Category > Manga
The nice people from Viz Media have sent us a press release detailing the conclusion of the long running fan favourite manga Ranma 1/2. Volume 36 of the manga ends the series with a letter to North American fans from Rumiko Takahashi, the author of Ranma 1/2 and another huge favourite Inu Yasha. The final volume is due out in North American on November 14th. So now's your chance to say goodbye to everyone's favourite gender changing comedy martial arts manga!
Read More... | Souce: Viz Media
Category > Press Releases
The friendly guys over at ADV Films UK have sent us details of their latest acquistion from Production IG, Le Chevalier D'Eon. Currently they haven't set a release date which is a bit of a pain, not even a rough time frame is mentioned, however it does say that they have UK Video, TV and Video on Demand rights.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Manga
Seven Seas Entertainment will be launching a new publishing imprint for its library of manga titles. Called Strawberry, this new imprint will focus on yuri, or girl-on-girl, flavored romantic titles. The first titles of the new line are expected to be released sometime in 2007.
Read More... | Souce: ICv2
Category > Manga
Sonia from Sweatdrop Studios the manga styled art group has dropped as a line about their latest publications. The books are supposed to be paired together and explorer the differences between shojo and shonen manga, apparently each book can be enjoyed alone or with it's partner book. The shojo book is called Pink is for Girls, while the shonen book is titled Blue is for Boys. We like the comparison of sparkles versus speedlines in their press release. The book is due for release on Saturday 28th October at the London MCM Expo at the Sweatdrop Studios stand.
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
Category > Manga
The folks from VIZ Media have sent us details about Naruto winning the 2006 Quill Award for best graphic novel, apparently this is the first time a manga title has one the category. The Quill awards are unlike normal awards as they are more consumer orientated, so in other words it looks at sales figures rather than panellists decisions.
Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media
Category > Events
The vampires from J-Pop Go have sent us the details for their next event, set for Saturday 28th October with a Halloween theme - Kowaiathon night. J-Pop Go will be held at thier regular venue of Cafe Manga, near the Westminster Bridge end of County Hall in London. Tickets will be £5 with discount for cosplayers at their discretion. We suggest Ring and Grudge based costumes for a frightning night!
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
Those busy folks at ADV Films UK sent us this some details of their lastest cross promotion, which is covered in Wii (Nintendo Wii that is).
In the first wave of titles for the Wii is Red Steel, a game with swords and guns is being approartely crosspromtoed with Samurai Gun, an anime title with swords and guns. Which makes a good tie in if you ask us!
In a nutshell the first run of Samurai Gun Volume 1 will contain an extra free bonus disc with a sneak peak of the Red Steel game.
While the first run of the Red Steel game will receive a Samurai Gun episode and some extra ADV materials on a bonus disc.
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The nice folks from ADV Films UK have sent us the details of their lastest DVD release. Unlike the usual monthly release, they'll be releasing a DVD with selected episodes to sample. They're marketing it as a taster DVD, or to give it a more Japanese theme a Bento Box. The disc will have 4 episodes on a single DVD, retailing at a very reasonable £5.99, considering a normal anime DVD with 4 episodes on would retail for more than twice the price. It's due for release on 16th October 2006.
The DVD will contain:
- Area 88 - Episode 1
- Gilgamesh - Episode 6
- Get Backers - Episode 9
- Cromartie High School - Episode 9
This should prove a great way of sampling episodes, after all, splashing out £6 to find out if you like a selection of different series is a lot better than paying for a whole disc with the same series on and finding it's not your thing.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
We've been sent some details from the Tomo-dachi Crew about their next convention, set for Friday, August 31st - Sunday to September 2nd, 2007 at the UU Magee Campus in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Bookings before March 31st are £25 and £30 after. As of yet, they've not released a guest list, however if the last Tomo-dachi is anything to go for they'll have some good industry guests.
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-dachi
Category > Manga
We've been sent a press release from the nice people over at UK manga inspired art group Sweatdrop. They're both aimed at beginners, Draw Manga By Sweatdrop Studios and Drawing Manga by Selina Dean. Draw Manga focuses on basics, with a series of tutorials on how to draw character elements such as eyes, hair, hand and clothing, along with step by step projects showing how to put individual elements together to create a manga style character.
Drawing Manga by the talented Selina Dean focuses more on character design with posing characters. It includes tips on drawing people monsters and mascots. In addition it includes comic creation techniques such as developing storyboards, creating layouts, scripting, including backgrounds and colouring and inking techniques.
Draw Manga by Sweatdrop Studios is due out on 15th October 2006, while Drawing Manga by Selina Dean was out on 4th September 2006.
We think it's great that some UK based artist are producing books on how to draw manga, however we're curious as to why they've released two books within the space of two months with the same purpose at the same price (an affordable £9.99), we wonder if the books are significantly different, would it have been better to combine the contents into one bigger book? Perhaps the writing styles are different allowing a potential artist to chose the style they prefer.
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
Those nice folk from ADV UK have sent us the details for their winter release schedule. It seems that they've targeted the anime fan's Christmas list with the majority of titles being released on 20th November 2006.
- Samurai Gun Volume 1 (16/10/06)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Complete Collection (20/11/06)
- Yugo The Negotiator Volume 1 (20/11/06)
- Area 88 Volume 2 (20/11/06)
- Gilgamesh Volume 4 (20/11/06)
- MADLAX Volume 5 (20/11/06)
- Samurai Gun Volume 2 (04/12/06)
- Get Backers Volume 10 (04/12/06)
ADV UK will be releasing a superb looking Evangelion Platinum boxset in a nice shiney box with tons of extras which are exclusive to the European release! The 7 disc release includes all the episodes with remastered video and audio, along with 4 directors cuts episodes, 4 documentaries a nice 60 page booklet and many more bits. The box set is retailing for £99.99, but the more price senstive otaku can get it from for £72.99 or for £69.89, other retailers might have similar deals too. This is a limited edition set, so if you want it, you better put it at the top of your Christmas list. This was also the highlight of ADV UK's Industry panel at AmeCon this year.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Those nice partying folk at J-Pop Go will be having the final ultimate showdown (of ultimate destiny) to decide who really does rule, ninjas or pirates. The popular London J-Pop event is set to run on Saturday September 23rd at their regular venue of Cafe Manga.
Who will win on pirates versus ninja night? Otaku News will be betting on the ninjas to win, being favourites by far as they have real ultimate power! Although we wouldn't put it past the underdog pirates of having some chance of beating the sneaky ninjas, however ninjas would only lose to trick the pirates into a false sense of security before flipping out and killing all the scurvy sea dogs! ^_-
Souce: J-Pop Go
September isn't here yet, and already those nice people from ADV have sent us their October DVD line-up.
They'll be releasing:
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Cromartie High School volume 4
- Get Backers volume 9
The Place Promised in Our Early Days, is a full length feature from up and coming director Makoto Shinkai, Voices of a Distant Star, which caused a stir for being an anime title directed and produced completely on his Mac. We recommend it to see how Mr Shinkai is progressing and some fans may have already seen this feature at the NFT earlier this month. We've been enjoying Cromartie High School as well. Get Backers is always worth watching too.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Fandom
We've been passed a press release from DDR:uk, a group of hardcore Dance Dance Revolution fanatics, on the 18th of August their equipment was stolen (with the exception of their custom build DDR machine, as it too big to easily move), their £25,000 collection includes a wide variety of rare and sought after games, most of which are no longer in production, along with specialist hardware and games controllers.
Since the items in question are rather unique, we would like to ask community minded otaku to be aware of the items stolen and keep a look out for them on places like popular auction sites, specialist games dealers and other places second hand goods are traded. The DDR:uk crew are offering a reward for any information.
The DDR:uk crew also help run events at anime conventions such as the games room, which was a huge success at AmeCon 2006, with the DDR machine being a huge attraction, along with the more unusual classic games. DDR:uk also put a plea out for hardware and games donation to help replace what was stolen.
On a side note the AmeCon manga library (which is made up of generous donations from Tokyopop and Tanoshimi and is stored with the DDR:uk hardware), was also vanadilised by the same criminals, with boxes of manga thrown out onto the street into the rain, and is now spoiled as a result.
We've deliberatly posted this to all editions of Otaku News, as although the items in question were stolen in the UK, many of the items stolen are rare they're desirable internationally, so all our readers should be made aware.
Read More... | Souce: DDR:uk
Fans of dating games will be pleased to hear that the nice folks from CuriousFactory and Buredo have released a free game engine and construction kit, designed at making Visual Novels easy to produce in English. In a nutshell this will allow users to create their own interactive stories, anime and manga fans will probably be most familiar with dating games, but the companies are keen to promote that you can also produce other games using their game engine.
A good story is a must, good artwork is always nice too, but there are some crafty ways around this, such as taking photos of things and then using a bit of photoshop magic. It’ll be interesting to see if any otaku take up developing games on this engine. Currently the engine is Windows only.
Read More... | Souce: Blade Visual Novel Engine
Category > Art
The good folks from IMAF have got in touch with us to tell everyone about their third International Manga and Anime Festival, which will run on Friday 10th to Tuesday 14th November 2006, at the usual venue of County Hall, Westminster, London.
If you're like me and can't draw you can go and look at all the lovely artwork submitted. On the other hand if you are artistically talented you can enter for a chance to win part of the $85,000 overall prize fund! Entrants take note, the deadline is 30th September, 2006, no later than 5:30pm. This is a real chance to show how skilled you are and can lead to even things. So get scribbling!
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Category > Events
The BFI have sent us some great news about an August Anime Season kicking off at the NFT in London. Following the success of last years anime season, they've decided to hold another one, which is always a great sign for London based fans. Highlights include director of Negadon: The Monster from Mars making an appearance on stage for a conversation session on Friday 18th August. They'll also be screening:
The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Negadon: The Monster from Mars + Yonna in the Solitary Fortress
Tetsujin 28: The Movie
Patlabor: The Movie
Mind Game
Area 88: Episodes 1-4
Karas: The Prophecy
Otakus in Love (Koi no Mon)
The following two Ghibli titles also get special extended runs:
Pom Poko
Spirited Away
They've got a great selection of titles and we highly recommend attending some of these screenings.
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Category > Manga
The good folks at publishers Random House have dropped us a line to tell us about their new manga publishing label Tanoshimi. They'll be releasing some great titles in the UK including xxxHOLiC, Tsubasa and Negima. Their new website is due to launch on 3rd August 2006, in the mean time you can sign up for a chance to win an iPod Nano.
Souce: Tanoshimi
Category > Anime
Tokyopop announces their own music line to release tunes based on hit anime.
Read More... | Souce: Tokyopop
Category > Webcomics
Last week the good folks from Seven Seas sent us details of three new web comics in a manga style. They are keen to promote the title as manga, even though the authors are not Japanese, some more precise companies would say that this is work in a manga style, or influenced by manga.
The art for all three web comics is of a high standard and we recommend you take a look.
Read More... | Souce: Seven Seas
Those nice folks from ADV Films UK have sent us details about teaming up with UK Satellite TV station Rapture TV. From July 6th they'll be screening Mezzo DSA. New episodes will be screened on Thursdays and then repeated on the Sunday anime block at the same time too.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Manga
Tokyopop teams up with the Los Angeles Public Library to launch manga summer reading program.
Read More... | Souce: Tokyopop
Category > Manga
Manga publisher Viz Media brought some news that fans of the Rurouni Kenshin manga series would not want to hear. Viz has announced that this widely popular series will end after its 28th volume is released on July 5.
Fans do not need to be sad though, for Viz has also announced that there will be a Rurouni Kenshin fiction novel. This is the first of its kind and will be unleashed to the masses on October 17. The novel is called Voyage To The Moon World and is written by Kaoru Shizuka, it is Shonen Jump's first fictional novel release, and will retail for $9.99. Voyage To The Moon World features Kenshin Himura in a brand new adventure. Viz will also release a new manga series, Buso Renkin from the creator of Rurouni Kenshin, Nobuhiro Watsuki on August 1. And not only that, Mr. Watsuki himself will be a guest at Comic-Con International in San Diego this July!
The final volumes of the series have been greatly anticipated by fans, as they have not been animated before.
Read More... | Souce: Akadot
Category > Events
The good people from the East Midlands Anime Group have arranged a convention for Friday 19th October to Sunday 21st October 2007. FuyuCon has capacity for 500 members and will be based at the Britannia Hotel Nottingham. Full weekend membership costs £40.
Anime expert Helen McCarthy will be the guest for FuyuCon, it will be her first UK anime convention appearance in a while. Helen regularly attends US conventions such as A-Kon.
FuyuCon is a welcome addition to the UK anime convention calendar. Since the capacity is 500, we suggest you book as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
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Following on from our report of the Barbican screening anime, ADV Films UK have sent us a press release detailing on of the screenings Makoto Shinkai's features. Along with the Barbican the NFT will be screening The Place Promised In Our Early Days from the 18th to the 20th of August.
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No sooner than we had recived details for July's DVD releases, our chums at ADV Films UK had sent us the details for their August DVD line up:
- Saiyuki: Requiem
- Cromartie High School Volume 3
- Elfen Lied Volume 4 (Final)
- DNAngel Volume 7 (Final)
- Get Backers 8
There's something for everyone this month! So check out the DVD Review Section for more details about Cromartie High School, Elfen Lied, DNAngel and Get Backers.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Those nice folks from ADV Films UK have sent us details of their July DVD releases. The following is due to hit the stores:
- Gilgamesh Volume 2
- MADLAX Volume 3
- Full Metal Panic?! FUMOFFU Volume 4 (Final)
- Peacemaker Volume 6
All four releases this month are worth looking at, however we highly recomend Full Metal Panic FUMOFFU as it's the end of the excellent series, along with Peacemaker as we like Shinsengumi! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Ghibli fans with children will be pleased to hear about the Barbican screening's of three Ghibli films for an anime season. For three weeks, their Saturday specials will be:
Saturday 1 July - My Neighbour Totoro U, 11.00am
Saturday 8 July - Kiki's Delivery Service U, 11.00am
Saturday 15 July - Spirited Away PG, 11.00am
Please note that adults will have to be accompanied by children, so otaku parents this is an event to take your children to!
Studio Ghibli films always look fantastic on the big screen, and are worth watching and are enjoyable for Children and adults alike.
It's not clear from the release if the movies will be screened in English, or in Japanese with subtitles. We believe since the target audience for these screenings are 5 to 11 year olds, then chances are it will be dubbed in English.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican Family Film Club
Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details of their June releases which include the following:
- Cromartie High School Volume 2
- Elfen Lied Volume 3
- DNAngel Volume 6
- Get Backers Volume 7
Normally we'd recomend a single title, but ADV have got something for everyone this month. If you like ultra violence (that is sugary cute and gratuitous), go for Elfen Lied. If Comedy is more your thing, go for Cromartie High School.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Those good people at Tomo-Dachi have just sent us there latest press release, it contains more details about the Northern Irish convention set for 7th July to 9th July. Highlight's include US guests Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield, they'll both provide an interesting insight into the anime industry. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons anime and manga expert Jonathan Clements had to pull out, but has promised to attend the 2007 Tomo-Dachi.
The convention also promises a great selection of panels, workshops and other cool anime events. They'll also be playing a selection of traditional Japanese games such as Go and Shogi . Booking closes on May 30th, so get moving if you're interested! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Tomo Dachi
The slopes and turns of Mount Akina have long been the haunts of local illegal racing teams, using a technique called 'drifting' to slide round corners at top speed and jousting with opposing teams for the honour of being the top team. The teams enjoy a status of being the envy of young wannabe drivers everywhere until one day during a race an unknown driver storms the course leaving the pros in his wake, just who is this 'Akina Racing God' and where did he come from? The driver is in fact local boy Takumi 'Tak' Fujiwara making a tofu delivery run for his father who would rather spend time with his love interest Natsuki than worry over cars or races, but how will he react when his new secret identity is revealed...
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Retail
Tokyopop planning to add new line of novels geared towards young adults.
Read More... | Souce: Tokyopop
Category > Anime
VIZ and Cartoon Network to launch new broadband site, Toonami Jetstream, to feature recent television hits and new shows not yet available.
Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network
Category > Anime
VIZ Media becomes the official Master Licensor for anime and manga series Bleach.
Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media, LLC
Category > Manga
Latest volume of Naruto cracks the Top 30 of USA Today's best seller list.
Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media, LLC
Category > Events
The good folks from ADV Films UK and Cafe Manga have sent us details of their special anime screenings which will be running throughout March. They'll be showing both subbed versions of Noir, Last Exile and Kino’s Journey at the Central London venue starting from Thursday 9th March. The Manga cafe also inform us that they've introduced happy hours during 6pm to 7pm where they'll be offering 25% discount off all drinks, note that if the staff are in doubt they will ask for ID. All titles screened are rated 12 and are uncut.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Anime
VIZ announces launch of new Shojo Beat video line for titles of related genre.
Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media
The good folks at ADV Films UK have sent us the details of their April 2006 DVD releases. The following titles are due to hit the highstreets:
- Cromartie High School: Cromartian Rhapsody (1 of 4)
- Elfen Lied - Vector Two (2 of 4)
- DNAngel: The Darkside Of Love (5 of 7)
- Parasite Dolls
We recommend Cromartie High School, for a taste for something totally different. If you like something a very bloody, then go for Elfen Lied.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
March marks an important month for UK Ghibli fans. Howl's Moving Castle, Hayao Miyazaki's latest film gets a very swift UK DVD release, we're really impressed at how quickly it took for Optimum to bring this title to market, especially since it was only released on DVD in Japan in November 2005, previously there has been a great gap between Ghibli DVD releases outside of Japan. Optimum will be releasing a two disc set packed with extras.
Many more anime fans will be excited to hear that My Neighbour Totoro finally gets an official UK DVD release, after many years of waiting. The film was a great success in Japan and as a result became Studio Ghibli's mascot and was incorporated into their logo. It's an excellent film and one of my all time favourite anime titles. It's a charming feature of children and adult alike, one of those real rare gems of a movie and a must have for any anime fan.
Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing
Category > Fandom
Those artistic people from Sweatdrop Studios have dropped us a line to tell us about their new on-line shopping system. They take Paypal too, which is useful for those who don't have or want credit cards. We recommend you grab a copy of Sugardrops if you haven't already, since it contains artwork from a selection of the Sweatdrop Crew. The press release they sent us also has a discount coupon. ^_-
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
The Folks at Manga Entertainment UK have sent us a press release about an anime special South Bank Show, which is due to air on Sunday 19th of February. Some researchers for the South Bank Show even made the steps of visiting the London Anime Club to get the low down from British anime fans. Interestingly enough the press release also has some details about Jonathan Ross' recent Asian Invasion, stating that it got over 310,000 viewers, a BBC4 record (it's now clear however if this figure is for just the first screening of the show, or if the repeat screened later in the week is included too).
ITV4 will also be screening the original Ghost In The Shell movie on Saturday 4th March (we belive it's the dub version), so if you haven't seen it yet catch it!
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
The nice folks from ADV Films UK are out to bankrupt British otaku as in February they'll be releasing the following titles:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition Volume 7 (Final Volume)
Elfen Lied - Volume 1
DNAngel - Volume 4
Boogiepop and Others (Live Action)
Boogiepop Phantom - Complete Collection
The final volume of the Special Platinum Edition of Evangelion is tempting. Elfen Lied, is shocking to say the least, if not the most graciously violent show we've seen in a very long time, it makes other shows look very tame by comparison, not something to show your grandma, especially if she was expecting something like Hello Kitty. The fact that the BBFC passed Elfen Lied uncut with a 15 Certificate shows that times have indeed changed and we're certinally curious to see if late volumes will also get a rated 15, or if they'll get rated 18 instead.
We hear that the live action Boogiepop features supposed to be good, but we haven't seen it yet, so can't confirm it.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Websites
We've been listening to what our readers want, and we know that many anime fans are also keen PSP owners. Which is why we've made a PSP version of Otaku News, designed especially for Sony's box of tricks. It has less content than the full versions of this site, but is designed for quick loading times and navigation, which is ideal when you're out and about with wireless access. To access it all you have to do is visit (go on, bookmark it on your PSP you know you want to). The main article content and DVD reviews are identical to the other editions of Otaku News.
Souce: Otaku News - PSP Edition
We've just been sent the press release from JAST USA, about a rather novel PC game for a certain type of anime fan. Yep, we're talking Yaoi (or boys love). Appropriately for this kind of game, Enzai - Falsely Accused, the action takes place in a prison ^_- (our resident expert Spike's going to love this).
Read More... | Souce: JAST USA
Category > Anime
ADV Films announces release date information on sci-fi comedy UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films
Category > Anime
Following up on a recent announcement of FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd's acquirement of Negima, the anime series based on Ken Akamatsu's latest manga about a boy wizard teaching English at a girl’s school in Japan, Anime Insider announced in their 2006 Preview issue some more of the cast for the English dub. The series is due out later this year, though there is no official date for the release.
Greg Ayres is still up to voice main character Negi Springfield, while Luci Christian (Full Metal Panic, Azumanga Daioh) will play his hot tempered student Asuna. Other actresses for the mostly female cast include Laura Bailey (Fruits Basket), Monica Rial (Excel Saga, Burst Angel) and Caitlin Glass (Fullmetal Alchemist). With the 30+ students in Negi's class (including fortune teller Konoka, shy bookworm Nodoka, haughty rich girl Ayaka, half-demon kendoist Setsuna, vampire girl Evangeline, ninja girl Kaede and many more) and Akamatsu’s plans to develop them all with their own storylines, Negima could very contain one the largest voice casts for an anime series, Japanese or English.
Souce: Anime Insider
Category > Events
As goes the message I got in the mailing list this morning...
The London MCM Expo is very happy to announce a pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture event for the UK to place in London, UK during July 2007 called 'Anime London'.
The ever growing London MCM Expo which takes place at Excel in London twice a year will still heavily feature ‘Anime Village’ bringing fans the best of Anime & Manga along with the many movie and TV related areas that it covers.
We now feel that it is time to bring a different kind event to the UK that will address the needs of the pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture
fan, this will not take away from existing Anime conventions or the
London MCM Expo but compliment them.
We have added a section to the London MCM Expo message board for you to
discuss the ‘Anime London’ event.
A website is currently being designed for the event and will go live within the next few weeks.
We look forward to hearing from you with regards to the event.
London MCM Expo
Now isn't it about time someone made the brave attempt of holding a major anime event in London town!
Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
The folks from Tomo-Dachi have just sent us their latest press release, which reveals that Matt Greenfield will be one of the guests. Matt Greenfield is best known to anime fans as the co-founder of ADV Films, and has directed the dubbing of Neon Genesis Evangelion (making sure that "Father I hate you!" sounds just right! ^_-).
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-Dachi
The nice folks over at Turner Classic Movies have sent us the following details about their Miyazaki movie season and their Sweepstake. Details as follows -
For the month of January, Turner Classic Movies will be airing Hayao Miyazaki anime films every Thursday beginning at 8pm EST. In conjunction with these airings, TCM is offering fans an opportunity to enter The Ultimate Hayao Miyazaki DVD & Book Sweepstakes! One lucky winner will receive a gift collection featuring works by legendary Japanese Animator Hayao Miyazaki. 50 first prize winners will receive a book and a DVD from the Miyazaki collection. To enter the sweepstakes please have you Miyazaki fans click the following web address:
Souce: Turner Classic Movies
Category > Manga
NewType USA to serialize Seven Seas Entertainment's Aoi House starting with January 2006 issue.
Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network
Otaku News have teamed up with the generous folks from ADV Films UK who are giving our readers the chance to win the complete series of Last Exile or the complete series of Divergence Eve on DVD.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK