The Maids of England
Date: 2011 August 07 12:43
Posted by Joe
We've been sent details from the Maids of England (cleverly named as they're abbreviated as MOE). They'll be at Ayacon on 19th to 22nd August 2011. They'll also be running events every 2 to 3 months in London.
Plus they're also available for events to run a full maid cafe or a simple bake sale.
Their next event is on Saturday 3rd of September 2011 at Cafe VN, there are two time slots 12:00 - 4:00pm and 4:00pm - 8:00pm tickets are £7 in advance and £10 on the door. More details can be found on their Facebook page.
Full Story
Press release as follows:
Maids of England - Press Release
The Maids of England Café is a fusion Japanese and English maid & butler café. One that has uniquely incorporated and embraced the exceptional and distinguished beauty of both cultures.
The Maids of England developed their name from the Japanese word most popular with the kawaii generation in Japan: MOE. This word MOE means to be in bloom, or a burning desire and passion for someone usually an anime character. MOE is a word that the Maids of England use for their identity, they feel that all their costumers should be able to recognize the beauty in a M.O.E maid or butler blooming.
The Maids of England Café creates dishes, based on enriched and popular Japanese and English foods. Dishes like the Japanese cuisine mélange Omu Rice and signature dessert like Coffee Cool-Kiss.

M.O.E was originally inspired by the success of English styled maid cafes in Japan; especially the maid cafes located in Akihabara, Tokyo. But we have taken the purely service based idea and broadened it to be an entertainment experience. In most maid cafés the uniforms are the basic black and white French maid uniform. Our uniforms are vibrant and help with the role play aspect. The M.O.E maids use role-playing to engage their audience, basing their characters on famous anime and manga stereotypes. Such as the "Tsundere" character trait: depicted as hostile in the beginning but warms up to you and does not want you to leave. Or the neko type; small and sweet but helplessly clueless! The aim being to being two dimensional characters to life, we call it 2.5D. Guests are able to choose which Maid or Butler they wish to serve them before being seated.
Combined with serving the guests that come to an M.O.E event, the maids of M.O.E also provide spectacular entertainment; from popular Japanese otkau culture dances like Renai Circulation, to Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) songs like, The World is Mine and Magnet. The maids of M.O.E also combine their graceful Anglo-Japanese maid service with games to heighten interaction with the guests that visit. Mini Jenga and Connect 4 as examples. Winning a game will result in a prize in the form of an art sketch or home made cupcake.

While photography is prohibited at the events, guests can buy a ticket to get a chekki. This is a Polaroid snapshot of the guest with a maid of their choice, the maid will then decorate the chekki with stickers and write a message for the guest.
The events are held at Cafe VN,144 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5DP. They will run every 2-3 months. M.O.E also attends various other events and conventions, with either a full cafe service or, a simple bake sale. We will be attending Ayacon 19-22 Aug.
Contact details:
Twitter: @maidsofengland
Source: Maids of England