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Otaku Market in Japan estimated at 411 Billion Yen

Date: 2005 October 07 10:12

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According to Japan Today it is estimated that in Japan the number of consumers or as we like to call otaku is about 1.72 Million. This market has an estimated value of 411 Billion Yen and was created thanks to clients who are extremely enthusiastic about manga, anime, video games and so on.

The research done by Nomura Research Institute reveals that the largest single group consisting of 350,000 people was fanatic fans of comics, spending an estimated 83 billion yen. The second largest group consists of 280,000 people which are obsessed with celebrities spending an estimated 61 billion Yen. The other groups were 250,000 maniac travel lovers with 81 billion yen, 190,000 computer-assembling otaku with 36 billion yen and 160,000 video game otaku with 21 billion yen.

Source: Japan Today
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