Manhua Artist Benjamin June 2009 London Signing
Date: 2009 June 05 17:26
Posted by Joe
London based fans of Chinese Manhua should head over to Orbital Manga on Friday 26th June 2009, from 5pm to 7pm. Artist Benjamin, will be demonstrating his excellent technique, and will be signing copies of his books, including limited edition landscape-format hardback of "Orange", his latest lavish art book "Flash", Chinese Youth, Remember, One Day (in French) and Images and Prints on the day of the signing.
Full Story
Press release as follows:
Orbital Manga is hosting a rare and exclusive signing with Manga Artist BENJAMIN (writer and artist for the stunning manga book "Orange" by Tokyopop)
Benjamin is a phenomenal mainland China artist, whose stunning digital art adorns in his Art Book Xiao Pan's, "FLASH". His artistic style really catches the eye, and every panel in "Orange" is painted, brush style in colour with great detail.
He'll be demonstrating his remarkable technique and signing copies of his books including the limited edition landscape-format hardback of "Orange", his latest lavish art book "Flash", Chinese Youth, Remember, One Day (in French) and Images and Prints on the day of the signing.
Friday 26th June 5pm - 7pm
Source: Orbital Manga