Date: 2006 June 26 15:15
Posted by Joe
From the country that brought you hikikomori, the Japanese now have a new kind of outcast, Rennai NEETs, (Not in Employment, Education or Training). According to Mainichi Daily News the twist with Rennai NEETs is that they enjoy being single. Apparently a survey of 3000 single Japanese men discovered that two thirds do not have a girlfriend and one third haven't had a partner for three years or more. They state that looking for a girlfriend is too much nuisance and there are limited opportunities for them to meet girls. They also mention Dragon Odawara, an artist who specialises in Rennai NEET manga.
The article goes on to explain the Psychological reasons for Rennai NEETs and then raises concern as half of Japan's men in their 30's are unmarried, and is worried that this figure will grow. Results to the Japanese economy could be disastrous in years to come, especially when you factor in the declining Japanese birthrate.