Category > Events
London Fans of J-Pop, Vocaloid Songs, moe and anime music should head over to WOTA London on Saturday 21st November 2009, from 5pm to 10p, at the Freedom Bar in Soho, Central London.
This event is billed to support those otaku that loves otaku culture. Great for those who want to dance the night away.
Souce: WOTA London
Category > Events
Academic anime fans will want to get London on Friday 30th October 2009 for the Animation industry in the UK and Japan: Creativity, identity and the global marketplace. It's going to run in Council Room, Strand Campus, King’s College London.
It's free to attend but booking in advance is required. We suggest you book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: King\'s College London
Category > Events
London based fans of comics will be pleased to hear about Comica Festival 2009. Being an international comics festival manga is represented too. With anime and manga expert Helen McCarthy launching her new book about the manga god Osamu Tezuka on Sunday 8th November 8, 2009 from 4.30pm at the ICA. Tickets: £6 / £5 Concessions / £4 ICA Members
Paul Gravett will be giving a talk about Manga In The Museum: Solving Myths & Mysteries as he introduces the work of Hoshino Yukinobu on Tuesday 10th November 2009 from 1.15pm to 2pm. This is free, but booking in advance is required.
Plus Helen will also be giving a talk on the works of works of manga master Hoshino Yukinobu on Saturday 21st November 2009 at the British Museum from 1.15pm to 2pm. This is free, but booking in advance is required.
Souce: Comica Festival 2009
Currently all UK anime firms are revving up for the London MCM Expo on 24th-25th October 2009. Beez are no exception. Their stall will be in a different place than usual, they'll be teaming up with their corporate cousins Namco Bandai Partners.
They'll be holing a survey too, along with a give away as an incentive to fill it in. Plus they'll be selling some great titles on DVD too.
Read More... | Souce: Beez Entertainment
Category > Anime
Fans of Osamu Tezuka, the founding father of modern anime and manga will be pleased to hear that a new book is due out November 2009. Written by prominent anime and manga expert Helen McCarthy the hardcover book published by Ilex Press reveals what makes Tezuka one of the key figures of 20th century pop culture.
It includes 350 colour illustrations and a 45 minute DVD documentary never aired outside of Japan before.
The publication coincides with the annual Comica Festival.
Buy from
Buy from
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One of the cinematics for the upcoming Studio Ghibli/Level 5 Nintendo DS game has been put online.
Read More... | Souce: Gametrailers
Category > Events
The Weekend of 23rd - 24th October 2009 is great for anime fans to visit London, with the London MCM Expo. There's also the traditional Anime All-Nigther at Sci-Fi-London.
The film festival has run for many years now and always proves popular. They've got an extra special line up for this all night long anime screening, starting Saturday night 23rd October 2009. They'll be showing:
Evangelion 1.0
Time of Eve
The Sky Crawlers
We're most excited about the Evangelion 1.0 screening. Spike's already seen it and posted an Evangelion 1.0 review up when it first came out in Japan.
The Sky Crawlers also sounds promising as it's directed by Mamoru Oshii (who is best known as directing the Ghost in the Shell Movies).
Tickets will be available soon. We advise you book early to avoid disappointment as it's a great chance to seem some excellent features.
Souce: Sci-Fi London
Category > Events
The good folks at the London MCM Expo have sent us the latest details for the event. Highlights from an anime perspective include - Studio BONES studio president Minami Masahiko and director Ando Masahiro, whose works include Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Seed Destiny and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Along with Trinity Blood voice actors Mike McFarland and Troy Baker.
The press release also has a shout out to cosplayers, who helped with the world record!
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Fandom
The good folks at MTV Iggy (which is focused on breakthrough music and pop-culture from around the globe) have sent us details of their new feature - Otaku Culture.
They've got a couple of videos up from Otakon 2009 in Baltimore. It includes some otaku steampunk culture along with a video on ball jointed dolls. They've also got details of J-Rockers VAMPS, and plenty more to explore too.
Souce: MTV Iggy
Category > Fandom
There are tons of dating sites on the internet. Lots are even specialist dating sites by interest. So it should come as no surprise that the clever folks at Fan Crush have set up a dating site for otaku - Otaku Crush.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku Crush
Category > Anime
Anime legend Hayao Miyazaki's films combine aspects of familiar genres to make them classics of animation. i09 takes Miyazaki's most famous works and examines the genres used to make each film unforgettable.
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Category > Anime
US based Anime company ADV have closed. A detailed write up can be found on Anime News Network.
Apart from the asset transfers to other companies registered in Texas (where ADV was based), the details are still coming to light.
Below we've included the press release from ADV along with the press release from Section23 Films.
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Category > Events
Readers who can get to London this October will be interested in the London MCM Expo on the 24th to 25th October 2009. Tickets are now on sale.
As attendance to this even it well over 30,000 people we doubt they will sell out. However we do strongly advise in spending a little bit extra for their Early Entry Tickets to save time queuing, you'll be grateful on the day!
Souce: London MCM Expo
We've got some exciting news from the folks behind The Anime Network. They've just launched a UK beta version of their site. So now anime fans in the UK can watch anime streamed to their PC. For less than a fiver a month you can watch a great selection of ADV titles.
They also offer a yearly subscription too.
Read More... | Souce: The Anime Network
Category > Events
The good folks at UK convention AyaCon 2009 have sent us more details about their guest line up. They've added Matthew Mercer voice actor, script writer, and independent film maker along with JoEllen Elam costume designer and makeup artist. This makes for a great variety of guests.
Read More... | Souce: Aya Revolution 09
Category > Culture
BBC News have just published an interesting article about their stroll in Akihabara the otaku heartland.
The article introduces readers to the area, then they go on a tour around the district. They cover the hardware hacking scene in the area, focusing on the component shops. This is then followed by a mention of the surveillance equipment available. It then concludes with the homemade software culture, the article calls it unlicensed software, but we think they mean doujin software.
"This underground amateur culture has always been a big part of Akihabara and 'otaku' culture, back from home made comic books, now moving into homemade hardware and software."
Souce: BBC News
Category > Fandom
BBC News are currently running an interesting story featuring the Giant Gundam model in Tokyo. It focuses on Japan's great love for all things giant and robotic.
They get Patrick Galbraith, ethnographer at the University of Tokyo (I want his job), and author of The Otaku Encyclopedia to explain what Gundam is.
The article then goes to explain the rise of otaku culture and concludes with how robots will become more common place.
Souce: BBC News
Category > Anime
Ponyo, the latest to come from Miyazaki-san can now be previewed in it's all-English language trailer. It features the likes of Cate Blanchett and Tina Fey in it's cast.
Ponyo (called 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea' in Japan) is about a baby fish who wishes to become a human girl.
Category > Events
We've just received some exciting information about UK anime convention Ayacon 2009's first guest. It's Halko Momoi, renowned singer and voice actress! You may have heard her voice on Nurse Witch Komugi-chan, Ai Yori Aoshi, and Seto No Hanayome.
Read More... | Souce: Aya Revolution 09
Category > Events
Los Angeles, California anime fans who haven't already marked July 2nd to 5th 2009 on their calendars may really want to do so now. Anime Expo have anime director Seiji Mizushima as their official guest of honor.
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Category > Anime
London has a some great places for otaku to visit. The trouble is finding them. Using our London Otaku News Correspondents we've assembled a list of good places for anime and manga fans to visit while in London.
We've been maintaining this guide for over 15 years now. We always aim to keep it up to date.
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Category > Events
Anime fans who can get to London on the weekend of the 23rd to the 24th of May 2009, will want to visit the London MCM Expo at the Excel Centre. As always anime is well represented, with many of the UK anime and manga companies having a stall or some sort of presence, along with lots of dealers selling great merchandise. The event is also a huge draw to cosplayers, with many of the attendies in fancy dress!
Like last time, the event also plans to smash its current world record for the amount of video game related cosplay. It's set to be a fun weekend! So keep your calendars free. ^_^
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Anime
Audio interview with Japanese culture expert Helen McCarthy in conjunction with Irish Film Institute.
Read More... | Souce: Eeeper\'s Choice Podcast / Otaku News
London's Barbican continues show a great selection of anime. Fans should note that on Tuesday 26th May 2009 at 8:30pm, the centre will be showing Revolutionary Girl Utena, along with a talk from anime expert Helen McCarthy.
As always with these screenings we recommend fans book early to avoid disappointment.
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London based anime fans are in for a real treat from the 7th to the 9th of April 2009. The Barbican will be holding a series of screenings all focusing on fan favourite studio Gonzo. Curated by anime expert Helen McCarthy she’s really managed to arrange an interesting line up. Apart from all the great Gonzo titles what’s really got our interest is the Surprise Sneak Peak, scheduled for Thursday 9th April.
As always with these events we advise that fans book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Retail
Anime and merchandise naturally go hand in hand, with some titles just a thin excuse to create merchandise. Generally the more popular the series, wider and crazier the variety of merchandise available. With Neon Genesis Evangelion, regarded one of the most popular titles of all time, I thought it would be worth looking into the more unusual merchandise available from the franchise. When researching this article I expected to find some oddities, after all you can even get an Eva Unit-01 mountain bike. However I was really surprised by what's out there!
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Anime
We've teamed up with the good folks at Titan Books to give away copies of the new book Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in The Anime And Manga Trade. The book written by Jonathan Clements reveals in inner workings of the anime and manga business.
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Category > Events
UK anime fans looking for 3 days of fun on Friday 14th to Sunday 16th August 2009, will be pleased to hear that the registration for AyaCon 2009, known as Aya Revolution 09 is now open.
The convention will once again be held at the Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, near Coventry. The AyaCon crew have run many successful conventions before and as a result it proves popular with fandom. Bookings are filling up fast, so book now to avoid disappointment.
Souce: Aya Revolution 09
Category > Anime
In April 2009, Alma Books will publish an English translation of Yasutaka Tsutsui's novel Paprika. The basis of Satoshi Kon's award-winning animated film of the same name, the English translation was handled for Alma by Andrew Driver. Otaku News can now present an interview with Mr. Driver which he graciously agreed to do with Eeeper on behalf of Otaku News in which he talks about his work on the novel.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Anime
Original novel Satoshi Kon based anime film Paprika upon will be released in the UK
Read More... | Souce: ANN
Category > Anime
The Daily Yomiuri are currently running an article about Hetalia causing an uproar among South Koreans.
The show was set to be broadcast on Japanese satellite channel Kids Station on January 24th 2009. However on January 16th the station cancelled their plans to run the show.
Read More... | Souce: Daily Yomiuri
Category > Anime
Anime fans will want to check out RightStuf's latest podcast. It features an interview with anime expert Helen McCarthy who promotes her book 500 Essential Anime Movies. In the podcast she explains how she narrowed down her choices in the book to just 500 shows. Along with how anime production and writing about anime has changed over the years.
Souce: RightStuf Anime Today Podcast
London anime fans will want to head over to the Barbican for their upcoming season Japanimation: After Tezuka. It's considers Tezuka's legacy and the works he inspired.
It starts on Wednesday 28th January 2009 and is set to run to Sunday 1st February. Curated by anime expert Helen McCarthy, she always manages to arrange a selection of animated treats. Her introductions are worth attending too, as she manages to cram plenty of facts about each screening.
The line up is as follows:
Dororo 18:00 Wednesday 28th January 2009
Black Jack: Episode 15:00 Saturday 31st January 2009
Phoenix: Immutable Conclusion 13:45 Sunday 1st February 2009
Akira 15:45 Sunday 1st February 2009
(also later on in February)
Tekkonkinkreet 20:30 Tuesday 24th February 2009
With the Tokyo City Promotion 2009 in London at the same weekend it looks like the end of January is a great time for anime fans to visit London! As always with popular screenings we advise that you book early to avoid any disappoint.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Events
London anime fans are a in for a real treat on Saturday 31st January 2009, where a special Tokyo Day will be running. Organised by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Day is set to be packed with tons for otaku to see and do.
The event will be held at Lawrence Hall at the Royal Horticultural Halls and Conference Centre.
Admission is free. It's set to run from 10am to 8pm.
Read More... | Souce: Tokyo City Promotion 2009
Category > Anime
We've just recived an exciting press release from Crunchyroll, who will be streaming Naruto Shippuden on-line an hour after Japanese broadcast. This sort of distribution model has been talked about for ages in the anime press, but until now it's never actually officially happened.
Read More... | Souce: Crunchyroll
The star of The Day The Earth Stood Still, The Matrix trilogy, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure wants to play Spike Speigel in a live action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop.
Read More... | Souce: MTV
Category > Production
Anime expert Jonathan Clements has just launched a blog to promote his new book Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade, which is due for publication in early 2009.
The blog has some interesting insights that will no doubt also appear in the book, even an article about writing the index for the book proves to be amusing.
Souce: Schoolgirl Milky Crisis Blog
Category > Events
UK based anime fans who can get to Lincolnshire will want to visit the Hub National Centre for Craft & Design in Sleaford, as they'll be showing the How Manga Took over the World Exhibition, from 7th February 2009 to 19th April 2009. The exhibition is touring after a successfully run at Urbis.
Souce: Hub National Centre for Craft & Design
Category > Events
Anime fans who can get to London on Sunday 7th December 2008 should do so for the last meeting of the London Anime Club. The LAC has been running for 15 years now, but attendance has been dropping for various reasons, so they've decided to halt it's regular meetings. The Christmas meetings always have lots of people going, along with extras such as a prize draw, DDR:UK will be there with games and the bring and buy, along with all the usual things like the video room, and dealers selling anime and manga merchandise.
Souce: London Anime Club
Category > Events
UK anime fans who can get to Leeds will want to keep the 13th to the 16th November 2008 free for the Thought Bubble Festival. The Festival will have a great selection of anime and manga stuff, including film screenings too.
The Convention on Saturday 15th November 2008 (10am - 5pm) will have free entry to cosplayers!
They'll be screening the following films:
Sword of the Stranger
Mind Game
20th Century Boys
Detroit Metal City
We've already seen Sword of the Stranger, and watching it on a big screen is recommend.
Read More... | Souce: Thought Bubble Festival
Category > Press Releases
We've been sent a press release for a new book that sounds perfect for otaku paying a trip to Tokyo. The Akiba: A Manga Guide to the Akihabara (published by Japan Publications Trading), is an interesting blend of manga and travel guide.
Update: We've reviewed The Akiba: A Manga Guide to the Akihabara
Read More... | Souce: Japan Publications Trading
Category > Anime
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 to start airing on SciFi Channel in November.
Read More... | Souce: i09
Category > Events
We've just been sent news from the good folks at Kitacon (the UK anime Convention in Northampton 17th-19th April 2009), informing us that they've got two more guests. Voice actors Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham will be attending the convention.
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Category > Anime
Sky News are running an article about the possibility that manga could inspire murder, and how it frustrates anime fans. It cites the current case of Meredith Kercher, a 21 year old student who was stabbed to death in Italy in a house she shared with other students. It mentions that the prosecution of the case are highlighting that Raffaele Sollecito (one of the accused) was acting out a "dark fantasy", inspired by his manga collection. BBC News have more coverage of the same story.
Read More... | Souce: Sky News
The nice folks at Revelation Films have sent us details of their 2009 Q1 line up. For the first three months of 2009 promises to see the UK release of:
Fullmetal Alchemist Season One Part One - January.
Spiral The Complete Series Box - February
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (the final instalment) - March
Tsubasa The Complete Series Box Set - March
What's interesting in the press release is that it actually states sales figures, something you rarely see for the anime industry. It'll be nice if all anime companies releases sales figures for their titles. However this is valuable information for sales and marketing teams, which is why most companies like to keep this these details secret.
Read More... | Souce: Revelation Films
Category > Events
We've got some exciting news about the Grand International Cosplay Ball, which is set for Sunday 30th November at the Clapham Grand, London, England.
This is the first event to our knowledge that is aimed at cosplayers, and not an event like an anime convention with cosplayers as a feature.
The event looks to be a sure fire hit, with live bands, DJs, ballroom dancing, a kimono fashion show, fire and burlesque performances and even an Alice-In-Wonderland themed photography area.
As always with such events we advise that you book soon to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Grand International Cosplay Ball
Category > Fandom
UK anime fans looking for convention fun in April 2009 will be pleased to hear that Kitacon will be holding a Fan Choice Awards, where fans get to vote for their favourites, anime, manga, characters and more. They'll even be able to collect them on behalf of the nominees. This does sound like an interesting concept.
Read More... | Souce: Kitacon
Category > Events
Anime fans in London who can get to the Barbican on Saturday 20th September 2008 will want to drop in between 3pm and 6pm where expert writers Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Clements will be signing their books.
While in the Barbican don't forget to enjoy the great Tezuka Movie Season that Helen's curating.
Souce: Barbican
Category > Anime
Thanks to go the great folk at AmeCon 2008, we were able to interview their main guest, voice actress Kari Wahlgren. You may have heard her in the American dub of FLCL as Haruko, or Robin in Witch Hunter Robin or Scarlett in Steamboy to name a few of her roles. As well as many video games you've probably played.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News /
Category > Anime
With the upcoming Tezuka Season at London's Barbican, the folks at Eye On Anime have interviewed anime expert and season curator Helen McCarthy.
Souce: Eye On Anime
Category > Fandom
Our US based readers who like the idea of appearing on TV should consider this request from MTV who are keen to do a True Life episode on Fanboys.
Read More... | Souce: MTV True Life