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Psycho-Pass Complete Series One Collection DVD and Blu-ray UK Release Details

Date: 2014 August 27 14:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

A quick reminder to UK based anime fans who will be excited to hear about Manga Entertainment UK's upcoming release of Psycho-Pass Complete Series One Collection. The whole series is being released on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday 1st September 2014.

You can pre-order Psycho-pass Complete Series One Collection from on DVD and Blu-ray.

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AmeChibi Sells Out In 6 Hours

Date: 2014 August 25 14:51 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK anime fans will not be surprised to hear that Mini Anime Convention AmeChibi 2015 has hit it's registration limit of 500 people in 6 hours of opening their website for registration. The website enabled registration at midday on 25th August 2014, and by 6pm on the same day the limit had been reached.

We did say to book early to avoid disappointment. Those who have not yet registered can be added to the wait list, and put in the queue for any cancelled registrations.

The convention is going to be a smaller less crowded affair, with the event highlighting "the smaller size means a cosier venue, with less of that pesky walking around".

Souce: AmeCon Website

Howl's Moving Castle Today's Google Doodle

Date: 2014 August 16 07:55 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Fans of Ghibli will be pleased to note that today's Google Doodle in the UK is Diana Wynne Jones, the author of Howl's Moving Castle. The doodle celebrates what would be her 80th birthday. The doodle features Micheal, Calcifer and Sophie sitting around the fireplace. As square on the door rotates, and the door opens and closes changing location.

Souce: Google UK

AmeChibi 2015 Registration Details

Date: 2014 August 16 07:21 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based anime fans will be pleased to hear the news sent to us from the good folks from AmeCon. They've already announced that AmeChibi will be running from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th April 2015 in Nottingham. Now they've just revealed when registration will be open/

On Monday 25th of August 2014 at midday, they'll accept registrations. So get ready, as with events like this once they've sold out, that's it. We advise on booking early to avoid disappointment.

Update: AmeCon have confirmed the mini con will be limited to 500 places. So do book early.

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Studio Ghibli to close down (or is it?)

Date: 2014 August 03 17:16 | Posted By:

Category > Production > Studio Ghibli

The internet has lit up with the news that Studio Ghibli is to close down. Being the internet it's also full of misinformation. According to sources, Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki said on the MBS Channel that they're restructuring Studio Ghibli. They are considering closing animation department. Many speculators in the industry are not surprised by this.

Kotaku have a good analysis of the story and it's details. As they correctly point out, an event like Studio Ghibli closing down would be all over Japanese News sources. Currently it is not.

Update: We've changed the source of this article to Kotaku, as they have a great analysis of what's going on.

Read More... | Souce: Kotaku

Ghost in the Shell UK Cinema and Limited Edition Blu-Ray Steelbook Release Details

Date: 2014 July 28 15:09 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

UK Anime fans will be pleased to hear the news that Manga Entertainment UK have sent us. We've been told as it's the 25th anniversary since the original Masamune Shirow manga was released, the film will receive a limited theatrical run at select Picturehouse Cinemas from 27th September 2014. Following on from that on Monday 29th September the movie will get a HD Blu-ray release with a bonus 22-page booklet, in a limited edition steel book. Fans will note that this the first time the original movie has had a high-def release in the UK.

The limited edition Steelbook is available to pre-order now from the now.

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Hyper Japan Event Reminder - July 2014

Date: 2014 July 24 17:04 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Fans of Japan looking for something to do this weekend will want to head over to Earl's Court for Hyper Japan. The Japanese Culture event is set to run in London from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th July 2014. As we've mentioned before, there's lots to see and do this weekend.

Souce: Hyper Japan

Anime director Shingo Natsume to be guest of honour at MCM Scotland Comic Con 2014

Date: 2014 July 18 15:47 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've already mentioned that the MCM Manchester Comic Con is about to start, but planning ahead anime fans will be interested in the MCM Scotland Comic Con set to run at Glasgow's SECC from Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th September 2014. Otaku will pleased to hear that anime director Shingo Natsume will be the guest of honour at the September event. Director has an impressive CV and is currently directing Space Dandy alongside Shinichiro Watanabe.

As always, we've added details of the event to the Otaku Calendar.

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MCM Manchester Comic Con July 2014 Details

Date: 2014 July 16 15:41 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based anime fans and geeks in general will want to head to Manchester this weekend for the MCM Manchester Comic Con. The event is set to run from Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th July 2014 at Manchester Central. Popular anime companies will be there including Manga Entertainment UK and Anime Limited will be there selling their wares.

So head over to stand number 811, to find Manga Entertainment UK, Anime Limited and MVM titles on sale.

They'll also be some voice actors at the show including Bryce Papenbrook (who'll be voicing Eren in Attack on Titan), DC Douglas, along with Vic Mignogna who is best known as voicing Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist (he's voiced loads).

Plus the MCM Manchester Comic Con will play host to the EuroCosplay Championships where on Saturday one talented person will be selected to represent the UK for the 2014 finals.

You can download the official show guide here.

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Hyper Japan Event Details - July 2014

Date: 2014 July 03 15:28 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based fans of Japanese culture including anime, manga, food, J-Pop, cosplay and more traditional things will want to head to London on Friday 25th to Sunday 27th July 2014 for Hyper Japan.

The annual J-culture event returns promising to be it's biggest Hyper Japan yet.

It'll have all sorts of fun things to see and do. Including a game and anime park, fringe market, a section of pure kawaii, plus much more!

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Fairy Tail The Movie: Phoenix Priestess UK DVD and blu-ray release details

Date: 2014 July 01 15:15 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

UK Anime fans of the Fairy Tail series will be pleased to hear the news from Manga Entertainment UK. They've sent us details of the upcoming movie release on DVD and blu-ray. Fairy Tail The Movie: Phoenix Priestess will be released on Monday 28th July 2014.

You can pre-order the blu-ray or DVD from

Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

An interview with Blue Exorcist Movie Staff Takamitsu Inoue and Atsushi Takahashi

Date: 2014 June 04 16:59 | Posted By:

Category > Features

A few weeks ago two of the production staff behind the Blue Exorcist Movie were visiting the May 2014 MCM London Comic Con. They were there to promote Manga Entertainment's UK release and catch up with fans. We were lucky enough to meet and interview Takamitsu Inoue the film's Producer and Atsushi Takahashi the director.

Read More... | Souce: Otaku News

Netflix licenses Harlock CG film for all territories

Date: 2014 May 24 12:55 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Netflix announces streaming rights have been acquired for 2013 Captain Harlock CG feature film.

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Anime Limited licence Wings of Honneamise

Date: 2014 May 22 15:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK anime distributor licenses classic 1980's anime feature film from Studio GAINAX and directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga.

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Sailor Moon Now Streaming on Hulu and Hulu Plus

Date: 2014 May 19 15:56 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

North American based readers who are fans of classic anime Sailor Moon will be pleased to hear that you can now watch it streaming on Hulu and Hulu Plus. VIZ Media will premiere SAILOR MOON Episodes 1-4 (subbed) today on its free

Those readers outside North America will note that the streams are geo-locked. So you'll have to find your own local legal rights holder to watch Sailor Moon.

Read More... | Souce: Viz Media

VIZ Media US licences entire Sailor Moon anime library

Date: 2014 May 17 16:19 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

VIZ Media announce the licensing of the Sailor Moon animated library for streaming and home video release in North America.

Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network

Patema Inverted Quad Poster Give Away

Date: 2014 May 17 13:34 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Patema Inverted is out now in selected cinemas across the UK. To celebrate, we've got a very nice quad poster of the anime film to give away. What's a quad poster? Well film buff would already know, it's the standard size poster used in UK cinemas to promote films. They are 40 inches by 30 inches in landscape format.

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Ghost In The Shell Blu-ray - Limited Edition Steelbook now available for pre-order from Amazon UK

Date: 2014 May 14 16:34 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

UK anime fans keen to get their hands on the hi-def release of the original Ghost in the Shell Movie, will be pleased to hear that are now taking pre-orders for the title on blu-ray. The limited edition steelbook is due out on Monday 29th September 2014.


Patema Inverted UK Kickstarter funded in 5 hours

Date: 2014 May 07 16:08 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Once again Anime Limited have proved to be masters of the Kickstarter Campaign, by meeting their crowdfunding target for the definitive edition of Patema Inverted in 5 hours! Not 5 weeks, or even 5 days, but 5 hours! As a result, they've had to add extra rewards too.

The movie is also now out at select UK cinemas. So check out for a screening near you.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Limited

The Anime Encyclopedia, 3rd Revised Edition release details

Date: 2014 May 07 15:01 | Posted By:

Category > Retail

Anime expert Jonathan Clements has just updated his website revealing that The Anime Encylopedia will have a third edition and is schedule for publication in December 2014.

The popular book written by Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy has been expanded with over 1,000 new entries, over 4,000 updates and corrections. This book is one of those amazing multiple purpose references. If you're an anime fan you should own a copy. If you're an academic it's essential. If you're running a website dedicated to news for fans of Japan (just like this one), you'll already have the first and second editions and regularly use them to fact check and research, so you'll be keen to get your hands on the third edition.

You can pre-order the book from and Remember that Amazon's pre-order price promise means you'll also pay the lowest price offered by Amazon, so if the price dips between now and when it's released, you'll only pay the lowest price.

Souce: Jonathan Clements Website - Schoolgirl Milky Crisis

Ghost in the Shell UK Limited Edition Blu-ray Steel book details

Date: 2014 May 03 10:31 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good people from Manga Entertainment UK have just sent us some more news about the up coming release of Ghost In the Shell on Blu-ray. They'll be releasing the original film in hi-def (not the 2.0 version), on a worldwide exclusive limited edition steel book. Manga Entertainment UK have proved very popular with fans with their previous releases of Akira and Ninja Scroll on Blu-ray.

Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

Dragon Ball Season 1 UK DVD Competition

Date: 2014 May 02 19:09 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

UK based anime fans will be pleased to hear that the good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have given us one copy of Dragon Ball Season 1 on DVD to give away.

Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

Anime Limited launch Kickstarter campaign for Patema Inverted UK Definitive Edition

Date: 2014 April 28 14:44 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good folks from Anime Limited have sent us details of their soon to run Kickstarter. This is to enable the company to produce a definitive edition of the movie for UK home release.

The film will be hitting select UK cinemas from Friday 2nd May 2014.

Producing an ultimate edition like this with so many awesome extras can be risky, as it can be hard to gauge the demand for this kind of release. Launching a Kickstarter is a sensible way to figure out the demand. Anime Limited are not new to Kickstarter. They recently ran a hugely successful campaign for Mai Mai Miracle, that smashed stretch goal after stretch goal.

Read More... | Souce: Patema Inverted Kickstarter

Anime Limited hints at possible licence for Giovanni No Shima

Date: 2014 April 23 04:48 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Twitter rep for Anime Limited drops hint of possible licence confirmation of Production I.G. theatrical film

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Hyper Japan 2014 Event Details

Date: 2014 April 17 17:07 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based fans of Japanese culture will be excited to hear about the return of Hyper Japan. The popular event which celebrates everything J-Culture related, including Japanese street fashion, cosplay, anime, manga, Japanese cuisine and of course the more traditional side of Japanese culture is back at London's Earl's Court One.

The event is set to run from Friday 25th July to Sunday 27th July 2014.

Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan

Attack on Titan UK DVD and Blu-ray release details

Date: 2014 April 11 14:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have sent us details about the UK DVD and blu-ray release of this fan favourite. We've been told that Attack on Titan Part 1 will be coming to DVD, Blu-ray and as a Blu-ray Deluxe Collector's Edition package on 15th September 2014. Part 1 will include episodes 1-12 of the series.

We interviewed WIT Studio the company behind the Attack on Titan anime at the October 2013 MCM London Comic Con.

For UK anime fans who can't wait, you can always watch it (legally) on Crunchyroll.

You can pre-order the Attack on Titan blu-ray or DVD from Amazon UK.

Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

MCM London Comic Con May 2014 Exclusive Pre-order T-shirt from Genki Gear

Date: 2014 April 10 16:47 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

It's almost time for the big MCM London Comic Con in May. The event is set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2014. As is tradition super t-shirt company Genki Gear have produced a special exclusive design for the event. The theme this time around is a Teeny Tiny Ninja!

It's available as a limited edition pre-order only from the 7th April until the 16th May at for £16.99. There is also a subtle design change with the MCM logo on the arm this time around.

Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear

Pirate Anime FAQ Updated

Date: 2014 April 06 10:27 | Posted By:

Category > Websites

The Pirate Anime FAQ is regarded as essential reading. We've just done a minor update adding a section about Anime Conventions and similar events to it. Geeky events like this are a great place to buy stuff from, but we urge caution as some will have excellent policies in place to stop dealers from selling pirate goods. Other events we are aware of however will not have any policy or if they do not enforce it. Often their concern is if they've sold enough tables to make a good profit. This does not just apply to small events. Bigger events also have this problem too.

Souce: Pirate Anime FAQ

First MCM Ireland Comic Con Details - April 2014

Date: 2014 April 03 15:30 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Irish Anime fans in Dublin are in for a treat on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April 2014 as that's when the first ever MCM Ireland Comic Con is set to run at Dublin's RDS.

The event regularly attracts huge crowds around the UK and this April it's Dublin debut marks it's first time in Ireland. Anime fans will be well catered for with two top voice actors - Maile Flanagan, the voice of Naruto, and Bryce Papenbrook, who plays Eren Yeager in Attack On Titan. Plus lots of cosplay goodness including a masquerade.

Read More... | Souce: MCM Ireland Comic Con

Ghost In the Shell UK Release Details - ARISE and Original Movie

Date: 2014 March 30 17:24 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

UK anime fans of Ghost in the Shell will be pleased to hear the latest news from Manga Entertainment UK.

We've been told that the latest incarnation of the Major's adventures, Ghost in the Shell: ARISE will be released in the UK. At this time they're unable to confirm any details. London based fans will be able to catch ARISE at the BFI in May.

They've also stated that later this year, the original movie of Ghost in The Shell will be released as a Limited Edition Blu-ray Steelbook (to clarify, this is the original version of the film, not the "2.0" version.) More details will be made available on this soon. Anime fans have been screaming out for a blu-ray release of the original version of the hugely influential movie. The 2.0 version of the film replaced the original computer graphics with more current CGI and proved to have a mixed receiption. Fans just wanted the original movie in hi-def, the one they first saw on the big screen.

Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

Anime Weekend at the BFI Southbank in London - May 2014

Date: 2014 March 25 17:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Anime fans are already in for a treat at the BFI Southbank as we've covered before the news on their complete Studio Ghibli retrospective, which includes the latest Ghibli Movie The Wind Rises. Wanting to show even more anime, the BFI Southbank run biennial Anime Weekend, and it's running this year on from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th May 2014. They've got an amazing line up and a bit of something for everyone.

They'll be showing Ghost in the Shell Arise Part 1: Ghost Pain, and the UK Premiere of Part 2: Ghost Whispers (on Friday 16th May).

They'll also be showing Patema Inverted, Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, the European Premiere of Tiger and Bunny: The Rising, One Piece: Strong World, plus Blue Exorcist: The Movie.

We haven't seen all these films, but we really do want to see them all. Especially Ghost in the Shell Arise and the latest Evangelion Movie.

Read More... | Souce: BFI Southbank

Anime Limited Announce Space Dandy Season 2 for July 2014

Date: 2014 March 24 17:59 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good folks from anime company Anime Limited have just announced that the second season of Space Dandy will be broadcast from July 2014. Details of the series including episode count are yet to be confirmed. What is confirmed that it will be streamed, dubbed and subbed in in July via

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Ranma 1/2 US High definition release details

Date: 2014 March 18 16:10 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Anime fans after a true classic will be very pleased to hear about the new high definition release of Ranma 1/2 on blu-ray and DVD. The good folks from Viz Media have sent us details about the up coming release. The title is due to hit the shelves on March 25th 2014.

Volume 1 will feature everyone's favourite cursed gender bending boy, in original Japanese broadcast order.

You can see footage of the original release vs. this current High Def release and Blu-ray set Debut.

Pre-order Blu-ray from
Pre-order DVD from

Read More... | Souce: Viz Media

A look at the local Australian anime section

Date: 2014 March 12 17:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We've highlighted before to our UK readers how they're connected to the Australian anime market. So today we'd thought we should share you with you an example of how established the market is down under.

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The Wind Rises Review

Date: 2014 March 05 03:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

While Hayao Miyazaki's latest offering The Wind Rises awaits it's special UK preview on Wednesday 23rd April 2014, it is currently being shown in the US and Australia. We were lucky enough to catch a screening in English recently.

Here's our review of the film.

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Patema Inverted UK Cinema Screening Details

Date: 2014 March 05 01:13 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK based anime fans looking for some cinema action will be pleased to hear about the up coming release of Pateman Inverted. The film debuted in the UK as part of the Scotland Loves Anime Screenings, and will be released in cinemas on Friday 2nd May 2014. Anime Limited will be bringing it to the big screen.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Limited

HMV Exclusive Version of Blood C: The Last Dark announced on Blu-ray and DVD

Date: 2014 February 28 20:44 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

The good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have sent us some details about a HMV exclusive version of Blood C: The Last Dark. The title is due out on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday 24th March 2014.

The HMV Exclusive version of Blood C: The Last Dark will be a double play, containing the film both on DVD and Blu-ray, come with a slip cover, a poster and 4 art cards containing visuals from the film.

Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

BFI Southbank launch complete Studio Ghibli feature film retrospective, including a preview of The Wind Rises.

Date: 2014 February 20 15:34 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK fans of Studio Ghibli will be very pleased to hear the news we've been sent from the good folks at the BFI. From April to May 2014 the BFI Southbank will launch complete Studio Ghibli feature film retrospective, including a preview of The Wind Rises. They'll be celebrating the Studio's 30th Anniversary.

They'll also be showing a preview of Hayao Miyazaki's The Wind Rises. The latest film he's directed and likely to be his last as he says he's retired from film making. The Wind Rises will be screened on a special preview on Wednesday 23rd April 2013.

If you haven't seen a Studio Ghibli feature on the big screen before, we strongly suggest you do. It's a special treat to see these films as they're intend on the big screen!

Read More... | Souce: BFI Southbank

Mai Mai Miracle UK and US Release Kickstarter Update

Date: 2014 February 08 15:24 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The big news in anime circles this week has been from Anime Limited and their Kickstarter campaign to bring Mai Mai Miracle to home video.

Within the first 18 hours the Kickstarter hit it's $30K (USD) funding goal. So now they're going for a stretch goal. If they hit the goal of $60K, they'll be able to fund a dub. At the time of writing (with 26 days left on the Kickstarter), they have reached just over $54K. You can keep up to date with news about the Kickstarter here or check out Anime Limited's own website.

Souce: Mai Mai Miracle Kickstarter

Space Dandy UK DVD and blu-ray release details

Date: 2014 February 08 15:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

For UK anime fans who have been watching Space Dandy on Wakanim you'll already know that it's due out on DVD and blu-ray on 24th November 2014. have just started to take pre-orders for the DVD and blu-ray.


Anime Limited launch Kickstarter campaign for Mai Mai Miracle

Date: 2014 February 03 14:20 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

After spending a few days teasing followers to guess, Anime Limited have announced the details of their Kick Starter Campaign to bring Mai Mai Miracle to the UK and US.

The film has yet to get any English speaking territory home video release, only being shown occasionally at anime film festivals. We first discovered the film at a Barbican Screening in 2009 and were immediately fans. It's made by Mad House, the studio well know for hight quality releases. The film itself has that nostalgic Ghibli like feel to it, with it's own touch of whimsy. We've been wondering why it hasn't had an English language blu-ray or DVD release yet, and we always recommend people see it if they can. It's one of those rare must see family movies.

Anime Limited are aiming to bring it on blu-ray to both the UK and US! For us this is a no brainer. This is a case of shut up and take my money.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Limited

Otaku News Podcast Omake 1

Date: 2014 January 20 15:33 | Posted By:

Category > Podcast

Spike and Colin try a different kind of podcast in the first Omake Podcast. We didn't want to record a proper show without Rebecca (who is relocating for work) so we decided to just talk for a while about a few different topics. Colin bores the pants off Spike talking about the newly announced Persona games, we look at the first episode of Seitokai Yakuindomo* and then theres a long discussion about mech shows. As this is the first time we've done this, we would like some feedback. Maybe you preffered this to the normal structured podcast. Let us know at or on Twitter at

MP3 File:
43.3 MB
47 minutes 01 second

[Direct Download] [Torrent]

Contact the Podcast crew at:
or reach us via Twitter at @OtakuNewsCast
Disagree with us? Suggestions? Ideas? Contact us!

Note general site enquiries should go as usual to Joe at

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Anime Limited announce 2014 DVD and Blu-ray release schedule

Date: 2014 January 13 16:14 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good folks from UK anime company Anime Limited have just unvealed their 2014 release line up.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Limited

Space Dandy streams for free on Wakanim

Date: 2014 January 07 15:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK based anime fans wanting to see the new sci-fi space comedy Space Dandy should head over to Wakanim now to enjoy it. The show has just started to stream with both the sub and dubbed versions available on-line. The show is directed by Shinichiro Watanabe who also directed Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Kids on the Slope. We caught up with him at the May MCM London Comic Con where he mentioned the show.

Souce: WakAnim

Looking back over 2013 with Otaku News

Date: 2013 December 31 11:39 | Posted By:

Category > Current Affairs

We don't normally do retrospective articles like this, but we thought it would be interesting to look back over the year that was 2013. February 2014 will mark 10 years of Otaku News. The last 12 months we've managed to cover a lot of interesting things and it'll be fun to go over all the events we were able to bring you in 2013.

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Wolf Children UK DVD Competition

Date: 2013 December 20 17:56 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK based anime fans will be pleased to hear that the good folks from Manga Entertainment UK have given us two copies of Wolf Children to give away. The film is directed by Mamoru Hosoda, who also directed Summer Wars and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK

Christmas 2013 at Fosse Farm the Home of Alice from Kinmoza

Date: 2013 December 19 15:52 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

Without doubt one of our most popular articles this year was our on location coverage of Fosse Farm - Alice Cartalet's house from Kinmoza. Key scenes in the anime set in England used Fosse Farmhouse as Alice's house.

Caron Cooper who owns and runs the B&B has just got in touch with us to let us know about a special Christmas offer for Otaku news readers -

Double or twin bedrooms in The Stables Cottage (Alice and Shino's Hanafuda house) £99.00 per room per night B&B.

Available from 20/12/2013 - 26/12/2013 inclusive.

Plus a few spaces remaining for our delicious 4 course Christmas Day lunch at £48.00 per person.

Please email for further details/booking.

Of course if you can't make it to Fosse Farm over Christmas, they do take bookings around the year too!

Souce: Fosse Farm

New trailer for upcoming Kiki's Delivery Service live action movie

Date: 2013 December 13 11:42 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

I've just heard off the social grapevine that a new trailer is out for the live action version of Kiki's Delivery Service.

Youtube reactions have been so-so. I think the colour palette looks nice, and Kiki's actress looks lively, but it doesn't seem to the original Ghibli soundtrack.

It opens in Japan 1st March 2014.

Watch it here

Souce: YouTube

Anime Limited licence Space Dandy TV Series

Date: 2013 December 09 18:11 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Anime Limited announces licence for new TV series from the creator of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.

Read More... | Souce: Anime Limited

London Anime and Manga Shopping Guide Updated

Date: 2013 December 03 17:17 | Posted By:

Category > Retail

From the feedback we've been getting a fair few of our readers are planning on heading into London over Christmas. With this in mind we've just updated the London Anime and Manga Shopping Guide with details of updated shops. We hope this will you help you get a bit of real world otaku retail therapy!

Regardless of where you do go shopping, we always suggest some caution. There are some retailers around that are less than honest and will sell pirate goods. To help you avoid getting ripped off we suggest you read the Pirate Anime FAQ.

Souce: Otaku News

Porco Rosso Blu-ray release details and Studio Ghibli UK Steel Book details

Date: 2013 November 18 15:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Christmas as come early for many Ghibli Fans in the UK. Porco Rosso has just got a Blu-ray release in the UK. The adventures of the Crimson Pig over the Adriatic Sea is a classic Miyazaki movie. it's got all the hallmarks you'd expect, aviation, air fights, sea plane pirates and a touch of magic. It's a must see movie.

Keen readers of the Otaku Calendar will already know that Monday 25th November marks the release date of 4 Ghibli Steel Book Sets in the UK. Each set contains the movie on DVD and Blu-ray and comes in a shiny steel case featuring artwork from each film. They'll be releasing My Neighbour Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo and Nausicaa.

We're already drooling over these sets and different members of the Otaku News crew have expressed interested in different copies of these steel books. I'm dropping subtle hints to santa that I would like a copy of *cough* Totoro *cough* on Steel book, even though I've got the original Japanese DVD and UK Blu-ray releases. Yes! I am that much of a Ghibli fan. ^_^;;

Souce: Otaku Calendar

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