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Proud To Be An Otaku

Date: 2005 November 26 19:19

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The Scotsman are currently running a story focusing on the economic force behind the otaku. It's very similar to articles we've featured before. It explains what an otaku is, the fun places in Akihabara, including it's electronic shops, and maid cafes. It also mentions the otaku test we've covered before, along with how keen otaku are with the test.

What makes this article a bit different from a recap of all the articles featured before is a new phrase we've never read about "otaku mum", the parent of one otaku is actually into anime too and even has models of characters from her favourite movie! Now don't you wish your parents were like that? Then again, maybe not since they would only "borrow" most of your DVDs! ^_-

Source: The Scotsman
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