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EigoManga Forms Partnership with Devil's Due Publishing

Date: 2005 July 14 06:24

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EigoManga have just sent us a press release of their latest announcement.

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CHICAGO, IL - eigoMANGA Ltd. and Devil's Due Publishing have announced a new publishing partnership, beginning this December.

Starting December 2005, eigoMANGA's flagship publication series, RUMBLE PAK and SAKURA PAKK will be released to comic book stores and retail chain bookstores under the DDP banner. Both publications, previously released through eigoMANGA's own label, will reset with a new line up of original stories. RUMBLE PAK is an ongoing anthology of action oriented, fantastical stories aimed at the male demographic; its sister title is SAKURA PAKK, a "shojo" series aimed at the female audience.

eigoMANGA is an underground phenomenon in Anime and Manga circles, and has its hands in a number of potential developments that rival that of larger corporations. Devil's Due President Joshua Blaylock was turned onto them through a mutual business partner. "I've been impressed with the drive and energy of Austin Osueke since we met a few months ago," says Blaylock. "That drive has put eigoMANGA on the map through promotions at anime conventions across the country, and I hope we can work together to create some great entertainment".

"I'm very excited about working with Devil's Due", states Austin Osueke CEO and Publisher of eigoMANGA. "It'll enable eigoMANGA's comics to reach a higher level of excellence and quality working with an industry leader. For the first time, our brand and comics will be in a strong position to effectively and consistently compete against other US manga publishers".

"Devil's Due will help us penetrate new markets and a larger comic book audience like never before. Plus we'll be one of their main vehicles to produce and release original manga works. It's a win-win opportunity for both of us", states Osueke.

About eigoMANGA Ltd.

Founded in August 2000, eigoMANGA Ltd . is an independent media and publishing company committed to developing, producing and marketing original American "manga," or Japanese-influenced comic books and graphic novels. eigoMANGA Ltd's integrated media offerings include anime-themed television programming and anime-themed live events.


Devil's Due Publishing was formed in 1999 as both a commercial art studio and a small press comic book publisher. DDP's first breakout success was 2001's revamp of G.I. JOE, returning the long-lost 1980s characters to comics. Fans bought over 100,000 copies per month, immediately propelling G.I. JOE to the top of the charts. Today, DDP's lineup includes Army of Darkness, Street Fighter, Hack/Slash, Dragonlance Chronicles, Forgotten Realms, and the Aftermath universe, an imprint featuring super-powered heroes in titles Defex, Breakdown,
Blade of Kumori and Infantry.

Source: EigoManga
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