Category > Anime
Christmas as come early for many Ghibli Fans in the UK. Porco Rosso has just got a Blu-ray release in the UK. The adventures of the Crimson Pig over the Adriatic Sea is a classic Miyazaki movie. it's got all the hallmarks you'd expect, aviation, air fights, sea plane pirates and a touch of magic. It's a must see movie.
Keen readers of the Otaku Calendar will already know that Monday 25th November marks the release date of 4 Ghibli Steel Book Sets in the UK. Each set contains the movie on DVD and Blu-ray and comes in a shiny steel case featuring artwork from each film. They'll be releasing My Neighbour Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo and Nausicaa.
We're already drooling over these sets and different members of the Otaku News crew have expressed interested in different copies of these steel books. I'm dropping subtle hints to santa that I would like a copy of *cough* Totoro *cough* on Steel book, even though I've got the original Japanese DVD and UK Blu-ray releases. Yes! I am that much of a Ghibli fan. ^_^;;
Souce: Otaku Calendar
Category > Podcast
The Podcast crew is back for a bumper episode covering recent news, licenses and cake. Being reviewed we have Gatchaman Crowds, Beyond The Boundary (Kyoukai no Kanata) and the so far rather awesome Kill la Kill. Rebecca has just returned from a trip to Japan, so we get to hear her take on Toyko. The podcast wraps up with a new feature called Stream Run where Colin tries to talk about all the new shows he's been watching on Crunchyroll as fast as he can.
MP3 File:
77.9 MB
1 Hour 25 minutes 02 seconds
[Direct Download] [Torrent]
Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
Disagree with us? Suggestions? Ideas? Contact us!
Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at
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Category > Anime
One of the biggest anime titles of the year has been without doubt Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin). The title is due for a UK DVD release soon by Manga Entertainment UK. To prepare everyone for the advancing giants WIT Studio the producers of Attack on Titan were guests at the October 2013 MCM London Comic Con.
We caught up with 3 of the main staff behind the company at the MCM London Comic Con - producer George Wada, Katsuhiko Kitada (character designer on Hal, animation director for Attack On Titan) and Ryotaro Makihara director of feature length anime HAL.
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Category > Podcast
It's live podcast time! Here is most of our live episode from Ayacon 2013. Sadly technical problems cut off the beginning of the show but to make up for it we made a video version including the slides that the audience saw during the show. We cover our usual topics such as news and licenses. The feature is spread throughout the show and are our Top 3 "What the!?" shows. We review that swimming Free as well as C3-Bu and take some questions from the audience (who were rather awesome).
I don't believe its stated in the show itself but Spike and myself are playing a drinking game. Any time someone mentions Persona or Bakemonogatari we have to drink. That explains some of the random pauses and laughter.
If you like the video format and want more of it, let us know at or tweet us @otakunewscast. Also, look out for episode 12 which is coming soon and features highlights of Rebecca's recent trip to Japan!
Souce: Otaku News Podcast Episode 11
Category > Anime
Manga UK will hold a social media live viewing event for K-On! movie on the 30th of October 2013
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Anime
Veteran U.S. anime label announces crowd funded blu ray edition of classic anime cyber punk OVA series.
Read More... | Souce: Animeigo (via Kickstarter)
Category > Anime
UK anime labels announce 2014 lineup acquisitions at London MCM Expo.
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Category > Anime
The first day of the MCM London Comic Con has just ended, we know people are partying into the night, but we're stopping to tell you the latest news from the event.
A new UK streaming / video on demand service has just launched Animax UK. The division of Sony are showing anime on a model similar to BBC iPlayer. The shows are simulcast for everyone to watch for free for 2 weeks. After that they go into the archive where paid subscribers can access the shows. Subscriptions cost £5.99 a month, and will also remove ads from any shows.
Depending on how much anime you watch a month, this could be a good way of catching up with titles without paying for a boxset.
What makes them a bit different, is apart from offering simulcasts they also have movies for paid subscribers, and also offer viewers the choice to watch shows dubbed in English where available, or in Japanese with English subtitles.
If you're going to the MCM London Comic Con this weekend (Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013), you should pop over to their stall for a chance to win a big Sony TV.
It seems along with other legal streaming services and Crunchyroll, there are lots of ways to watch anime on-line now.
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Category > Anime
Anime Limited announces UK branch of French based anime streaming service, also announces Kill La Kill as first title.
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London based anime fans are in for a late night treat as the Sci-Fi London returns with their traditional Anime All Nighter. It's set to run at the Stratford Picture House from 11:15pm on Saturday 12th October 2013, it'll run until late into the night.
This years screening is an Eva centric one with Evangelion 1.0, Evangelion 2.0, and Evangelion 3.0, plus Wolf Children and Perfect Blue. All these films are fanastic by themselves, but so see them all together it's a rare treat. They really do need to be seen on the big screen to be enjoyed. As always, we've already added the details to the Otaku Calendar.
Souce: Sci-Fi London
Category > Events
It's that time of year again when the MCM London Comic Con announce their guests. Anime fans are in for a treat as they've got Studio WIT, the studio behind the anime version of Attack on Titan.
Present at the event will be producer George Wada, Katsuhiko Kitada (character designer on Hal, animation director for Attack On Titan), Tetsuya Nakatake (animation producer for Attack On Titan) and one of the studio's rising stars, Ryotaro Makihara. They'll be their to show off their latest movie Hal.
The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013. We don't yet know if the London ExCel centre is a suitable venue for using 3D maneuver gear or defending from hoards of man eating giants, I'm sure we'll find out in October though!
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Category > Events
The good folks from MCM have sent us details of a their newest event to the MCM Comic Con line-up. The MCM Belfast Comic Con, which is due to run from 7th to 8th June 2014 at Kings Hall in Belfast. This is the very first time the event will run in Northern Ireland.
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Category > Fandom
Any filmmaker will tell you that producing a movie is- hard work. The time, effort and sometimes budget issues can get in the way of making a vision a reality. That challenge is only intensified when it's a fan-based film, reaping no financial rewards at the end and with only the love of the story to keep them going. But that's exactly what filmmakers, Nate Drake and Georgie Donovan are doing, currently in the works is Wolf Girl, a movie about a modern teenage girl struggling to save the forest she calls home from humans, who are cutting down the trees for their own needs. She then joins forces with wolves in a bid to defend her home.
Read More... | Souce: Wolf Girl Movie
Category > Retail
London's well known Japanese shop Japan Centre has just announced that they'll be closing their doors on Sunday 22nd September 2013. Currently their store is just around the corner from Piccadilly Circus. The new location and opening details will be announced soon.
The shop has been popular with fans of everything Japanese for years, as it stocks Japanese food, books and current magazines. In the meantime they'll still sell everything via their website until the new location is revealed.
Update: The Japan Centre will reopen at 19 Shaftesbury Avenue in October 2013.
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UK based anime fans will be pleased to hear that the good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have given us one copy of Deadman Wonderland The Complete Series to give away.
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Category > Websites
We've just updated our London Anime and Manga Shopping Guide. Japanese department store Mitsukoshi has now closed, so it's been removed from our listing. We've heard rumours that they might open elsewhere in one form or another. All is not lost though as the bookshop in Mitsukoshi's basement JP Books now has it's own dedicated shop on Denman Street, just North of Piccadilly Circus.
We've also had to remove the much loved retro gaming shop Gaming Focus, along with the Muji on Oxford Street. There are still other Muji shops around London.
Also, we like to remind people when shopping for anime goods anywhere to watch out for pirate goods. We suggest you stay informed and read The Pirate Anime FAQ. There are still plenty of places out there that do stock pirate goods.
Souce: Otaku News - London Anime and Manga Shopping Guide
Category > Fandom
Cosplay photography circle SCG have launched a gutsy project Cosplayers Unite on crowd funding web platform Kickstarter. The project seeks to immortalise some of the world’s finest female cosplayers in a series of portraits to provide a unique "multi-media cosplay experience" for backers.
Read More... | Souce: Cosplayers Unite Kickstarter Page
Over the weekend of AyaCon on Sunday 18th August 2013 Manga Entertainment UK announced the release details of the of the highly anticipated Sword Art Online. Like the US release the UK edition will be released over 4 parts.
Release details are still to be confirmed, but they're aiming to release the first volume in December 2013 and the last volume by March 2014.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Podcast
The Otaku News Podcast team braved the heat trap that is Colin's flat to bring you the latest installment of podcast goodness. We discuss some of the news to come out of Anime Expo, review The Eccentric Family and Yuyushiki and discuss the 3DS and the Final Fantasy 14 Beta. As Rebecca is off to Japan soon, Spike and Colin tell tale's of their previous trips to the land of the rising sun.
Download Otaku News Podcast Episode 10
MP3 File:
27.9 MB
1 Hour 0 minutes 59 seconds
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Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
Disagree with us? Suggestions? Ideas? Contact us!
Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at
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Category > Features
It's not every day you meet an anime director, yet alone one from one of the most highly regarded anime series of all time. Thanks to good folks at Anime Limited we were able to catch up with Shinichiro Watanabe, who is best known as the director of Cowboy Bebop. He has also directed the hip-hop samurai mash-up Samurai Champloo and more recently the jazz anime Kids on the Slope.
We caught up with Shinichiro Watanabe at the May 2013 London MCM Comic Con. He was in town to promote the new release of Cowboy Bebop on Blu-ray along with the DVD and Blu-ray release of Kids on the Slope.
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Category > Events
The good folks from London based Japanese Culture Festival Hyper Japan have got in touch to say that they're still looking for volunteers for the event. It's set to run from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2013.
They are looking for people to help out at the Reception area. This includes queue control, ticket scan, workshop area and so on. You won't be able to choose what you do in this area, so just e-mail and mention that you'd like to help out at the reception area.
They're also looking for people to help out at the Sushi Awards as Serving staff. If you're interested contact
Souce: Hyper Japan
The good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have got in touch with us about a unique opportunity in relation to Steins;Gate Part 2. They are giving people the chance to vote on what cover design they would like to see used on their DVD and Blu-ray release.
With Steins;Gate Part 1 out now on DVD and Blu-ray Manga Entertainment have used unique artwork. This is actually the original Japanese design that the licensor has given special permission to use, making this artwork a UK exclusive in English speaking territories.
For Steins;Gate Part 2, Manga Entertainment have been given that same chance, but they would like the Manga UK community to vote for which design they want on their shelf.
There are 3 designs to choose from and the cover that receives the most votes will be the one submitted for approval. The closing date to vote by is 11:59pm on Thursday 25th July. Only one vote per person.
Head over to to cast your vote today!
Steins;Gate Part 2 comes to DVD and Blu-ray on 30th September.
Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Features
In the April of 2013, I made my first visit to Japan. On my many travels, the second excursion to Harajuku was not for the stores featuring Japan's most iconic and eccentric fashion trends. It was not even to torture myself with the price tags in Lolita fashion wonderland. I passed the stores and sparklingly sweet crepe stands by. I was on a reconnaissance mission to visit The Evangelion Store - Tokyo One.
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UK based anime fans will be pleased to hear that the good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have given us one copy of Steins Gate: Part 1 to give away.
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Category > Anime
To celebrate the launch of Kinmoza we've teamed up with Fosse Farm who were a key location in the show. You can win a chance to spend a night in Alice's Bedroom in the show!
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Category > Features
For most otaku it would be a dream come true to be contacted by an anime studio wanting to use their home as a location in a new anime series. For Caron Cooper, it is just the latest unlikely chapter in her incredible life story.
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Category > Events
The good folks from NHK World have sent us details of their latest European adventures.
They'll be at the Japan Expo 2013 in Paris from 4th to 7th July 2013. NHK world will have a host of events at the Expo, highlights include a Shironuri Makeup Session with leading shironuri artist Minori.
We've been told that they'll also be at Hyper Japan 2013 in London on Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2013.
For the latest event schedule, please visit their Japan Expo 2013 Website.
UK based readers will be pleased to hear that you can now watch NHK World on Virgin Media Channel 625, along with FreeSat Channel 209 or on Sky Channel 507.
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Category > Production
The good folks from Bang Zoom Entertainment have sent us details of an open audition they'll be holding for an up coming anime title. The auditions will be held at Anime Expo 2013 from July 4th-7th 2013. The anime title up for audition is yet to be revealed. They will be in search for talent with a variety of voices.
It's not every day you get a chance to audition for an anime voice acting role and be a part of the anime industry! It should be noted that Bang Zoom have been involved with a lot of major anime titles. Recent credits include Sword Art Online and Blue Exorcist.
Read More... | Souce: Bang Zoom Entertainment
Category > Anime
The good folks from new anime streaming site have sent us details about their latest upcoming streams. They'll be simulcasting Monogatari Series Second Season and offering streams of the previous series - Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari and Nekomonogatari (Black).
Monogatari Series Second Season and Nekomonogatari (Black) will be avaiable for simulcast in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. While Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari will be available in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa.
They've also got 1,000 prizes to give away to anyone who registers on the site and applies for their give away.
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US Anime fans (and those who can watch Region 1 US DVDs) longing for a bit of nostalgia will be interested to hear about the US release of Samurai Pizza Cats The Complete Series from Discotek Media. This is a the dubbed edition with all the original crazy US dubbed dialogue and edits. It's available to pre-order on and direct from Discotek. It's due for release on July 30th 2013. The 8 disc set contains all 52 episodes. The Saturday morning show was a cult classic, but had a very limited release on DVD and VHS in the past. Where do you go when you want some pepperoni?! ^_^
If you want the original version in Japanese, with the original script, Discotek have already released it under the original title of Kyatto-Ninden Teyandee: Complete Uncut Japanese Language Collection. The subbed only version is available to buy on
Souce: Discotek Media
Category > Events
The good folks from the MCM London Comic Con have sent us news of the next London event. We're still recovering from this May's London Comic con which saw over 76,000 visitors.
The next MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013. To accomdate the huge number of visitors the event will for the first time be using both sides of the huge Excel centre, increasing their capacity from 25,000 to 34,000 square metres. That's a lot more space for cosplayers with big wings!
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This week is a good week for UK based anime company Anime Limited. They've just released 009 RE:Cyborg in UK cinemas and they're following up this with news of their next UK cinema release. In Winter 2013 they'll be releasing A Letter to Momo. The movie is directed by Hiroyuki Okiura, who is best known as the director behind Jin-Roh: Wolf Brigade. They're currently waiting for the dub to be completed in the USA before releasing it in UK cinemas.
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Category > Features
April 2013, it's spring time in London, it should be warm and sunny, but instead it's snowing sideways. We're off to meet renowned anime direction Kenji Kamiyama, writer and director of hit titles like Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Eden of the East and Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit.
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We're not going to give you one, but two different takes on the latest anime cinema screening of 009 RE:Cyborg. We also have an interview with the film's director Kenji Kamiyama. Here's Eeeper's take on the title.
Working off the notion that all good remakes don't try and make sense of their origins, RE: Cyborg 009 is a fresh and funky look at a classic manga and anime. If you've ever read or watched Shotaro Ishinomori's original tale then you are missing out on a great thing. Despite having a cute exterior with cartoonish designs, Ishinomori's ideas in the background tackle things like racism, war, poverty and the brutal nature of the, then, growing military industrial complex that arose after the Second World War. Kenji Kamiyama's version takes all of these aspects and posits an interesting question? If after we stop fighting nations, ideologies and groups who is left to fight? Ourselves would be the main answer but what if it's not another person but our own values, beliefs and morals? While there is a definable enemy that the main heroes fight, the best way to describe them are antagonists who are created by the situation not by themselves.
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We're not going to give you one, but two different takes on the latest anime cinema screening of 009 RE:Cyborg. We also have an interview with the film's director Kenji Kamiyama. Here's Joe's take on the title.
Production IG's Latest movie is a big budget action adventure based on the manga Cyborg 009 that started in the 1960's. Since then it's had several incarnations with different twists. The film was released in Japan in October 2012 and has already made its way to the UK at the BFI as part of a special screening with a Q&A from director Kenji Kamiyama. It'll also show in Scotland soon before hitting UK cinemas in June 2013 thanks to the good people from Anime Ltd. We like such a speedy turn around and hope it becomes such a regular thing for top notch titles.
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Category > Podcast
The latest episode of the podcast sees a bumber crop of new shows and licenses, some recent news, reviews of Strike Suit Infinity, Code Geass and Majestic Prince. Full Metal Panic goes into the Hall Of Fame and then some brief discussions about the last series you really got into and the last game you finished.
Download Otaku News Podcast Episode 9
MP3 File:
29.3 MB
1 Hour 3 minutes 53 seconds
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Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
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Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at
You can also get the following episodes here -
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
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Category > Retail
The good folks from UK based anime and manga mail order firm United Publications have sent us news that they've got the exclusive stock of High School of the Dead: Drifters Of The Dead Edition (OVA Only). So if you've already got High School of The Dead and just want the OVA only, they're the ones to turn to.
Souce: United Publications
Category > Retail
The good folks at the Japanese Gallery have sent us news that they'll be at the MCM London Comic Con from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May 2013. They'll be there with cels from anime for sale. They've got cels from Hunter x Hunter, Dragon Ball Z, Transformers, Pokemon, and 2 from Studio Ghibli films!
They've also got some free Otaku News Postcards to give away at their stall. We normally only give these out at anime conventions so they're rare and hard to get. Just head over to their stall and ask for one! If you can't get to the comic con, you can always download our wallpaper which features designs from our postcards.
Update: The details in the Comic Con book aren't exactly clear. The Japanese Gallery can be found at booth 302.
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Category > Press Releases
It's almost that time again! The MCM London Comic Con weekend is set to run from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May 2013. As you'd expect the great folks from Manga Entertainment UK will be there and they'll have lots of lovely things at their booth (number 510).
Cosplayers can have their photo taken for free, plus the best cosplayers can win hundreds of pounds worth of goodies! They'll also have exclusive prizes and offers. They've got DVDs starting at £2 and blu-rays starting at £5. So when you get to the Expo, head over to booth 510.
They've got a ton of prizes to give away too, including a hamper full of anime collectibles worth over £1,000.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Retail
With convention season kicking off it's time to remind everyone to keep an eye out for pirate goods. Do you know if the event you are going to has a pirate goods policy? Do you know how to spot and avoid pirate goods? We find that pirate goods are still present at some events. If you haven't already, please read the Pirate Anime FAQ and learn how to avoid dodgy merchandise.
Souce: The Pirate Anime FAQ
Category > Events
We've covered the Comica MangAsia details earlier. The event is set to run in London at Asia House on Saturday 18th May 2013. We've been sent more details of the cosplay workshop that'll be running there. It's an event in it's own right and is run by veteran cosplayers Emily Bastian and Adelaide Filippe as part of the fun.
Read More... | Souce: Cosplay Bookings at Eventbrite
Category > Events
Anime fans who can get to the MCM London Comic Con on Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May will be in for a real treat. Anime director Shinichiro Watanabe will be at the event as Anime Guest of Honour. The director is the man behind Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Kids On The Slope. He also directed two shorts on the Animatrix - Kid's Story and A Detective Story.
Attending all three days of the show, Shinichiro Watanabe will be taking part in on-stage panels and promoting both Anime Limited's upcoming HD release of Cowboy Bebop and the UK debut of his latest series, Kids On The Slope, released by MVM Entertainment.
Kids On The Slope is currently streaming on crunchyroll and is available to pre-order from on DVD and Blu-rayand other retailers.
Cowboy Bebop Collectors Edition Part 1 is available to pre-order on Blu-ray.
Additionally, if you pre-order Cowboy Bebop from or HMV and bring proof of the pre-order to the show you can receive an exclusive A4 Bebop print to get signed (while stocks last).
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Anime
On Saturday 6th of April, AnimeDublin held it's second one-day con in Dublin City and one of our reporters was on hand to see things and take some pictures!
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Category > Podcast
Episode 8 of the Otaku News Podcast is now live! Our intrepid podcasters return with some news on new licenses and online manga closures. We review Persona 4 The Animation, Thermae Romae and Heroman. Cromartie High School takes its place in the hall of fame and then it all goes a bit freeform with mentions of doujinshi and WiiU's new Street View app.
Rumour control - since recording, MVM have confirmed they are putting out Another here in the UK.
Download Otaku News Podcast Episode 8
MP3 File:
16.2 MB
35 minutes
[Direct Download] [Torrent]
Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
Disagree with us? Suggestions? Ideas? Contact us!
Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at
You can also get the following episodes here -
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
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Category > Anime
DAISUKI, a Japanese video streaming service for anime fans outside Japan, announces in multiple emails that their service will be available in the UK and Ireland.
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Category > Anime
Everything awesome happens in Tokyo. This weekend was no different, with the Tokyo International Anime Fair getting well under way (21st to 24th March 2013) - . With the new rival Anime Contents Expo the following weekend (30th and 31 March 2013), this is the time of year anime companies start to explore the idea of acquiring new licenses.
We're lucky enough to have a man in Japan for the festival and he sent us some photos of the event on Industry Day.
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Category > Anime
UK anime fans will want to head over to the BFI Southbank in London on Thursday 4th April 2013 for a very special screening of 009 Re:Cyborg. The director Kenji Kamiyama will be there for a QA session, he also directed the hugely popular Ghost in the Shell: SAC, along with Eden of the East.
If you're in the UK and can't get to London, fear not 009 Re:Cyborg will be hitting UK cinemas in June 2013. It'll be released by new anime company on the block Anime.Ltd.
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Category > Anime
UK anime fans will be pleased to hear that Film4 will be showing a season of wonderful Studio Ghibli Films. The season is timed for the Easter break and includes plenty of screenings on the free to air channel. The movies are set to run from Tuesday 26th March - Saturday 13th April 2013.
We updated the Otaku Calendar with all the details over the weekend.
The Oscar winning Spirited Away is the first film showing on Tuesday 26th March at 6.30pm.
You can view Film4 on:
Film 4 is on:
Free View: Channel 15
Freesat: Channel 300
Sky: Channel 315
Virgin: Channel 428
Virgin HD: Channel 429
Don't forget Film 4 +1 as well.
Freesat: Channel 301
Sky: Channel 316
Virgin: Channel 430
Souce: Film4
Category > Current Affairs
Readers will be sad to hear that manga industry pioneer Toren Smith passed away on Tuesday March 5th 2013.
We could write an obituary about the man who brought manga to the English speaking world, but we don't have the words. We suggest you read the one written by Jonathan Clements.
We've never had the privilege of meeting Toren. For many of us, ourselves included, his work were fundamental in discovering the world of anime and manga.
The news was first broken on Twitter and Anime News Network.
Souce: James Hudnall\'s Blog
Category > Anime
UK Studio Ghibli Fans will be pleased to hear that Studio Canal will be releasing the classic Miyazaki movie Kiki's Delivery Service on Blu-ray on Monday 27th May 2013. Details are not yet up on the Studio Canal website. You can pre-order the title from
The title will also be released in Australia by Madman on Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
Souce: Otaku Calendar
Category > Podcast
Episode 7 of the Otaku News Podcast is now live! The Otaku News Podcast gang is back to look at some recent news, cast their eyes over some new anime from the Winter 2013 seasons along with some anime based video games. In a new segement we discuss if simulcasting is helping or hurting the anime industry and Eden of the East goes into the Hall Of Fame.
Download Otaku News Podcast Episode 7
MP3 File:
17.2 MB
37 minutes
[Direct Download] [Torrent]
Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
Disagree with us? Suggestions? Ideas? Contact us!
Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at
You can also get the following episodes here -
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
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