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PvP: The Series

Date: 2006 November 30 23:54 | Posted By:

Category > Webcomics

PvP animated series is in the works for February launch!

Read More... | Souce: PvP Website

New Naruto on Jetix

Date: 2006 November 26 13:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Just a quick note to let everyone know that new episodes of Naruto are showing on Jetix at 6.30 pm each day. If you've missed the start of the new episodes all you need to know is Shino likes bugs.

Souce: Jetix

The First American Anime Awards

Date: 2006 November 16 12:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The first ever American Awards will be held at the New York Comic Con in February.

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

FUNimation's UK titles to switch to Revelation

Date: 2006 November 15 06:58 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

FUNimation's UK titles will be switching from MVM to Revelation Pictures. The move has been made by Nevarre , FUNimation's parent company who already use Revelation for other releases.This will involve series such as Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Basket. MVM will still continue with a range of anime it's licenced independently from FUNi.

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FUNimation to release remastered Dragon Ball Z

Date: 2006 November 14 09:10 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

In a long overdue announcement it finally seems FUNimation are giving Dragon Ball Z fans what they want.
After halting their re-release of the first season uncuts, and then postponing the new Saiyan saga box set, details have finally been released.
FUNimation have remastered the series themselves rather than using the Japanese " Dragon-box" footage and controversially they are wide screen , but at $49.98 a season it's much cheaper than importing the Japanese DVDs and there are some interesting extras . The first box comes out in February.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

New Saiyuki for 2007

Date: 2006 November 10 11:54 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Good news for Saiyuki fans as a new Saiyuki Reload Burial OVA is due for released in 2007 and it should be three episodes long. The first episode is scheduled for Japanese release on April 27, 2007. For more details check out their official website.

Souce: Anime Nation

Blood the Last Vampire Movie

Date: 2006 November 10 11:38 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Good News for Blood the Last Vampire fans as the French company Pathe will be making the live-action movie. Anime production Studio I.G announced filming will begin in January 2007 and the world wide release is scheduled for Spring 2008.

Souce: Akadot

Death Note News

Date: 2006 November 10 11:33 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network, Death Note: The Last Name topped Japanese Box office last weekend beating Kisarazu Cat's Eye World Series and Flags of Our Fathers to second and third place respectively.

There is unofficial news that the Death Note anime series has been officially licensed for release in North America in 2007. It's been a great success for Death Note so far.

Souce: Anime News Network

ADV acquires Le Chevalier D'Eon for the UK

Date: 2006 November 02 16:58 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

The friendly guys over at ADV Films UK have sent us details of their latest acquistion from Production IG, Le Chevalier D'Eon. Currently they haven't set a release date which is a bit of a pain, not even a rough time frame is mentioned, however it does say that they have UK Video, TV and Video on Demand rights.

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

Afro Samurai Set for January Release

Date: 2006 November 02 09:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Afro Samurai set to make its debut in January on Spike TV.

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

YouTube take down nearly 30,000 Japanese Clips

Date: 2006 October 20 12:36 | Posted By:

Category > Websites

BBC News and many other news sources are currently reporting that 29,549 clips have been removed from YouTube after the Japanese media companies complained of copyright infringement. The popular video hosting site (recently bought by Google for $1.65bn USD) frequently had clips from Japanese TV shows along with some anime as well.

It is not clear from the article what content has been removed, if it's Japanese TV programmes, more extreme quiz shows, comedy sketches and skits such as Matrix Pong, users of YouTube will have to discover that for themselves. What will be interesting to find out is if YouTube will automatically take down any future content or if the Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) will have to file more requests.

Souce: BBC News

More on Otaku Hunting with an otaku budget

Date: 2006 October 15 13:36 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

Following on from a previous article on Otaku Hunting, the Mainichi Daily News has some interesting details about an Akihabara otaku wallet, the Shukan Post did a very rough and ready survey of 10 otaku in the area and discovered the maximum amount one carried was 47,000 yen (that's about $392 USD or £211 GBP) with the least carrying 3,000 yen (approximately $30 USD or £14 GBP), with the average wallet containing around 21,900 yen ($183 or £98 GBP).

We question such a small sample size and would be keen to find out if these results scale, or the 10 otaku questions where above or below the real average otaku in Tokyo. Interestingly what the Shukan Post discovered that otaku are in fact penny pinchers, using the knowledge of their train obsessed friend to work out the cheapest journey to save them 10 yen a trip as every little counts.

Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Kiddy Grade: The Sequel

Date: 2006 October 13 11:26 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Kiddy Grade sequel in the works!

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

NANA 2: Last Live-action movie

Date: 2006 October 13 04:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The second NANA movie, a sequel of Ai Yazawa's Manga will mark the conclusion of the saga in movie form. The director has expressed difficulties of maintaining a filming schedule suitable for all actors, and as a result 3 cast members have changed. The second installment will cover from volume 6 to 12. The new cast members are:

Nana Komatsu: Yui Ichikawa
Shin: Kanata Hongou
Ren: Nobuo Kyo

The director added that the Film will have a suitable ending as the conclusion.

Souce: Akadot

Top 10 Anime and Manga of all time

Date: 2006 October 13 04:05 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The top 10 Anime/Manga of all time as decided by 80,000 Japanese fans was held for the 10th anniversary of the Japan Media Arts Festival.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

San Francisco hotel to have Anime theme

Date: 2006 October 13 03:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Interesting news from Anime News Network, San Francisco's Best Western Miyako Inn Hotel is going to be turned into a Japanese pop culture persona, starting with a contest to rename the hotel. The new theme will be "an energetic, optimistic expression" of anime, manga, J-Pop, and street fashion, said Matt Harvey, Creative Director of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, a boutique hotel operator that took over the 125-room hotel in May.

Souce: Anime News Network

20th Leeds Film Festival

Date: 2006 October 08 14:16 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Anime fans who can get to Leeds in November are in for a treat. They'll be holding the 20th Leeds International Film Festival. Highlights include the UK Premiere of Paprika by Satoshi Kon (responsible for Paranoia Agent, which they'll be screening the complete series in the Festival). Other features include the rather strange selection from Kawasaki Minoru - Executive Koala, Calamari Wrestler and The World Sinks Except Japan.

All tickets cost £6.00 or £4.50 for conessions, they also do tickets for the whole festival. It's well worth going for the Satoshi Kon features alone!

Souce: 20th Leeds Film Festival

Defending Anime Fans

Date: 2006 October 06 03:46 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

The trouble with being an anime fan is that people often get the wrong idea, and then start talking about stereotypical stuff about how crazy people are in Japan. Dragon who is the president of the London Anime Club and has also written a shopping guide to anime and electronics in Tokyo has posted a good defence to being called an otaku:

I got into an "arguement" with somebody at work over the term Otaku. They accused me of dressing up in costume and being obssively knowledgeable about the subject. "Fine," I said. "Just like the rest of the perverts who you see dressed up in strange costumes and hanging round in parks on Sundays, or that gather in huge crowds dressed in outlandish gear singing stupid songs and generally idolising over their obessions. Who spend huge amounts of money buying all the latest things. They have pictures on their bedroom walls. They follow the latest news and interviews very great glee. They seek out fellow fanatics and discuss the latest events. Such obsessives like you. Only in this country they are known as football fans."

So note down the otaku are just the same as football fan strategy and use it next time people call you weird for liking those strange Japanese cartoons! ^_-

Souce: London Anime Club

Anime Popular Around the World

Date: 2006 October 05 11:00 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Regular readers of Otaku News will no doubt be unsurprised to find that anime is popular around the world. The Yomiuri Shimbun has an interesting article that reports on how popular anime is, with Captain Majed the soccer anime (better known as Captain Tsubasa) being a big hit in Iraq. The Japanese government used Tsubasa's popularity by putting his image on Japanese supply trucks in Iraq, this proved popular with Iraqi children and it shows that anime characters can be goodwill ambassadors.

The article then moves to Simona Stanzani Pini an Italian translator of manga, who states that she grew up watching anime on her local television, and how Japanese animation has become a part of Italian culture.

Interesting facts are also revealed, with an Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry estimate stating about 60 percent of the worlds animation coming from Japan. Which leads on the Japanese companies moving into foreign markets, mentioning that in 2004 Toei Animation Co, (now 50 years old), opening local offices in Los Angeles and Paris acting as a direct sales contact instead of through a third party. It's interesting because many industry insiders in the west have predicted that anime companies would one day cut out the middle man and sell directly to their foreign markets.

Toei has also created an anime version of the Powerpuff Girls, giving them a distinctly Japanese look. Called Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, the series is currently showing on TV Tokyo and is scheduled to be shown worldwide on Cartoon Network in the near future.

Souce: Yomiuri Shimbun

Oban Star Racers starts in the UK, New Naruto soon?

Date: 2006 October 02 05:40 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Oban Star Racers started in the UK on Sunday October 1st, and will then confusingly run on weekdays at 5:30pm, with the first episode being aired again on Monday 2nd October. Having caught the first few episodes at last London expo it comes highly recommended.

Naruto fans might be eager to hear that Jetix are advertising new episodes at 6:30. Today's episode was actually a repeat set at the start of the Chunin written exams, the new episode adverts may indicate that Jetix will progress to the practical part of the exams after the written and therefore genuine new episodes, instead of looping back to episode one.

Souce: Jetix

Death Note to Debut as an Anime this Fall

Date: 2006 September 30 09:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

There is an interesting article on Icv2 about the Death Note anime series which will premiere on October 3rd at 12:56am on Japan TV.

Read More... | Souce: Icv2

Paradise Kiss On DVD

Date: 2006 September 30 09:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Paradise Kiss, the Manga by famous Manga-ka Ai Yazawa (known for massive hit NANA) will be officially out on DVD in the U.S. On Geneon's new website there is also details about Franz Ferdinand ending theme 'Do you want to' used in the anime series. The Ending theme has also been licensed to be used in the U.S.

The first of Volume of Paradise Kiss will be out on December 19, 2006.

Souce: Anime News Network

ADV Launches Download Site

Date: 2006 September 29 12:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

ADV Films has joined the anime downloading craze with the opening of their new digital download store, ADV Universe. Anime fans can now, after signing at the official website, browse and shop for episodes of their favorite ADV releases, including Gilgamesh, Godannar, and Comic Party to watch on their computer through Windows Media Player.

While the price for episode downloading has not been disclosed, signing up for service at ADV Universe is free! And as an added incentive, fans will receive the first episode of Guyver: The Bio-Booster Armor, soon to be released by ADV, for free after signing up. It’s just one more way at how much anime fandom is progressing in this high-tech, digital age.

Souce: ADV Films

Otaku Hunting

Date: 2006 September 29 09:33 | Posted By:

Category > Current Affairs

Otaku in Akihabara beware! The area famed as the spiritual homeland of otaku is under fire from young thieves who are targeting the mild mannered geeks. According the Mainichi Daily News eight youths (aged 14 to 18 detailed in other reports) were engaged in what they called "otaku hunting". The teens targeted otaku in Akihabara for mugging because they are weak, and are known to have money especially when in Akihabara due to the many popular anime shops in the area.

The bullies demand money from powerless otaku and threaten violence.

Police state that there have been 25 separate reports of otaku hunting since the start of the year with the victims losing a combined sum of 350,000 yen ($2965 USD / £1590 GBP) between them.

Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Interview with Monica Rial and Chris Patton

Date: 2006 September 21 04:18 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Thanks to those lovely people at Amecon as well as the voice actors themselves donating their time, I was able to interview voice actors Chris Patton and Monica Rial.

Chris Patton has played roles such as Sousuke Sagara in Full Metal Panic and Sasame in Pretear; Monica has played many characters including Towa in DNAngel and Hyatt in Excel saga she also writes ADR scripts for anime such as DNAngel and Madlax.

Read More... | Souce: Voice Acting Alliance/Otaku News

Rapture TV to Launch Anime Show

Date: 2006 September 19 09:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Rapture TV one of the few channels showing anime in the UK will be launching a new show called Anime Nation on the 25th of September.

As of yet no times have been announced, but we sincerely hope that they put more effort in than the latter Saiko Exciting episodes!

Souce: Rapture TV

All New Evangelion For 2007

Date: 2006 September 18 11:05 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Four all new Evangelion movies are in the works, with the first to be released summer 2007.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

Astro Boy Movie to be Released in 2009

Date: 2006 September 16 12:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network there is great news about a theatrical release by Imagi Animation Studios of an Astro Boy feature in 2009. The studio is already working on Gatchaman and WB's Teenage Mutant.

Souce: Anime News Network

JoJo's Bizarre adventure Movie scheduled

Date: 2006 September 16 12:35 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure movie is scheduled to premiere in Japan next March. Studio A.P.P.P will produce JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Project, a 90-minute anime. The movie together with a Phantom Blood Project PS2 game, the movie will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the initial release of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.

Souce: Anime News Network

Tomo-dachi 2007

Date: 2006 September 15 03:26 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've been sent some details from the Tomo-dachi Crew about their next convention, set for Friday, August 31st - Sunday to September 2nd, 2007 at the UU Magee Campus in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Bookings before March 31st are £25 and £30 after. As of yet, they've not released a guest list, however if the last Tomo-dachi is anything to go for they'll have some good industry guests.

Read More... | Souce: Tomo-dachi

Otaku - Japan's Consumer Cult

Date: 2006 September 13 16:48 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

Otaku - Japan's Consumer Cult.

A syndicated article that appears MSNBC and Business Week focuses on the Otaku, who are Japan's Consumer Fanatics.

It mentions their geeky tendencies to build their own computers, along with their spending large amounts of money on collectable manga and associated merchandise. Interestingly enough the article also states their raw spending power, around $3.5 Billion dollars (USD), a year on anime DVDs, manga, IT gadgets and other toys. Namco Bandai's Idol Manager idolm@ster gets a mention too.

The article then goes on to explain the Densha Otoko and maid cafes, along with English language websites that track the news. They single out two websites Otaku World and this website Otaku News. ^_^

The article also mentions kakure-otaku (hidden otaku), and the Secret Otaku Support Commission.

It then finishes with Kondo Kagaku, a company that noticed a lot of it's servomotors were being bought buy keen otaku who wanted to produce their own robots, so the company met demand and produced their own robot kit.

Souce: Business Week

FLCL: The Ultimate Edition

Date: 2006 September 05 10:07 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Like FLCL, the wacky six-part OAV series from Gainax about a young boy, an alien girl, and the robots that come from his head? Well, get ready to enjoy it all over again when Synch Point releases FLCL: The Ultimate Edition box set on November 21. This new set, going for a SRP of $69.95, will not only include the full series with a director's commentary, but lots of cool free swag. This includes a sticker sheet, postcards, a book (what kind is currently not known, though an art book of some type is likely), and best of all, a coupon for a free T-shirt. Definitely for many to add to their Christmas wish lists.

Souce: Anime News Network

Japanese Animation and the World of Koji Yamaura. Free Event

Date: 2006 September 01 16:45 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

London based anime fans will want to head over to the Japan Foundation for their free event Bringing Pictures to Life - Japanese Animation and the World of Koji Yamamura. It's set to run on October 16th at 6:30pm, although it's free, booking is essential (if you do book don't forget to mention you found this through Otaku News). Anime expert Helen McCarthy will also be giving a talk about Japanese animation.

It's good to see that the Japan Foundation will be doing this, and hopefully they'll be having other events like this in the future.

The Japan Foundation is near Russell Square Tube station, a short walk from The British Museum and Gosh comics, which is known to stock a nice selection of manga.

Read More... | Souce: Japan Foundation

Pirates vs Ninjas at J-Pop Go

Date: 2006 August 31 17:54 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Those nice partying folk at J-Pop Go will be having the final ultimate showdown (of ultimate destiny) to decide who really does rule, ninjas or pirates. The popular London J-Pop event is set to run on Saturday September 23rd at their regular venue of Cafe Manga.

Who will win on pirates versus ninja night? Otaku News will be betting on the ninjas to win, being favourites by far as they have real ultimate power! Although we wouldn't put it past the underdog pirates of having some chance of beating the sneaky ninjas, however ninjas would only lose to trick the pirates into a false sense of security before flipping out and killing all the scurvy sea dogs! ^_-

Souce: J-Pop Go

One Piece New Season Starts Monday

Date: 2006 August 31 09:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The new season of One Piece will start on Monday at 4:30 on Toonami in the UK. So get that grog (or juice since this is the dub) ready for everyone's favourite stretchy pirate anime.

Souce: Toonami

Toonami Jetstream a Big Success

Date: 2006 August 23 10:37 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Toonami Jetstream reports millions of hits in just first four weeks!

Read More... | Souce: Viz

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Set For UK Release

Date: 2006 August 21 07:10 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming

After searching we've noticed that a release date for the PS2 Naruto game Ultimate Ninja has been given as 03/11/2006. Better sharpen your kunai and get practicing then.


Ursula K. Le Guin speaks out about Gedo Senki

Date: 2006 August 16 05:10 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

A coment in Goro Miyazaki's Earthsea blog has prompted the author of the Earthsea novels; Ursula K. Le Guin, to speak out about her views on the film. She takes to time to write in detail about her views of the film, comparing it with the US live action Earthsea.

"Both the American and the Japanese film-makers treated these books as mines for names and a few concepts, taking bits and pieces out of context, and replacing the story/ies with an entirely different plot, lacking in coherence and consistency"

She also mentions that becuase the Earthsea rights are tied up by the company which made the live action version an American release is not likely until 2009.


Maison Ikoku Live-Action

Date: 2006 August 11 11:07 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Good news for Rumiko Takashi fans. In fact according to Anime News Network the popular Anime/Manga ‘Maison Ikoku’ will be turned into a drama live-action next year.
Apparently Misaki Itou has been cast to play the part of Kyoko, but it seems they haven’t found a suitable actor yet to play the part of Godai so they called an open casting to found the lucky actor. More info can be found on Tv Asahi website:

Souce: Anime News Network

Earthsea Scores Big in Japan

Date: 2006 August 05 11:40 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Tales From Earthsea tops Pirates of the Caribbean at Japanese box office.

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

Sony to extend Animax to UK?

Date: 2006 August 04 11:19 | Posted By:

Category > Anime have spotted that Sony have registered Anime + as a channel in in the UK. Doing some digging here at Otaku News we've spotted that this seems to be part of a move on Sony's part to widen it's AXN, Animax and Sony Entertainment Television brands. It follows the apointment of Tom Davidson to vice president of international networks in May. It's probably quite important to note that according to this press release Mr Davidson is based in the London Sony headquarters!

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Kill Bill: The Anime?

Date: 2006 July 28 11:35 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Tarantino announces two possible Kill Bill anime projects.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

Tokyo Police Get Heavy on Otaku Culture

Date: 2006 July 28 09:58 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

In another interesting article from the Mainichi Daily News reports that otaku culture in Akihabara is under threat. Traditionally every Sunday the main strip through Akihabara is closed to traffic, allowing pedestrians to rule the roads, bands to play in the street and ladies dressed in maid costumes to handout pamphlets for events otaku will be interested in.

But recently the police have been stopping bands' performances and prevented maids from handing out their leaflets causing many otaku to complain that they're being persecuted. On Sundays the street is frequently packed with cosplayers and fans taking photographs. The article reports that the cosplayers and photographers are "they're at least wary, if not afraid, of the cops".

Read More... | Souce: Mainichi Daily News

The Secret Otaku Support Commission

Date: 2006 July 28 09:10 | Posted By:

Category > Freaky Things

It may sound like a name of some new romantic comedy anime, but in fact it's a match up service. The Mainichi Daily News are currently running a story about the Secret Otaku Support Commission, a service that allows female otaku who rather hide their nerd like tendencies to rent another female otaku to hangout with. The service is expensive and the MDN discover that the matching service isn't exactly perfect, with their match up as the rented otaku girl was too young to have seen most of the anime the reporter enjoyed.

Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Jetix Speak Out About Naruto TV Cuts

Date: 2006 July 28 09:09 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK viewers will no doubt have noticed that the UK airing of Naruto has been further cut down from the US Toonami cut. There has been much discussion regarding the poor quality of edits, such as the use of static low resolution screen shots or editing out entirely of important shots rather than relying solely on the toned down Toonami edits.

A forum user at got the following response after e-mailing Jetix:
"Jetix UK aims to provide exciting and entertaining content for our audience whilst being a responsible kids broadcaster. We therefore must ensure the content of our programmes is suitable for our target audience and we follow strict OFCOM regulations to ensure that these standards are adhered to. Where certain content from the original has been deemed unsuitable for our younger viewers it has been edited from the version which Jetix will be broadcasting. These edits are subtle and we don't believe alter the quality of the viewing experience. If Jetix fans in the UK wish to view the uncut version of Naruto Manga is releasing the DVD of the first 13 episodes, entitled Naruto Unleased, on 21 August. The next 13 episodes will be released on DVD at the end of November."

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Future of Anime and Manga Looking Bright in the US

Date: 2006 July 24 04:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The Mainichi Daily News are currently running an article about the success of anime and manga in the US. Reporting from Anime Expo, the article focuses on how anime and manga is becoming more mainstream and also more popular with girls. This trend has been seen in the US for a number of years now, with female convention attendance growing strongly each year. Interestingly this trend is also being mirrored in other fan events across the world too, four or five years ago UK anime fandom used to be the sole domain of rather geeky males, now the UK anime scene also has growing female attendance, along with more mainstream acceptance.

Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Free Visual Novel Construction Tool Released

Date: 2006 July 24 03:58 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming > PC

Fans of dating games will be pleased to hear that the nice folks from CuriousFactory and Buredo have released a free game engine and construction kit, designed at making Visual Novels easy to produce in English. In a nutshell this will allow users to create their own interactive stories, anime and manga fans will probably be most familiar with dating games, but the companies are keen to promote that you can also produce other games using their game engine.

A good story is a must, good artwork is always nice too, but there are some crafty ways around this, such as taking photos of things and then using a bit of photoshop magic. It’ll be interesting to see if any otaku take up developing games on this engine. Currently the engine is Windows only.

Read More... | Souce: Blade Visual Novel Engine

Yu-Gi-Oh! to Enter World Guiness Book of Records

Date: 2006 July 22 08:10 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! will enter the World Guiness Book of Records for selling over 15.8 billion cards.

Konami has contacted Guinness and applied for a card game sales world record. There is currently no Guinness record for the category. The Yu-Gi-Oh! card game was first released in 1999. Since then, the game has been released in 45 countries.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is believed to have set another record in 1998, when 17.5 million copies of its video game were sold.

Souce: Anime News Network

IMAF 2006 Launches

Date: 2006 July 20 15:48 | Posted By:

Category > Art

The good folks from IMAF have got in touch with us to tell everyone about their third International Manga and Anime Festival, which will run on Friday 10th to Tuesday 14th November 2006, at the usual venue of County Hall, Westminster, London.

If you're like me and can't draw you can go and look at all the lovely artwork submitted. On the other hand if you are artistically talented you can enter for a chance to win part of the $85,000 overall prize fund! Entrants take note, the deadline is 30th September, 2006, no later than 5:30pm. This is a real chance to show how skilled you are and can lead to even things. So get scribbling!

Read More... | Souce: IMAF

New Time, Same Race

Date: 2006 July 20 11:05 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Anime News Network has announced that IGPX, the hit original Cartoon Network series produced in collaboration with Production I.G., will be moving to a new night and time. The futuristic racing show will air on Friday nights at 12:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time, beginning July 21. The series originally aired on Saturday nights as part of Cartoon Network's weekend Toonami line-up, and is returning after a brief hiatus. No reasons for the time change have been given at this time.

Souce: Anime News Network

New Shows to Start on Jetix UK 22nd July: Naruto and Pucca

Date: 2006 July 17 07:01 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We're sure most of you know that Naruto starts on Jetix on the 22nd, but fans might be also pleasantly surprised to hear that the Pucca animated series is also showing. Pucca is a Korean mascot character, whose face is plastered across a huge range of merchandise much like Hello Kitty, and come to think of it a certain boy Ninja.

Naruto is being shown at 8pm, set those Sky Plus reminders!

Souce: Jetix

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