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Win a Beck Inspired Gibson!

Date: 2007 July 12 22:38 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Fans can sign up for a chance to win a Gibson Les Paul guitar by anime series, Beck!

Read More... | Souce: FUNimation Entertainment

Set sail for Alabaster more One Piece anime news

Date: 2007 July 02 16:42 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

In a joint TOEI and FUNimation panel at at Anime Expo some details finally emerged about the new FUNimation version of One Piece.

Cartoon Network US will continue to air One Piece with the new cast coming into effect as of season three. Happily it looks like the movies are also being to released, starting with movie 8 since it ties in with the Alabaster Arc (the last proper arc 4kids dubbed). Dub names will stay for the TV version and altered back on the DVDs.

Frankly this had better re-appear on UK TV or I shall be very mad...and broke Shonen Jump fangirl/sucker that I am.

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Young People! Animate your own Manga Hero!

Date: 2007 June 30 13:31 | Posted By:

Category > Events

If you're a young, budding creative into all things manga, anime and even music, you might want to hit Cambridge next week. The BBC's Blast on Tour will be swinging by Cambridge with their mobile studio, the "Blast truck", and hosting many different activities to get young people aged 13-19 more hands on with the creative scene...

And there's activities on manga and animation included!

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Henshin a-Go-Go baby! Viewtiful Joe on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 June 23 16:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Trailers ruining on Jetix UK reveal game based anime Viewtiful Joe will air on the channel from July 2nd. The story follows Joe who is dragged through the cinema screen, into a Captain Blue action film. Once there he gains the power to become Viewtiful Joe.

Souce: Jetix UK

Johnny Depp in Doraemon

Date: 2007 June 18 12:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Before Naruto was licensed there were plenty of strange rumours about Hollywood actors getting in on the act with Johnny Depp touted to play Orochimaru. This was of course total nonsense, but in a strange twist of fate Johnny Depp will be playing a pirate captain on Doraemon. He will play pirate Captain Johnny in the one hour special:
"Doraemon One-Hour! Pirates Special!! The Great Decisive Battle of the Pirates: A South Seas Love Story", which will air on TV Asahi on Friday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m.

Souce: Anime Newsnetwork

SFX Anime Special

Date: 2007 June 13 12:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

SFX has released its second anime special magazine. Featuring articles on GitS:SAC Solid State, how anime is incorrectly perceived, Guyver, CGI in anime and more. Plus a cover bonus of a set of GitS:SAC fridge magnets.

Read More... | Souce: SFX UK

Laughing Man Logo T-shirts

Date: 2007 June 11 14:49 | Posted By:

Category > Retail

Fans of Ghost in the Shell: SAC will be pleased to hear the news we've received from Terratag, who have just released t-shirts with the Laughing Man logo in 4 different colours.

For fans interested to know the background to the design you might want to read the interview we did with the creator of the Laughing Man Logo, Paul Nicholson.

Souce: Terratag

Invent your own ending to Guyver

Date: 2007 June 03 16:09 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

For anime fans with the animator in them, the online community site Bebo are inviting users to invent the ending to a volume of Guyver, the clip can be seen on thewir website.

Souce: Bebo \'U DIRECT\' Guyver Competition

Sci Fi Channel to add anime block

Date: 2007 May 11 21:42 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The Sci Fi Channel (US) are to air regular anime with new Monday night block!

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

Helen McCarthy interview on Resonance 104.4 fm

Date: 2007 May 09 17:24 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Our readers who like podcasts or can tune into Resonance 104.4 fm, a radio art station in London will want to listen in Thursday evening at 10.30 PM BST (9th May 2007), to catch an interview with anime expert Helen McCarthy. She'll be talking on Alex Fitch's show "I'm ready for my close-up", where they'll be covering anime in general, Helen's current anime season at the Barbican and hopefully the Anime Encyclopedia too. The podcast will be put on-line on Friday 10th May.

Souce: Resonance 104.4 fm

US Naruto movie screening locations

Date: 2007 April 28 18:44 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Following on from our story about the US Naruto Screenings, we've obtained the list of theaters that will screen Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in The Land of Snow. Which will be for one night only on June 6th, 2007. Our North American Naruto loving readers better book soon to avoid disappointment.

Read More... | Souce: Offical Naruto Movie Website

Naruto Movie US screening details

Date: 2007 April 26 15:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

The good folks from Viz Media have sent us details about the North American screening of Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in The Land of Snow. This has been highly anticipated by Naruto fans. Viz are apparently doing a special one night only screening across 160 selected theaters on June 6th, 2007. So check your local listings. Registered subscribers of Shonen Jump magazine will be sent details to buy tickets on-line on April 27th, while tickets will go on sale to the general public on April 30th through the Fathom events website. As always we advise you to book early to avoid disappointment.

Update: US theater screening locations - Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in The Land of Snow

Read More... | Souce: Viz Media

Anime Encyclopedia signing in London

Date: 2007 April 18 17:34 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We've received details regarding a book signing in London. Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy will be signing copies of the new updated version of the Anime Encyclopedia next week on Tuesday 24th April 2007 at Farringdons book store in the Barbican from 19:00-19:45. Then from 20:30, Helen will be giving a talk, on "Urban Mythmaking ­ Tokyo Style", followed by a screening of Karas: The Prophecy.

So if you want to get a signed copy of the Anime Encyclopedia and meet the authors then swing by.

Souce: Barbican

Viz Media acquires Blue Dragon

Date: 2007 April 17 17:15 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Viz media have acquired the rights to the Blue Dragon anime which is based on the game of the same name. Viz have semmingly acted fast since it only started airing in Japan on April 7 ,though we suspect that from the very begining the creators had an international market was in mind.

The series is animated by studio Pierrot who also also animate Naruto.

Souce: Anime News Network

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 April 15 13:27 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo just started this weekend on Jetix. It follows the adventures of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo a hero who can talk to hair. It' s odd, very odd.
There are new episodes every day at 11:30am and 19:00.

Souce: Jetix

FUNimation rescues One Piece

Date: 2007 April 13 13:30 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Every so often a news story breaks that send smiles rippling around the fan community. FUNimation have now acquired the licence to One Piece, and plan to start a brand new dub and uncut DVDs.


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Sci-Fi-London 2007 anime all-nighter

Date: 2007 April 05 18:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

We've got the details from the Sci-Fi-London regarding their anime all-nighter. The line up looks to be the best yet. The anime all nighter is set to run on Saturday 5th May from 11pm. The line up is as follows:

Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
Le Chevalier D'Eon
Highlander: Search for vengence
Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa

We're excited to see the new follow up to Ghost In the Shell: Stand alone complex - Solid State Society, and it's worth going for that alone. However Paprika by Satoshi Kon (the director behind Tokyo Godfathers, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Paranoia Agent) is another must see title. We're really impressed that they'll be showing them both on the same screening. The other titles are worth watching too. We suggest you make it a weekend of anime, go along to the anime all nighter, and then go to the London Anime Club the following day.

We also advise you book soon to avoid disappointment they sold out within 10 days last year.

Friday 4th May 2007, will show the UK Premiere of Ghost In the Shell: Solid State Society.

Read More... | Souce: Sci-Fi-London

Anime Boston 2007 reminder

Date: 2007 March 28 14:17 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Anime fans who can get to Boston, Massachusetts will want to go to Anime Boston 2007, on April 20th-22nd 2007, although all the advanced registrations are full, you can still turn up on the door to register. For our readers who like voice acting you'll want to go to enter their Voice Acting Contest where you can win a chance to record their own character in a new project. 2EastMusic will also be hosting a Songwriting Workshop.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Boston 2007

Naruto Movie Coming to America

Date: 2007 March 23 10:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The first Naruto movie hits US theaters this summer!

Update: US theater screening locations - Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in The Land of Snow

Read More... | Souce: VIZ Media, LLC

Miyazaki's New Movie

Date: 2007 March 22 22:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Hayao Miyazaki currently working on his latest movie!

Read More... | Souce: ICv2

Registrations for the LAC Japan 2007 Trip now open

Date: 2007 March 21 16:42 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Our chum Dragon's sent us details about the London Anime Club's 2007 trip to Japan. Let's face it, if you are a huge anime fan what better way to go to Japan than with a group of like minded fans! ^_^

Details as follows:

Registrations for the LAC Japan 2007 Trip now open

Registration for the London Anime Club's annual trip to Japan is now open. This trip is timed to coincide with the first Japanese World Scince Fiction Convention. The trip is from Friday 24th of August until Friday the 7th of September and includes all flights, hotel, and transfers to/from the airport. There are side trips and special events planned for the more discerning Otaku. Further details about the WorldCon can be found at Nippon 2007.

Souce: London Anime Club - Japan 2007

Bristol International Comic Expo Film Night 2007

Date: 2007 March 21 16:34 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've been sent the details of the Bristol International Comic Expo Film Night on May 11th at 10pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Bristol. Anime fans will want to catch Highlander: Search For Vengeance along with the fan produced title with cult appeal AMV Hell: 3.

Read More... | Souce: Bristol International Comic Expo

Anime Encyclopedia UK release details

Date: 2007 March 14 16:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We've been sent a press release from the folks at Titan Books. They'll be releasing a new updated edition of the Anime Encyclopedia for the UK on 27th April 2007. This edition has a black cover, along with over 40% new material. The Anime Encyclopedia is a must for otaku, as it's a accurate and well researched guide to the subject unlike a few other books which are nowhere near as good. Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy know their stuff and we highly recomend this guide. Hunting around on will produce a bargain price below the suggested retail price. You'll save money by reading about the type of anime you'd want to avoid, but the only trouble is you'd want to watch more of the titles you've discovered by reading it.

Read More... | Souce: Titan Book

Anime sequels and new releases for the next couple of months

Date: 2007 March 11 04:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network there will be many sequels and new anime releases in the coming months. One of them is Keroro Gunso which will be it's fourth season starting to air on April 4 on TV Tokyo. Also there will be a new season of Code Geass it is rumoured to be released in the fall of 2007. Along with a new Kyo Kara Maoh OVA in production, a new website for the upcoming five-episode series has been unveiled at Five DVD's, each containing a single episode, will be released starting this fall.

Other new anime will include the violent comedy Bokusatsu Tenshi which will be its 2nd season. Legends of Corocoro 10 Comic series will debut in May and features classic stories in a format aimed at adults.

Souce: Anime News Network

Slam Dunk adapted into Live-Action

Date: 2007 March 11 03:47 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

According to Akadot the popular anime and manga Slam Dunk by Takehiko Inoue will be adapted into a Live-Action movie by Taiwan's Chang Hong Channel Group and Shanghai's Film Television Group. Cast will be headed by Taiwanese pop star, Jay Chou, Charlene Choi, Chen Bo-lin, and Yee Chung Man. The movie will be released in winter 2008.

The manga sold more than 100 million copies in Japan and received various awards as well.

Souce: Akadot

We all want a Perfect Piece Tachikoma

Date: 2007 March 09 17:53 | Posted By:

Category > Toys

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex fans will be pleased to hear about the new toy from MegaHouse, it's a 1/20 scale Tachikoma model, with lots of articulation and even an opening pod that can fit the included Makoto figure inside! Known as the Perfect Piece Tachikoma the set is about 13cm tall, comes with a book, a wrench and other fun accessories. As expected the main eye can move around even it's oil intake tray opens for you to put in a can of oil to keep everyone's favourite jumping spider like robot well fed. Complete with both gatling gun and grenade launcher front gun, it's a real must have for the hardcore fan.

Read More... | Souce: MegaHouse

New Naruto on Jetix UK

Date: 2007 March 05 15:41 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

New Naruto episodes are airing starting today at 6.30pm and sees the introduction of Jairya. Interestingly the Japanese theme music makes a welcome entry to the TV edit. Hooray!

Souce: Jetix

Alcon date changes

Date: 2007 March 01 12:42 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've received details from the good folks at Alcon, the Leicester based convention has had to change it's dates from 14th-16th September to 7th-9th September due to a date clash with the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford.

Souce: Alcon

AmeCon 2007 registration and guest details

Date: 2007 March 01 02:59 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from Leicester UK convention AmeCon 2007 have sent us more details regarding registration and guests at the convention. Following our earlier story about the convention being open for registration it seems that a lot of people have now registered with more than 673 fans registering for the convention, this means that half of their capacity has been filled in 4 days! They have a total capacity of 1,300 which once filled will not be extended due to insurance and tax issues. We suggest you book now to avoid any disappointment.

Guests this year are voice actors Monica Rial and Chris Patton, who also attended last years AmeCon and proved to be popular guests.

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AmeCon 2007 open for registration

Date: 2007 February 26 10:18 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Anime fans will be pleased to know that Leicester based UK anime convention AmeCon 2007 is now open for registration. So book now to avoid disappointment. The convention is scheduled for 10th-12th August 2007 and is the third convention held by the AmeCon crew.

Souce: AmeCon

Tsubasa cast announced

Date: 2007 February 25 15:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The English language cast for CLAMP's reality hopping series Tsubasa Reservoir chronicle has been announced on the official site as follows:

Syaoron: Jason Liebrect
Sakura: Monica Rial
Kurogane: Chris Sabat
Fay Flourite: Vic Mignogna
Yuko Ichihara: Colleen Clinkenbeard
Mokona: Carrie Savage

Souce: Tsubasa Online

Geneon Spot audio podcast

Date: 2007 February 24 18:58 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We've just got an e-mail from the pioneering folks at Genoen who'd like to let us know that they've posted up the latest Geneon Spot audio podcast, featuring an interview with Taliesin Jaffe (the ADR director of R.O.D -The TV-, Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, etc.), who talks about script adaptation work and the realities of being an anime voice actor.

Souce: Geneon Spot audio podcast

London Anime Club cancelled for March

Date: 2007 February 20 13:15 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've received details about the London Anime Club having to cancel their March meeting due to the venue being refurbished later than planned. The London Anime Club meet up on the first Sunday of each month (except January). The next LAC is scheduled to take place on Sunday 1st April.

Read More... | Souce: London Anime Club

Afro Samurai Figures From DC in 2007

Date: 2007 February 14 22:42 | Posted By:

Category > Toys

Waiting for merchandise related to the hit recent anime series Afro Samurai? Well, you won't have to wait for much longer as DC Unlimited, DC Comics' new 3D brand which licenses pop culture products from outside the DC comic book universe and distributes them to all channels, has acquired the license to produce action figures, busts and statues related to Gonzo-produced series starring Samuel L. Jackson that aired on Spike TV last January. These will be the first line of collectibles based on the series outside of Japan, where a limited number of action figures based on the lead character were produced by toy company Cube back when series' creator Takashi "Bob" Okazaki first produced his original self-published manga.

The first series of collectibles were unveiled last weekend at the New York International Toy Fair. These include fully articulated action figures of two sizes, a regular 6.75 and a deluxe 14 , that spotlight the characters from the anime. The first wave of figures will include main character Afro Samurai, his sidekick Ninja Ninja, and deadly adversaries Kuma and Justice. A possible second wave of figures will no doubt include the Empty Seven, a group of monks determined to get the headbands worn by Afro and Justice, as well as possibly a young Afro. Busts and statues will also be available, though no details as to who they will be of, outside of Afro of course, have been given. The first series of collectibles will be shipped to retailers in the fall of 2007.

Souce: ICv2

Anime at Animated Exeter

Date: 2007 February 12 18:30 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Anime fans in the UK who can get down to Exeter will want to go to Animated Exeter from 12th - 24th February 2007, which is spread across several venues including Exeter Phoenix and Exeter Picturehouse.

They'll be showing all sorts of animated fun, we suggest the following anime titles:

The more experimental will enjoy Futureshock - Friday 23th February at 7:30pm - Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, which features a selection of short films and Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence with new live electronic soundtrack.

Souce: Animated Exeter

Alcon UK anime convention for September 2007

Date: 2007 February 10 15:00 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've been sent some details about a new UK anime convention Alcon at De Montfort University, Leicester City Campus. Scheduled for 14th-16th September 2007, it looks promising for a first time convention. Current sign up rates are valid until March 31st, so book now to get a lower sign up fee. We wish the Alcon crew the best of luck for their first anime convention!

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Tomo-Dachi 2007 details

Date: 2007 February 07 08:41 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The Tomo-Dachi committee have sent us a press release about their next convention in Northern Ireland. It's set to run from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th of August at the University of Ulster’s Magee Campus in Londonderry. This years guest of honour is ADR director, scriptwriter and voice actor Mike McFarland, who's done ADR work on Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood and Dragon Ball, as well as a selection of voice acting roles. Too-Dachi is now open for pre-registrations, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Read More... | Souce: Tomo-Dachi

New Highlander in June

Date: 2007 January 19 10:53 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The release date for the new Highlander animated film has finally been announced. Manga Entertainment will release Highlander: Vengeance, directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri and animated by Madhouse Studios, on this summer on June 5th. Both regular and special editions are planned for release.

There still remains some speculation as to whether or not the 80 minute film will do well, either with anime or Highlander fans. The franchise's popularity has gone back and forth over the years, but still remains a cult favorite. The new film, which follows the adventures of new Highlander Colin MacLeod in his quest for revenge against the Immortal Marcus Octavius and is said to cover elements not dealt with previously in either the movies or TV series, should still definitely appeal to anime fans, particularly those who favor intense martial arts sword fights along the lines of Ninja Scroll and the recent Basilisk.

Souce: ICv2

Death Note licensed by Viz, but still can be downloaded

Date: 2007 January 14 05:07 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Network Viz has acquired the anime Death Note for a DVD release in the U.S. A Viz representative said that the download episodes will be subtitled and can be obtained by viewers from their website.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

Nodame Cantabile debut sets anime record

Date: 2007 January 14 05:01 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Service the first episode of Nodame Cantabile which was broadcast between 25:00-25:30 on Fuji Television Network, Thursday, January 11th, has logged the highest anime audience rating ever. The JC staff TV anime attracted a 5.4% share. The Nodame Cantabile live-action has the past attracted an audience rating of 21.7% and an estimated 19 million viewers in one showing. Both adaptations are based on the musical comedy mangad by Tomoko Ninomiya. The past latenight anime ratings record holder was the George Morikawa manga-based Hajime No Ippo (Fighting Spirit) and it's 4.8% share. That record has stood for 6 years.

Souce: Anime News Service

No Anime at the Oscars?

Date: 2007 January 11 22:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Paprika's chances of an Oscar nomination hurt by disqualification of another movie!

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

London based anime convention for summer 2008?

Date: 2007 January 11 17:20 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've received an e-mail from an "anonymous tip". As such we can't say how true this is, it could be a hoax, it could be a genuine anonymous tip, or on the other hand someone could be trying to do a spot of astroturfing for their anime convention, we don't really know.

It's about an anime convention called Kanacon. The e-mail mentions the MCM Expo and JapanEX, so which may imply that they are running it, on the other hand they may not be. It then states that London "has yet to have a full blown Anime & Manga convention", which is wrong, as London has had Shin nen kai before.

The release concludes suggesting that it might be intended to get some hype going. Is this hoax, or real? Who knows, I guess we'll have to find out in 2008, one thing for sure, running an UK anime convention anywhere is tricky and a logistical nightmare, with venue bookings to worry about, insurance, events, support from fandom and millions of other factors, choosing London to run a convention is a bold move because of cost implications. So lets wait and see. We've already spoken to representatives from two major anime companies who have not heard about this convention, we're wondering who in the industry has been contacted.

We hope the people who tried to launch the disastrous KyuuCON are not involved.

Read More... | Souce: Strange \"Anonymous Tip\"

Spirited Away airing on BBC 2

Date: 2006 December 29 14:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

Just a quick reminders to our viewers in the UK, BBC 2 will be airing Spirited Away, the first and only anime movie to win an Oscar. Make sure you catch Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece at 5:15pm on Saturday December 30th 2006. From what we can gather it's the dubbed version.

Souce: BBC Two

Haruhi is licensed

Date: 2006 December 22 16:28 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Ahh viral marketing Sony doesn't know how you work, but will it work for the American branch of Haruhi's SOS club?

After a lot of ambiguity it seems that the Huruhi website that was being circulated around the blogosphere is official and not a german esper plot.

The North American release is a joint effort between Kadokawa Pictures USA and Bandai Entertainment.
The website goes to a lot of effort to recreate the clubs website from the anime . There's also a myspace account link where Kyon asks to meet normal people (on myspace?), as well as a cute live action movie. Before you all start scowling, it's supposed to be one of Huruhi's movies not a dub preview.

Souce: AsosBrigade

Character from Nodame Cantabile really exists

Date: 2006 December 20 05:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

There is interesting article on Mainichi Daily News about the real-life drama/manga Nodame Cantabile which is airing currently in Japan. Apparently Megumi Noda, the main character of the anime and manga is based on a real person.

Read More... | Souce: Mainichi Daily News

Watch Coyote Ragtime Show on-line

Date: 2006 December 13 17:28 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

The kind folks from ADV Films US have sent us details about the Coyote Ragtime Show. US readers can watch the full first episode officially here, while UK readers can watch it here. It's released in the US on January 16th 2007, while ADV Films UK inform us that they're planning a 16th April 2007 release.

Souce: ADV Films

Newtype to Give 1st Look at EVA Movies!

Date: 2006 December 07 11:53 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Fans rejoiced when it was announced that four new movies based on the hit anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion were in the works, with the first, a prequel, set to debut in Japanese theaters next summer. With no word yet as to when the movies'll hit Western shores, ADV Films is happy to announce that the December issue of Newtype USA will feature a first look at the new movies. While there's no word as to the actual content of the article, you can expect that there should be some plot details and production art. Plenty to wet your whistle as you count down the days until the announcement of the Western DVD release. And you thought waiting for the PS3 or the Wii was bad.

Souce: ADV Films

Dub Piece: It's gotta go! gotta go!

Date: 2006 December 06 12:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Ah this has been a good day, I played a Wii today but that's not what this is about. This is about the news that apparently 4kids is stopping work on One Piece, though we'll have to wait for official word. This doesn't mean that they are giving up rights, so fans will have to hope they give them up or let them lapse next renewal. I suspect that Viz will get first dibs since they are showing multi-media Shonen Jump support for the titles they did retain. Make sure your favourite anime company knows you want One Piece uncut, and dare we suggest the movies too? This will also we suspect affect the release of the Wii One Piece game, which was looking marvellous and I hope will now not have the 4kids cast, if 4kids don't sit on rights like they did with Ultimate muscle anyway.

Souce: Anime News Network

New Deathnote movie Gaiden

Date: 2006 December 04 02:20 | Posted By:

Category > Anime is reporting that a new Deathnote Movie Gaiden will be released in 2007. The movie will centre around the popular character L and will be like a spin-off. It will be a stand alone story from the original Death-Note.

Souce: Manga News

Ikkitousen:Dragon Destiny to be made into anime

Date: 2006 December 04 02:15 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

According to Anime News Service, Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny is set to be animated. It will debut at the end of February 2007 and will be broadcast on AT-X. A terrestrial broadcast will follow in the spring. For more information visit the official website.

Souce: Anime News Service

PvP: The Series

Date: 2006 November 30 23:54 | Posted By:

Category > Webcomics

PvP animated series is in the works for February launch!

Read More... | Souce: PvP Website

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