as Matrix Pong, users of YouTube will have to discover that for themselves. What will be interesting to find out is if YouTube will automatically take down any future content or if the Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) will have to file more requests.

Souce: BBC News

Captain Tsubasa Mangaka makes a cameo in Toyota commercial

Date: 2006 October 16 17:25 | Posted By:

Category > Technology

46 year old Yoichi Takahashi, creator of the hit manga, Captain Tsubasa will have a cameo in a TV commercial for Toyota Motor in Japan. The artist and story maker becomes the latest celebrity to take part for an ad campaign Toyota launched in April. Other celebrities in the commercial series include American actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Anime and Manga achievers promoting Japanese automobiles is nothing new, just a few years ago Evangelion animation director Hideaki Anno starred in a spot for Nissan.

Souce: Anime News Service

Kiddy Grade: The Sequel

Date: 2006 October 13 11:26 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Kiddy Grade sequel in the works!

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

Bartender Anime Starts in October

Date: 2006 October 12 12:35 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Bartender, the very popular cocktail manga as featured in Super Jump will begin its television airing as an anime this month. The extraordinary bartender Ryu Sasakura creates the most amazing cocktails anyone has ever tasted. He is on a journey to find his "glass of god," while meeting interesting people from all walks of life as they visit his bar.

Souce: Akadot

Oban Star Racers starts in the UK, New Naruto soon?

Date: 2006 October 02 05:40 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Oban Star Racers started in the UK on Sunday October 1st, and will then confusingly run on weekdays at 5:30pm, with the first episode being aired again on Monday 2nd October. Having caught the first few episodes at last London expo it comes highly recommended.

Naruto fans might be eager to hear that Jetix are advertising new episodes at 6:30. Today's episode was actually a repeat set at the start of the Chunin written exams, the new episode adverts may indicate that Jetix will progress to the practical part of the exams after the written and therefore genuine new episodes, instead of looping back to episode one.

Souce: Jetix

Death Note to Debut as an Anime this Fall

Date: 2006 September 30 09:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

There is an interesting article on Icv2 about the Death Note anime series which will premiere on October 3rd at 12:56am on Japan TV.

Read More... | Souce: Icv2

Live-action Jigoku Shoujo will TV debut this November

Date: 2006 September 25 13:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The ever so popular anime series Jigoku Shoujo (once in a while reffered to as Hell Girl), has given birth to a live-action TV show, which will make it's debut in early November.

The main cast was revealed. Sayuri Iwata will play as Ai Enma, Kazuki Katou as Ren Ichimoku, Aya Sugimoto as Hone Onna, Hisahiro Ogura as Wanyuudou, Kazuhiko Nishimura will play Hajime Shibata, and last but not least Saaya will be playing Tsugumi Shibata.

Souce: Akadot

Rapture TV to Launch Anime Show

Date: 2006 September 19 09:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Rapture TV one of the few channels showing anime in the UK will be launching a new show called Anime Nation on the 25th of September.

As of yet no times have been announced, but we sincerely hope that they put more effort in than the latter Saiko Exciting episodes!

Souce: Rapture TV

Japanorama Episode 2 - Otaku

Date: 2006 September 13 12:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

UK viewers able to access BBC Three, will want to tune into Japanorama on Thursday 14th September 2006 at 11pm. The show will be reporting on otaku the Japanese nerds (if you're reading Otaku News, you should already know what an otaku is ^_^).

It looks like the show will be focusing on the rise of otaku and why so many of them can only feel love for manga, anime and model collecting. Host Jonathan Ross will also be reporting on Cosplay, as well as Maid Cafes. We're guessing Japanorma will also cover Akihabara, Train Man (Densha Otoko) and if we're lucky a convention like Winter WonderFest.

Souce: BBC Three

Japanorama Returns

Date: 2006 September 04 03:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Keen readers of TV guides may have spotted the return of Japanorama, Jonathan Ross' TV show focusing on the more cool and bizarre side of Japanese culture. The previous season was well worth watching, and this latest instalment promises to be just as entertaining and informative.

UK Viewers (with freeview/cable/satellite) can catch Japanorama on BBC Three starting Thursday 7th September at 11pm, this weeks episode Ross explores the meaning of kakoii, Japanese for cool.

Souce: BBC Three

One Piece New Season Starts Monday

Date: 2006 August 31 09:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The new season of One Piece will start on Monday at 4:30 on Toonami in the UK. So get that grog (or juice since this is the dub) ready for everyone's favourite stretchy pirate anime.

Souce: Toonami

Dragon Quest DVD Box-set Now On Sale In Japan

Date: 2006 August 23 15:25 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

The Dragon Quest anime series is all together spread out, lengthy and a very interesting series that has yet to be licensed in America. You would think that a series which involved Akira Toriyama, creator of the insanely popular anime series Dragonball Z, would have his anime adaptation of the already popular ENIX RPG video game (also known as Dragon Warrior in the USA), be released in the USA. But that is beside the point right now. In the planning stages of about five years now, a brand new R2 DVD-Box will soon go on sale in Japan.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Service

Nodame Cantabile becomes a Live-Action TV Drama

Date: 2006 August 16 14:55 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The popular manga series Nodame Cantabile, which is set to a backdrop of classical music, is on the road to becoming a live-action TV drama series. The series will air on Fuji TV on October 16th.

Read More... | Souce: Akadot

Sony to extend Animax to UK?

Date: 2006 August 04 11:19 | Posted By:

Category > Anime have spotted that Sony have registered Anime + as a channel in in the UK. Doing some digging here at Otaku News we've spotted that this seems to be part of a move on Sony's part to widen it's AXN, Animax and Sony Entertainment Television brands. It follows the apointment of Tom Davidson to vice president of international networks in May. It's probably quite important to note that according to this press release Mr Davidson is based in the London Sony headquarters!

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